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Equilibrium is a research and development company focused on core infrastructure for the distributed web.

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  1. pathfinder pathfinder Public

    A Starknet full node written in Rust

    Rust 641 246

  2. starknet-multisig starknet-multisig Public

    Multi-signature functionality for StarkNet

    Cairo 92 20

  3. recruitment-exercises recruitment-exercises Public

    Programming assignments for candidates

    20 14

  4. eclipse eclipse Public

    Bridging ecosystems by storing Zero-knowledge proofs of Solana votes on the Aleo blockchain.

    Rust 20 5

  5. zksync-state-reconstruct zksync-state-reconstruct Public

    Tool to reconstruct zkSync state from commit blocks published on L1

    Rust 14 5

  6. ipfs-log-rs ipfs-log-rs Public

    Rust 9 3


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