EC101: Economics (2023) Autumn
Saptarshi Ghosh – Microeconomics
+ Aditi Chaubal - Macroeconomics
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Basic economic problems. resource constraints and Welfare maximizations. Nature of Economics : Positive and normative economics; Micro and macroeconomics, Basic concepts in economics. The role of the State in economic activity; market and government failures; New Economic Policy in India.Theory of utility and consumer"s choice. Theories of demand, supply and market equilibrium. Theories of firm, production and costs. Market structures. Perfect and imperfect competition, oligopoly, monopoly.An overview of macroeconomics, measurement and determination of national income. Consumption, savings, and investments. Commercial and central banking. Relationship between money, output and prices. Inflation - causes, consequences and remedies. International trade, foreign exchange and balace payments, stabilization policies : Monetary, Fiscal and Exchange rate policies.
+ +Books
+P. A. Samuelson & W. D. nordhaus, Economics, McGraw Hill, NY, 1995.A. Koutsoyiannis, Modern Microeconomics, Macmillan, 1975.R. Pindyck and D. L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, Macmillan publishing company, NY, 1989.R. J. Gordon, Macroeconomics 4th edition, Little Brown and Co., Boston, 1987.William F. Shughart II, The Organization of Industry, Richard D. Irwin, Illinois, 1990. +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Slides were not super coherent and easy to understand. You could still memorise the contents and do well in the exam, but the capacity to do that depends on the person.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+There were 2 quizzes (10% each) apart from the midsem and endsem(40% each. Macro – Midsem, Micro – Endsem). Micro and Macro prof.s had a different style of evaluation from each other. In the first half sem (Macro), the quizzes had negative marking, but in 2nd half, there were just a lot more questions with more memorization required and also attention to what was taught in class, because there was at least some thing in the Micro exam which wasn't there in the slides (prof. dependent). Attendance had no marks. Grading took place separately for all divisions. They had different prof.s and also slightly different curricula (though, they were same for the most part). No cheat sheets were allowed in the exam, as this course was mostly about memorisation. +
+ +Tips
+"Principles of Economics" by Gregory N. Mankiw (for Macro). +"Samuelson Paul A, William D. Nordhaus" , Economics (for Micro). +Preferably read the book little by little, on a regular basis.
+ + diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a55400b --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: MM225 PH XXX +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +MM225 (PH XXX): AI and Data Science (2023) Autumn
M.P. Gururajan - Probability (Meta Dept)
+ Hina Gokhale – Statistics (Meta Dept)
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+1. Programming Basics (Python programming, basic data structures in Python, Data handling, Introduction to data file i/o, Introduction to n-d arrays (numpy), Introduction to plotting (25%) 2. Introduction to Probability (25%). Sample Spaces and events Probability axioms. Properties of Probability, Counting Techniques. Random Variables. Expectations and Variances. Visualizing PDF: Point plot, PDF, CDF, histogram, binning issues in histogram. Conditional probabilities and conditional expectation. Independence. Important discrete and continuous distributions. Bivariate distributions. Visualization of relationship between two variables: bi-variate histogram, conditional PDFs. Joint Probability distributions. Multivariate Normal Distributions with the corresponding mean vectors, variance-covariance matrices and correlation matrices. 3. Hypothesis testing (5%). Type 1 and Type 2 errors. Testing for parameters of a normal distribution and for percentages based on a single sample and based on two samples. Introduction to the chi-squared test. The concept of p-value. 4. Exploratory data analysis and data visualization: Unsupervised data exploration methods: PCA, SVD, T-SNE, etc (10%) 5. Introduction to supervised learning (25%) What is learning, learning objectives. Training, validation, and testing. General linear regression with testing hypothesis for regression coefficients and model ANOVA, Comparing the performance and tests using one way / multiple way ANOVA, Classification and regression, Neural networks, CNNs. 6. Department-specific applications (10%)
+ +Books
