Use this script with AutoHotkey ( to automatically and randomly apply transitions between still pictures (or videos) in Adobe Premiere.
- Install AutoHotkey (use link )
- Clone this repository
- Copy the .png files into C:\
- Create ‘Flat Video Transitions’ bin in Premiere ‘effects’ panel, and copy into that bin all relevant transitions
- Use Adobe ‘Automate to Sequence’ feature to place all still images on the time line
- Place time line on the beginning of the sequence
- Activate the script (hit the .ahk file)
- Use F10 for single random transityion placement and F11 for 10 in a raw
Have FUN 😊
*Note: Configure script to fit number of random transitions (current number is 32)
*Note: For completeness add several extra Zig_Zag blocks transition in the end of the bin)
*Note: Configure screen time line parameters (current time-line is 800,660, 1920, 1080)