Python lib for easy work with binary struct in Fluent API style
- Creates format string for byte structures with fluent-like code
- Create FormattedStruct's which similar to struct.Struct's, but create namedtuples on unpack
- Map unpacked values by user defined mappers functions
struct_format() # returns StructFormatter for build format string
struct_named_formatter() # returns StructNamedFormatter for build FormattedStruct
# Bytes ordering:
# Supported types:
.long() # C-long, similar to int32 !!!
.pascal_bytes() #array of bytes which first element defines array length
.ulong() #C-unsigned long, similar to uint32 !!!
.half_precision() # Python 3.6 feature
.skip_bytes(n) - skips n bytes
.skip_to_offset(offset) - skips all bytes to specified offset_
Behaviour similar to struct.Struct
pack(self, *items):
pack_into(self, buffer, offset, *items):
unpack(self, buffer):
unpack_from(self, buffer, offset=0):
iter_unpack(self, buffer):
Create format string defines bytes represents two int32 and one int64 numbers, and array of 3 bytes with little endian byte order
# [int32][int32][int64][array:[byte][byte][byte]]
import structfmt
format_string = (
.int32(2) # 2 - count of fields of type int32
print(format_string) #prints: "<2iQ"
Create formatted struct with two int32 fields and one int8 field
# [int32][int8]
import structfmt
s = (structfmt.struct_named_format("name")
.int32("width", "height") # specify names of int32 fields
.int8("color") # all names must be unique!
packed = s.pack(123, 456, 2)
unpacked = s.unpack(packed)
print(unpacked.width) # prints '123'
print(unpacked.height) # prints '456'
print(unpacked.color) # prints '2'
Create formatted struct with two int32 fields and one int8 field. Set mapper for last field
import structfmt
colors = {
1 : "Red",
2 : "Green",
3 : "Blue"
byte_to_color = lambda x: colors[x]
s = (structfmt.struct_named_format("name")
.int32("width", "height")
.int8("color", mapper=byte_to_color)
packed = s.pack(123, 456, 2)
unpacked = s.unpack(packed)
print(unpacked.width) # prints '123'
print(unpacked.height) # prints '456'
print(unpacked.color) # prints 'Green'
Parse begin of Ethernet frame, contains two Mac addresses and Frame type. Use mappers.
import structfmt
# returns string which represents MAC-address by sequence of 6 bytes
def bytes_to_mac_string(b):
hexcode = list(map(lambda x: format(x, '02x'), b))
return "{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}".format(*hexcode)
packet_types = {
0x0008: 'IPv4',
0x0091: 'VlanTagged'
# define FormattedStruct represents begin of Ethernet frame
ethernet_frame = (
.bytes("MacDestination", 6, mapper=bytes_to_mac_string)
.bytes("MacSource", 6, mapper=bytes_to_mac_string)
.int16("PacketType", mapper=lambda x: packet_types[x])
frame_in_bytes = b'\x80\x00\x20\x7a\x3f\x3e\x80\x00\x20\x20\x3a\xae\x08\x00'
decoded = ethernet_frame.unpack(frame_in_bytes)
print(decoded.MacDestination) # prints '80:a0:20:7a:3f:3e'
print(decoded.MacSource) # prints '80:6a:24:20:3a:ae'
print(decoded.PacketType) # prints 'IPv4'