+Principles and Techniques of Data Science, By Sam Lau, Joey Gonzalez, andDeb Nolan, 2019, available online at● Python for data analysis, Wes Mckinney, O Reilly, 2013● CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming,Jason Sanders, Nvidia, 2010● NORMAN MATLOFF. Parallel Computing for Data Science: With Examples in R,C++, and CUDA. Boca Raton: CRC Press.● Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, by Christopher Bishop, Springer 2011● The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction,Second Edition, by Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani (Springer Series inStatistics) 2016● Dive into Deep Learning by Aston Zhang, Zack C. Lipton, Mu Li and AlexanderSmola, 2020 (● Deep Learning, I. GoodFellow, Y. Benjio and A. Courville, MIT Press, 2017.● Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 5th Editionby Sheldon M. Ross (Author)● Mathematics for machine learning. Mark Deisenroth et. al., Cambridge Press,2021. +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+The biggest trouble was that after just one semester of a coding course (CS101) , everyone was expected to be good enough at coding to be able to tackle the labs without issue. After a couple of labs, they would just provide the problem name and students would have to prepare what they could, given the name of the topic. + + +The course wasn't well organized and well taught at all as it was put together in a very short amount of time. Frequent reliance on online resources for understanding course content was necessary. Content (particularly of first half sem) was nearly impossible to understand from the slides and pretty difficult to understand from the books)
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Weekly Labs (30%), two quizzes (15% each), Midsem (15%), Endsem (40% (full syllabus)). Each question carried very little individual weightage up until Endsem (where each question was worth 5% of the total, and there were 8 questions). There was no attendance. + +Though it must be kept in mind that there might be a significant difference between the new AI/DS course and MM225 – The professors will be different and the course won't take place in an LA with multiple departments. +
+ +Tips
+"Introduction to Probability" by Grinstead and Snell (first half sem) +"Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists" by Sheldon M. Ross (second half sem) +Truthfully speaking, these books aren't particularly useful either. They were just the source material. Online resources(like videos), even Wikipedia, were much better most of the time.
+ + diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aa1fcf --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 113 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 113: Oscillations and Waves (2022) Spring
Prof P. Ramadevi
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Simple Harmonic motion, damped SHM, critical damping, Sustaining oscillations in a damped oscillator. Driven oscillation, resonance, damped-driven oscillator and its resonance, Q-factor, Vanderpol oscillator, non-linear feedback for sustained oscillations. SHM in 2-dim, dependence on initial conditions, Lissajous figures, condition for closed orbits, SHM in 3-dim. Oscillations of two particle systems, symmetric and asymmetric modes, general solution to the problem. Driven oscillations of two particle system. Oscillations of `n` particle systems, normal modes, Formulation of the general problem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of normal modes, general solution for arbitrary initial conditions. Driven oscillations. Example of a linear triatomic molecule. Longitudinal and transverse oscillations, modding out the zero frequencies. Oscillations of a chain of `n` atoms. Continuum limit, vibrational modes of a string of constant density. Equation of Motion for waves, Standing waves and travelling waves in 1 dimensions. Properties of waves in two and three dimensions Harmonics, Linear superposition of harmonics, odd harmonics, construction of pulse shapes. Fourier components of a periodic pulse, Fourier analysis and Fourier coefficients. Fourier analysis of arbitrary functions, Fourier Coefficients.
+ +Books
+Berkeley Physics Course (Vol 3): Waves by Frank S. Crawford +
+ + + +Review by Gurupoorna
+ +Lectures
+Moderate level of difficulty. Since it was a half-semester course in just the 2nd semester, the professor did not involve too much mathematical jargon into it. + + There were weekly assignments including good questions, some of which were also discussed in tutorial classes, conducted by the professor herself. Requires a bit of practice in solving those questions. + + The course was very interesting and much rather beautiful.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Two quizzes, a midsemester and an endsemester. The endsemester has a higher weightage than most theory courses. The exams contain all variety of questions, from easy to tricky. However, they do tend to be lengthy. Grading was average. +
+ +Tips
+Moderate understanding of differential equations and linear algebra will guide better in concepts and lets you appreciate the subject. + + Resources that I used was Waves notes by David Morin.
+ + diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..215fcbd --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 216 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 216: Statistical Physics (2023) Spring
Prof. Dibyendu Das
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+(1) Basics of probability theory, moments, cumulants and Central limit theorem. (2) Thermodynamic equilibrium and stability, response functions and thermodynamic potentials. (3) Isolated system. Entropy and phase space volume. Micro-canonical ensemble. Ideal gas. (4) System and reservoirs. Canonical, Gibbs, and Grand Canonical ensembles. Partition function and thermodynamic connections. (5) Quantum Statistics and mixed states. Density matrix in position basis for single particle and N non-interacting Fermions and Bosons. (6) Fermi and Bose gases at High temperatures. (7) Fermi and Bose gases at low temperature, pressure, specific heat, and applications.
