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You can find all the code for this chapter here

In the previous chapter, you saw how to store values in order. Now, we will look at a way to store items by a key and look them up quickly.

Maps allow you to store items in a manner similar to a dictionary. You can think of the key as the word and the value as the definition. And what better way is there to learn about Maps than to build our own dictionary?

Write the test first

In dict_test.go

package main

import "testing"

func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
	dict := map[string]string{"test": "this is just a test"}

	got := Search(dict, "test")
	want := "this is just a test"

	if got != want {
		t.Errorf("got %s want %s given, %s", got, want, "test")

Declaring a Map is somewhat similar to an array. Except, it starts with the map keyword and requires two types. The first is the key, which is written inside the []. The second is the value, which goes right after the [].

The key is special. It can only be a comparable type. Comparable types are explained in depth in the language spec. But the simple version is:

  • boolean
  • numeric
  • string
  • pointer
  • channel
  • interface types
  • structs that contain comparable types
  • arrays that contain comparable types

if you don't know what some of these are yet, don't worry. We will get to them later in the book.

The value, on the other hand, can be any type you want. It can even be another Map.

Everything else in this test should be familiar.

Try to run the test

By running go test the compiler will fail with ./dict_test.go:8:9: undefined: Search.

Write the minimal amount of code for the test to run and check the output

In dict.go

package main

func Search(dict map[string]string, word string) string {
	return ""

Your test should now fail with a clear error message

dict_test.go:12: got want this is just a test given, test

Write enough code to make it pass

func Search(dict map[string]string, word string) string {
	return dict[word]

Getting a value our of a Map is the same as getting a value out of Array map[key].


Our test output wasn't very clear. Let's make a small change to increase readability and extract our assertion.

func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
	dict := map[string]string{"test": "this is just a test"}

	got := Search(dict, "test")
	want := "this is just a test"

	assertStrings(t, got, want)

func assertStrings(t *testing.T, got, want string) {

	if got != want {
		t.Errorf("got '%s' want '%s'", got, want)

With this in place our failing test looks a lot clearer dict_test.go:12: got '' want 'this is just a test'.

I also decided to get rid of the given piece. That way this assertion is more generally useful.

Write the test first

The basic search was very easy to implement, but what will happen if we supply a word that's not in our dictionary?

We actually get nothing back. This is good because the program can continue to run, but there is a better approach. The function can report that the word is not in the dictionary. This way, the user isn't left wondering if the word doesn't exist or if there is just no definition (this might not seem very useful for a dictionary.However, it's a scenario that could be key in other usecases).

func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {
	dict := map[string]string{"test": "this is just a test"}

	t.Run("known word", func(t *testing.T) {
		got, _ := Search(dict, "test")
		want := "this is just a test"

		assertStrings(t, got, want)

	t.Run("unknown word", func(t *testing.T) {
		_, got := Search(dict, "test")
		want := "could not find the word you were looking for"

		if got == nil {
			t.Error("expected to receive and error.")
		} else {
			assertStrings(t, got.Error(), want)

The way to handle this scenario in Go is to return a second argument which is an Error type.

Errors can be converted to a string with the .Error() method, which we do when passing it to the assertion. We are also wrapping assertString in an if to ensure we don't call .Error() on nil.

Try and run the test

This does not compile

./dict_test.go:18:10: assignment mismatch: 2 variables but 1 values

Write the minimal amount of code for the test to run and check the output

func Search(dict map[string]string, word string) (string, error) {
	return dict[word], nil

Your test should now fails with a much clearer error message.

dict_test.go:22: expected to receive and error.

Write enough code to make it pass

func Search(dict map[string]string, word string) (string, error) {
	def, ok := dict[word]
	if !ok {
		return "", errors.New("could not find the word you were looking for")

	return def, nil

In order to make this pass we are using an interesting property of the Map lookup. It can return 2 values. The second value being a boolean which indicates if the key was found successfully.

This property allows us to differentiate between a word that doesn't exist and a word that just doesn't have a definition.


var NotFoundError = errors.New("could not find the word you were looking for")

func Search(dict map[string]string, word string) (string, error) {
	def, ok := dict[word]
	if !ok {
		return "", NotFoundError

	return def, nil

We can get rid of the magic error in our Search function by bringing it up into a constant. This will also allow us to have a better test.

t.Run("unknown word", func(t *testing.T) {
    _, got := Search(dict, "unknown")

    assertError(t, got, NotFoundError)

func assertError(t *testing.T, got, want error) {

	if got != want {
		t.Errorf("got error '%s' want '%s'", got, want)

By creating a new helper we were able to simplify our test, and start using our NotFoundError variable so our test doesn't fail if we change the error text in the future.