1--Tasks To Be Performed:
- Create a VM in the west US region
- Select the Ubuntu image for creating the VM
- Open the SSH port
- Connect to the Linux VM using the terminal 2 . Tasks To Be Performed:
- Create a Windows VM in west US region
- Open the RDP port
- Connect to it using Windows Remote Desktop 3 . Tasks To Be Performed:
- Create a VM scale set with Ubuntu as OS
- Give min VM’s as 1 and maximum as 5
- For scale-out CPU % is 75 and increase by 1 VM
- For scale-in CPU % is 25 increase by 1 VM 4 . Tasks To Be Performed:
- Create a Linux VM with Ubuntu OS
- Install Apache2 software
- Create image out of VM 5 . Tasks To Be Performed:
- Deploy a VM from the previously created image
- Open port 80 in NSG
- Start the Apache2 service in the VM
- Verify if you are able to access the website