+ +Books
+1) Statistical Physics of particles, by Mehran Kardar (Cambridge University Press, 2007).3022402) Statistical Mechanics, by R. K. Pathria (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996).3022403) Statistical Mechanics, by Kerson Huang (John Wiley & sons, 1987). +
+ + + +Review by Shanttanu Oberoi
+ +Lectures
+The lectures were very good and explainable; Prof. had already shared all the lecture notes on moodle, which were pretty similar to the things Prof. did in the class. You won't need to go to the lectures so far away, as the notes were self-explanatory for me. Try understanding notes on your own; if you don't understand them well, then I would suggest you attend every lecture; don't be lazy like me. I would also recommend viewing Kardar lectures on the mitocw
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Quiz1- 15% +Mid-sem- 30% +Quiz2- 10% +End-sem- 45% + +All the exam questions were like that. You won't find any except 1-2 in any book. The professor handcrafted all the questions by himself. + +If you had practiced tutorials carefully, the questions wouldn't be too hard for you, the solutions of the questions sometimes become too lengthy and don't match any perfect value you were expecting or heard of, and 80% of the time your solution would be right in that case as many times you get the very messy result. Also don't target doing all the questions in the exam as time is very less comparable to the hardness of the question, try doing those questions first which you think you would be able to write neat and tidy solution +
+ +Tips
+Soft Prereq- Complex Analysis, Differential Equations, Probability, Basic Quantum Mechanics + +You should have a strong grip on all the prerequisites as they are the foundations of this course. If your Prof. is Dibyendu Das, then there won't be any benefit of solving previous years' questions as they are completely irrelevant; instead, focus more on the tutorials. I hope you will love this course as it gives a mathematical picture of the world around mainly all the thermodynamic processes happening around us
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef8c9b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 217 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 217: Classical Mechanics (2023) Autumn
Prof Nitin Kumar
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Review of Newton`s laws of motion, frames of reference, rotating frames, centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Free and constrained motion, D`Alemberts principle and Lagrange`s equation of first kind. Lagrangian formulation, Hamilton’s equation of motion. Variational principles. Canonical transformation and Poisson Bracket. Hamilton Jacobi theory and action angle variables.Periodic motion, small oscillations, normal coordinates, Central force, Kepler`s Laws and Rutherford scattering.
+ +Books
+1.011H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley 19802.011N. C. Rana and P. S. Joag, Classical Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill 19913.011L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Pergamon Press 19604.011V. I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Springer Verlag 19815.011S. N. Biswas, Classical Mechanics 1998 +
+ + + +Review by Varun Luhadia
+ +Lectures
+It was an easy course but not an interesting one. It is important also because it introduces Lagrange Principle which is applicable in various parts of Physics such as QFT and other field such as Machine Learning also. Canonical Transformations is also an important topic.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+All quizzes (Quiz 1 & Quiz 2), Midsem and Endsem were very easy. Questions were completely based on assignmens / tutorials he used to provide. He provided total 3 assignments. Every assignment had 6-7 questions which we had to submit as a pdf. Everything he taught in the lectures and asked in the exams was completely based on Goldstein. For Quizzes, 1 Cheat Sheet (both sides allowed) and for Endsem & Midsem 2 Cheat Sheets (both sides allowed). There was no attendance policy and there were no marks for attendance. Just one suggestion, ace all the important derivations and practice assignments properly. As far as I remember Quizzes had a weightage of 10 % each, 10 % of the assignments (combined), 30 % of Midsem and 50 % of Endsem. +
+ +Tips
+Classical Mechanics by Goldstein, Poole and Safko
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Course contents were conceptually on a far more difficult and rich level compared to any other course, but we were mostly taught formalism and a few toy, physical examples, so if much heed is not payed to proper mathematical phrasing and things are dealt with on a formal level, the course is quite easy to get through with flying colours. As a subject, it captures a lot of breadth not touched upon in the course and forms a basis for all the theoretical learning to be done from this point on in Physics. + + +The professor didn't do a particularly good job of explaining the contents necessary for being confident enough to do problems required even at the level of the course. The lectures were mostly just copying from the notes (which weren't shared) (which were in turn copied from Goldstein), on to the board. + + +The assignments were very simple. The exams weren't expected to be along the same lines, but they turned out to be, so class average was pretty high.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Two quizzes (15% each), Midsem (30%), Endsem (40% - full syllabus). There were compulsory assignment submissions which carried no marks. No marks for attendance, but repeated absence might get noticed (visually. Attendance isn't taken). Cheat sheet (two sided for first three exams and 4 sided for Endsem) was allowed. +
+ +Tips
+"Classical Mechanics" by Goldstein (standard reference and likely where most of what the professor is teaching is present) + +"Classical Mechanics" by John R. Taylor (great for beginners. Is not as high level as Goldstein and can be read when approaching the subject for the first time). + + +Sometimes correct/equivalent approaches might be dismissed as incorrect and sometimes incorrect approaches be adopted instead because of the maths behind the theory being a little ambiguous on the surface. For this reason, a thorough understanding of one's own solutions is required to be prepared at least before the crib sessions.
+ + diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e694921 --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 221 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 221: Analog Electronics (2023) Autumn
Prof Pradeep Sarin
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+1. Fundamentals of semiconductor of device physics 2. Electronic signal transmission in circuits in time and frequency domain 3. Operational characterization of diodes and transistors performance. 4. Use of a transistor as a switch 5. Study linear amplification mode of transistor with some applications including: a. voltage amplification b. power amplification 6. Opamps – Design characteristics 7. Typical opamp application circuits including: a. Inverting, Non-inverting voltage amplification b. Transimpedance amplifiers to measure signals from typical transducers like photo-diodes, thermocouples etc c. Instrumentation amplifier and/or Lock-in amplifier Feedback control circuit using the PID (Proportional-Integrative-Differential) algorithm
+ +Books
+MicreelectronicsJacob Millman and Arvin Grabel, McGraw-Hill Education, 2nd editionBuilding Scientific ApparatusJohn H. Moore and Cristopher C. DavisCambridge University Press011 +
+ + + +Review by Arnav Jain
+ +Lectures
+Lectures were a bit hard to follow, as voice is not very clear. However there is not a large impact of them on the labs. DO follow the labs; if you do not understand how to build and design your circuit by the steps which professor gives in the lab sheet, you will have a hard time in labs where student interaction, or TA help, or in final endsem lab. If you do not understand how to build the circuit, bug your TA or whoever near you gets it at the start of the semester to walk you through the process; do NOT copy the circuit blindly. I am stressing this as Digital Electronics has long labs where you need to be quick to build the circuit; without practice here, not only this course will be a bit iffy, the next course will suffer too. +However, it is a chill course with nicer labs. You will rarely get faulty equipment, and TAs are very lenient in grading. Just make sure to follow the warning above. +The course primarily focuses on MOSFETs and OpAmps; in our case it was roughly 50-50 both, however that is highly subject to change and expect more of OpAmps than that.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Each lab was graded, along with an endsemester circuit that spanned three labs. Overall chill, with nice grading. +
+ +Tips
+Get your hands dirty and build the circuits. DO NOT be shy in asking help from TAs in the beginning of the course itself if you are lost; the longer you stall, the harder it will be to build the skills up from scratch to the level expected.
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+The theory content had little to no bearing on what was done in the labs, and all the evaluation was done in the labs. Naturally, this meant no one cared for the theory content after a point. +The labs would never end in 3 hours for a good amount of people. They always took more time. The course content, as presented in the labs, was pretty divisive – interesting and simple for some, boring and tedious for others. +The course took up that semester's TAship slot (Wednesday 2-5 PM). +The professor was really hard to hear. +Course provided a very surface level knowledge about the subject. Any in-depth coverage and real skill gained (apart from handling some basic lab equipment) shouldn't be expected.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Weekly labs (75%) (one of the labs was Midsem). Final 3 labs comprised the Endsem and had the same objective, which took 3 labs to complete (25%) (the 25% was all for the last day, in which no TA assistance was available. The other 2 days had regular lab attendance and grading). +
+ +Tips
+Since the lectures take place in the lab, it is advisable to sit close to the professor if the content is actually to be heard and processed. Also, the explanations are too vague and students are apparently supposed to make do with them.
+ + diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..752b8e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 222 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 444: Digital Electronics and Microprocessors (2023) Spring
Prof Maniraj Mahalingam
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Digital electronics: Theory includes (1) Boolean algebra Basic gates (2) Combinational logic (3) Sequential logic (4) Finite State Machines (5) Karnaugh maps. Laboratory: Each of the theory topics is developed in a lab assignment Microprocessors: (1) Architecture of microprocessors, with focus on the hardware design and application to control of physics experiments (2) Digital input/output systems (3) analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion (4) Interrupts. Each of these concepts is developed using laboratory assignments on the Arduino microcontroller platform. Course project: Culminates in a student ideated project that combines concepts of digital electronics and microprocessors to build an electronic instrumentation system that demonstrates some physics concept, or is useful for a research experiment.
+ +Books
+1. Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications 9th editionRoger Tokheim Wiley, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2022ISBN 9781259872983 2. Digital Electronics: Principles, Devices and Applications Anil K. Maini. Wiley (2007) ISBN 978-0-470-03214-5 3. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits. Agarwal, Anant, and Jeffrey H. Lang. Elsevier, July 2005. ISBN: 9781558607354 4. Digital Integrated ElectronicsH. Taub and D. Schilling, McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0070629218 5. Arduino: A Technical Reference: A Handbook for Technicians, Engineers, and MakersJ. M. Hughes O302222Reilly (2016)ISBN: 978-1491921760 +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Lectures are not useful. However, do read them up before the theory exam, as the grading can be pedantic about the notation and the way the solution has been presented. The labs for the digital part are LONG. It is very useful to have a good practice of building circuits up, so get as much of that as you can in Analog. However, most of the weightage in the end boils down to the endsemester lab and project. Try to get the project done well. Do not leave it for the very end. Playing around with Arduino is very fun, and it is always exciting to see what all cool stuff everyone came up with! +The course is a mix of 16 credits our seniors used to have into 6; naturally there is going to something rushed, and brushed under the carpet. Labs are long and often extend past time, and are stressful too; so the first half of the course is a bit of a pain. Once microprocessor starts, it is good.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+There are a lot of things done to the point few, if at all anyone will be aware about the exact weightage. There were labs, moodle quizzes, midsemester theory, endsemester lab, project; overall very convoluted, but the major weight goes to the endsemester lab and the project. Despite all the issues the course has, the grading was atleast nice. +
+ +Tips
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d5f68a --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 223 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 223: Complex Analysis and Integral Transforms (2023) Autumn
Prof Dibyendu Das
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Part A (60% of the course): Complex analysis 12) Complex numbers z. Complex plane. Triangle inequalities. 13) Continuity, Differentiability, Continuity and existence of partial derivatives, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, pure complex function of z. 14) Analyticity. Single value. Cauchy’s theorem. Complex Taylor Series. Convergence and domains of analyticity. Order of zeros. 15) Cauchy integral formula, and derivation of Laurent Series. Calculation of Residues. 16) Meromorphic functions and order of poles, Branch singularities, Essential singularities. 17) Residue theorem. Cauchy’s argument principle. 18) Various types of contour integrals — semicircles, rectangular, conical. Case of poles on real line. 19) Branch Points and branch cuts. Integrals involving branch singular integrands. 20) Shapes of complex functions and Saddles. Darboux’s inequality. Proofs of impossibility of local maxima and minima. Impossibly of entire & bounded function. 21) Asymptotic analysis: Laplace’s method, stationary phase, and method of steepest descent. 22) Conformal Mapping and properties. Linear and Inversion map and their geometric effects on lines and circles. Application to 2d electrostatics. Logarithmic map. Homographic transformations and cross-ratio preservation. Part B (40% of the course): Function spaces, Integral transforms and some Differential equations 7. Infinite dimensional vector spaces or function spaces. Inner product, and weight function. The problem of completeness. Riemann to Lebesgue integrals, and Lebesgue space. Reisz-Fisher theorem. Bessel inequality, and Perseval’s equality. Hilbert space. 8. Weierstrass’s theorem and polynomial basis. Orthonormalization of polynomials using Schmidt method. Generalized Rogrigues’s formula and 3 classes of classical polynomials. 9. Good, fairly good, and generalized distributions (namely, Dirac delta). Continuous index basis and use of Dirac delta. Identity operator and completeness relation of polynomials. 10. Fourier series as a basis expansion. Fourier cosine and sine series. Fourier transforms. Plancherel-Parseval relations. Meaning of Fourier transforms of generalized functions like Dirac delta where Parseval relation fails. 11. Examples of Fourier transform calculations — reminding complex analysis. Transforms of derivatives and derivatives of transforms. Solving linear ODEs, and PDEs (like diffusion equation) using Fourier transform. Convolution theorem. 12. Laplace transforms. Examples. Derivatives of transforms and transforms of derivatives. Shifting properties. Solution of linear ODEs and PDEs. Convolution theorem. Inverse Laplace transforms, Bromwich integrals and contour integration.
