Complete data ingestion, transformation and load using Azure services.
Implementation reference from this video.
Create the .auto.tfvars
files and set the parameters as you prefer:
cp azure/config/dev.tfvars azure/.auto.tfvars
Check your public IP address to be added in the firewalls allow rules:
dig +short
The dataset is already available in the ./dataset/
directory and will be uploaded to the storage.
Create the resources on Azure:
terraform -chdir="azure" init
terraform -chdir="azure" apply -auto-approve
Trigger the pipeline to get the data into the stage filesystem:
az datafactory pipeline create-run \
--resource-group rg-olympics \
--name PrepareForDatabricks \
--factory-name adf-olympics-sandbox
If you're not using Synapse immediately, pause the Synapse SQL pool to avoid costs while setting up the infrastructure:
az synapse sql pool pause -n pool1 --workspace-name synw-olympics -g rg-olympics
The previous Azure run should have created the databricks/.auto.tfvars
file to configure Databricks.
Apply the Databricks configuration:
💡 If you haven't yet, you need to login to Databricks, which will create Key Vault policies.
terraform -chdir="databricks" init
terraform -chdir="databricks" apply -auto-approve
Once Databricks is running, execute the notebook to generate the data.
Connect to Synapse Studio.
Enter the Data blade to create a new Lake Database
using the studio and generate the tables from the transformed-data
Upload or copy the SQL test script:
az synapse sql-script create -f scripts/synapse-queries.sql -n Init --workspace-name synw-olympics --sql-pool-name pool1 --sql-database-name pool1