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Refactoring of GenC: split implementation in several smaller files
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mantognini committed Sep 20, 2016
1 parent 92e4de0 commit 94ce06f
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,106 additions and 961 deletions.
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/leon/genc/Builder.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */

package leon
package genc

import purescala.Common._
import purescala.Definitions._
import purescala.Expressions._
import purescala.Types._
// NOTE don't import CAST._ to decrease possible confusion between the two ASTs

private[genc] trait Builder {
this: CConverter =>

def buildVar(id: Identifier, typ: TypeTree)(implicit funCtx: FunCtx) =
CAST.Var(convertToId(id), convertToType(typ))

def buildVal(id: Identifier, typ: TypeTree)(implicit funCtx: FunCtx) =
CAST.Val(convertToId(id), convertToType(typ))

def buildAccessVar(id1: Identifier)(implicit funCtx: FunCtx) = {
// Depending on the context, we have to deference the variable
val id = convertToId(id1)
if (funCtx.hasOuterVar(id)) CAST.AccessRef(id)
else CAST.AccessVar(id)

def buildLet(id: Identifier, value: Expr, rest1: Expr, forceVar: Boolean)
(implicit funCtx: FunCtx): CAST.Stmt = {
// Handle special case with Unit: don't create a var
if (value.getType == UnitType) convertToStmt(value) ~ convertToStmt(rest1)
else {
val (x, stmt) = buildDeclInitVar(id, value, forceVar)

// Augment ctx for the following instructions
val funCtx2 = funCtx.extend(x)
val rest = convertToStmt(rest1)(funCtx2)

stmt ~ rest

// Create a new variable for the given value, potentially immutable, and initialize it
def buildDeclInitVar(id: Identifier, v: Expr, forceVar: Boolean)
(implicit funCtx: FunCtx): (CAST.Var, CAST.Stmt) = {
val valueF = convertAndFlatten(v)
val typ = v.getType

valueF.value match {
case CAST.IfElse(cond, thn, elze) =>
val x = buildVar(id, typ)
val decl = CAST.DeclVar(x)
val ifelse = buildIfElse(cond, injectAssign(x, thn), injectAssign(x, elze))
val init = decl ~ ifelse

(x, valueF.body ~~ init)

case value =>
val x = if (forceVar) buildVar(id, typ) else buildVal(id, typ)
val init = CAST.DeclInitVar(x, value)

(x, valueF.body ~~ init)

def buildBinOp(lhs: Expr, op: String, rhs: Expr)(implicit funCtx: FunCtx) = {
buildMultiOp(op, lhs :: rhs :: Nil)

def buildUnOp(op: String, rhs1: Expr)(implicit funCtx: FunCtx) = {
val rhsF = convertAndFlatten(rhs1)
rhsF.body ~~ CAST.Op(op, rhsF.value)

def buildMultiOp(op: String, exprs: Seq[Expr])(implicit funCtx: FunCtx): CAST.Stmt = {
require(exprs.length >= 2)

val stmts = exprs map convertToStmt
val types = exprs map { e => convertToType(e.getType) }

buildMultiOp(op, stmts, types)

def buildMultiOp(op: String, stmts: Seq[CAST.Stmt], types: Seq[CAST.Type]): CAST.Stmt = {
// Default operator constuction when either pure statements are involved
// or no shortcut can happen
def defaultBuild = {
val fs = normaliseExecution(stmts, types)
fs.bodies ~~ CAST.Op(op, fs.values)

if (stmts forall { _.isPureValue }) defaultBuild
else op match {
case "&&" =>
// Apply short-circuit if needed
if (stmts.length == 2) {
// Base case:
// { { a; v } && { b; w } }
// is mapped onto
// { a; if (v) { b; w } else { false } }
val av = flatten(stmts(0))
val bw = stmts(1)

if (bw.isPureValue) defaultBuild
else av.body ~~ buildIfElse(av.value, bw, CAST.False)
} else {
// Recursive case:
// { { a; v } && ... }
// is mapped onto
// { a; if (v) { ... } else { false } }
val av = flatten(stmts(0))
val rest = buildMultiOp(op, stmts.tail, types.tail)

if (rest.isPureValue) defaultBuild
else av.body ~~ buildIfElse(av.value, rest, CAST.False)

case "||" =>
// Apply short-circuit if needed
if (stmts.length == 2) {
// Base case:
// { { a; v } || { b; w } }
// is mapped onto
// { a; if (v) { true } else { b; w } }
val av = flatten(stmts(0))
val bw = stmts(1)

if (bw.isPureValue) defaultBuild
else av.body ~~ buildIfElse(av.value, CAST.True, bw)
} else {
// Recusrive case:
// { { a; v } || ... }
// is mapped onto
// { a; if (v) { true } else { ... } }
val av = flatten(stmts(0))
val rest = buildMultiOp(op, stmts.tail, types.tail)

if (rest.isPureValue) defaultBuild
else av.body ~~ buildIfElse(av.value, CAST.True, rest)

case _ =>

// Flatten `if (if (cond1) thn1 else elze1) thn2 else elze2`
// into `if (cond1) { if (thn1) thn2 else elz2 } else { if (elz1) thn2 else elze2 }`
// or, if possible, into `if ((cond1 && thn1) || elz1) thn2 else elz2`
// Flatten `if (true) thn else elze` into `thn`
// Flatten `if (false) thn else elze` into `elze`
def buildIfElse(cond: CAST.Stmt, thn2: CAST.Stmt, elze2: CAST.Stmt): CAST.Stmt = {
val condF = flatten(cond)

val ifelse = condF.value match {
case CAST.IfElse(cond1, thn1, elze1) =>
if (cond1.isPure && thn1.isPure && elze1.isPure) {
val bools = CAST.Bool :: CAST.Bool :: Nil
val ands = cond1 :: thn1 :: Nil
val ors = buildMultiOp("&&", ands, bools) :: elze1 :: Nil
val condX = buildMultiOp("||", ors, bools)
CAST.IfElse(condX, thn2, elze2)
} else {
buildIfElse(cond1, buildIfElse(thn1, thn2, elze2), buildIfElse(elze1, thn2, elze2))

case CAST.True => thn2
case CAST.False => elze2
case cond2 => CAST.IfElse(cond2, thn2, elze2)

condF.body ~~ ifelse

def injectReturn(stmt: CAST.Stmt): CAST.Stmt = {
val f = flatten(stmt)

f.value match {
case CAST.IfElse(cond, thn, elze) =>
f.body ~~ CAST.IfElse(cond, injectReturn(thn), injectReturn(elze))

case _ =>
f.body ~~ CAST.Return(f.value)

def injectAssign(x: CAST.Var, stmt: CAST.Stmt): CAST.Stmt = {
injectAssign(CAST.AccessVar(, stmt)

def injectAssign(x: CAST.Stmt, stmt: CAST.Stmt): CAST.Stmt = {
val f = flatten(stmt)

f.value match {
case CAST.IfElse(cond, thn, elze) =>
f.body ~~ CAST.IfElse(cond, injectAssign(x, thn), injectAssign(x, elze))

case _ =>
f.body ~~ CAST.Assign(x, f.value)



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