+ +Books
+Mathematics for PhysicistsP. Dennery and A. Krzywicki Dover BooksMathematical Methods for PhysicistsG.B.Arfken and H. J. WeberElsevier Press
+ + + +Review by Arnav Jain
+ +Lectures
+Lectures are fast, but taught well. You will need to grapple with the concepts at times, as it may not be obvious to you in lectures, but a revision of notes will help. The tutorials provided are lengthy, but very satisfactory on completing. They are also a great template; most of the questions in exam are based on the questions in tutorial, with a slight twist at times. The professor also gives and explains the solutions in class, so make sure you write them down as they are very handy! The mathematics explained in this is pretty useful if one goes forward in the theoretical, and is not as rigorous as a MA course.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+Two quizzes, a midsemester and an endsemester. The endsemester has a higher weightage than most theory courses. The exams contain all variety of questions, from easy to tricky. However, they do tend to be lengthy. Grading was average. +
+ +Tips
+Consistent effort is needed for this one; it is a fast course.
+ + + +Review by Aditya Saran
+ +Lectures
+The course is really interesting and the content of this course will help you everywhere in Physics. The way of teaching of the professor is also excellent. +The best way to get good grades in this course is to solve the assignment very thoroughly.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+1st Quiz (10%) - Moderate , Midsems (25%)- Difficult, 2nd Quiz (15%) - Moderate, Endsems(50%)- Difficult +
+ +Tips
+Many a times assignment questions could be very lengthy but make sure you do all questions because the instructor makes every question so as to teach you a new concept.
+ + + +Review by Yashowardhan
+ +Lectures
+This course is extremely well lectured by Dibyendu sir, he makes classes interesting by providing useful context wherever he can and his explanations flow in a musical manner. + +His notes are very detailed and problem sets very rich with nuance and hidden learning, so going through each line of his material is paramount for absorbing everything from the course. + +This course will push your calculative skills to the max, and whilst having a theoretical understanding and overview of the content taught is useful, at the end of the day lot of practice is required to do the middling difficulty questions in his exams, which are handmade by the prof so don't expect the tutorials to be enough, as he has a habit of twisting several concepts into one question.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+1st Quiz (10%) - Moderate , Midsems (25%)- Difficult, 2nd Quiz (15%) - Moderate, Endsems(50%)- Difficult +
+ +Tips
+Do not miss lectures, he puts alot of thought into explaining during the class and its very difficult to reconstruct all of it from just the notes, although once you've understood the concepts his notes are very good. + +If you've ended up missing two lectures in a row or more, get back upto pace with class fast otherwise cramming even several days before the exam will not recover your score in his exams. + +He asks questions from even smaller topics and tends to leave no stone unturned in the exams, so build a good understanding of all topics if you're not perfect in all.
+ + + +Review by Disha Zaveri
+ +Lectures
+A really interesting course with concepts that will help build a base in understanding later topics as well. + +Professor Dibyendu Das explains concepts really well and goes into enough mathematics to give a good intuition about the topics without feeling overwhelming. However, he goes a little fast at times so it's important to pay close attention in his classes to not miss something. + +The assignments are very carefully designed, with each question highlighting different concepts. Solving them gives greater clarity and appreciation for the subject, but they can be difficult to approach at times.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+1st Quiz (10%) - Moderate , Midsems (25%)- Difficult, 2nd Quiz (15%) - Moderate, Endsems(50%)- Difficult + +1 page cheat sheets was allowed + +No attendance criteria +
+ +Tips
+Attend classes, they help give at least a basic understanding of the course and make it easier to understand the notes. + +Make sure you've solved the assignments thoroughly, and preferably on your own. The exams, especially the quizzes, will become much easier this way as most questions are similar to some in the assignment itself. + +It's important to have practice in mathematical techniques (integration, common tricks, etc) as well, because questions are often lengthy and rely on calculations once the initial concept is understood. + +Do not try and cram one day before the exam (a mistake I made too often). Consistency is key to doing well in this course. +
+ + + +Review by Sachin raj
+ +Lectures
+It was a nice course. This course is very useful especially for Physics students as almost in every branch of Physics complex integrals, integral transforms .... come
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+All quizzes, midsem and endsem exams were good. There were not any marks for attendance. All the assignments had very good questions. There were at least 15-25 questions in each assignments. Tests were closed book but cheats sheets were allowed. One cheat sheet was allowed for midsem and quizzes and two cheat sheets were allowed for endsem exam. +
+ +Tips
+Mathematical methods for Physicists by George B.Arfken and Hans J.Weber +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+The course content was taught in a fairly intuitive manner and those who were regular with their attendance and solving the assignments, benefitted the most. + + +Mathematical rigor (not to be confused with complexity) was sacrificed sometimes in order to be able to cover a broader range of topics and carry out increasingly complicated calculations. This can lead to practise having a more important role to play than understanding in some cases. + + +Professor took care not to make the assessments and assignments too easy. A decent amount of practise and good skill in algebraic manipulations was required to be able to do the questions and it was a must to have the notes in one's head completely.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+1st quiz (easy-moderate) – 10%, Midsem (most difficult) – 25%, 2nd quiz (moderate) – 15%, Endsem – 50% (moderate-difficult). +
+ +Tips
+Schaum's Outlines – Complex Variables (for up to the Contour Integrals part). + +Mathematical methods for Physicists by George B. Arfken and Hans J. Weber. + + +Doing at least one contour integral problem per day (not as easy as it sounds. Requires a remarkable level of consistency) will shed a lot of the initial burden of the course. + +The 1st quiz was arguably easier than the 2nd quiz, but people's scores on an average rose with each exam. This implies, as time went by, people started taking the course more seriously. That period needs to be cut out and the course needs to be taken seriously from the get-go. The techniques will prove to be useful and important to be proficient in, for later courses as well. + +Even those who don't have a habit of writing should write and practise the assignment problems of this course, as its main issue is not being conceptually challenging (not to imply that this challenge doesn't exist). +
+ + + + diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f51ebe --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 225 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 225: Quantum Mechanics I (2023) Autumn
Prof Ramadevi
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Review quantum ideas using wave function formalism; Linear vector spaces and Dirac bra(ket) notation; Operators, state vector approach of harmonic oscillator; Hydrogen atom; angular momentum, spin,
+ +Books
+1. Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R. Shankar 2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D. J. Griffiths 3. Modern Quantum Mechanics by J. J. sakurai 4. Quantum Mechanics by C. Cohen-Tannoudji and F. Laloe 5. Quantum Mechanics by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Lectures were fairly simple to understand. The professor was interactive and encouraged doubts and discussions. Although synchronisation of topics could have been done better. The mathematics was not difficult although it takes time to understand the new formalism. Overall it is a straightforward course that covers the introductory topics of quantum mechanics
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+2 Quizzes: 30% weightage +Misdesm : 30% +Endsem: 40% +Level of each examination was easy to moderate. Midsem and endsem included both objective and subjective questions. Marking scheme was quite lenient +
+ +Tips
+Overall it is an introductory course, covering the basic concepts and formalism of quantum mechanics. Attending the lectures will help in being on track. Doing PYQ's before exams will be very helpful
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6246e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 232 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 232: Physics Laboratory I (General Physics Lab) (2023) Spring
Prof Pramod Kumar
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+1. Photoelectric Effect 2. Frank-Hertz Experiment 3. Elastic Constant by Cornu’s Method 4. Dielectric Constant 5. Viscosity by Stoke’s Method 6. Thermal conductivity by Forbes’ Method 7. Magnetic Susceptibility Gouy’s Method 8. Potential Energy of a Magnet
+ +Books
+Lab manual +
+ + + +Review by Kshitij Kumar
+ +Lectures
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+I will start with labeling "GPL as the chillest course in our 4th semester". The experiments were interesting and i had enjoyed each lab. Although if had been grouped in 4 so there were times where there wasn't much to do on, so one might not learn as effectively as one would have if the experiments were had to be on his/her own or in a group of 2. +
+ +Tips
+Course was good, apparatus were cool and grading was great :) +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2722a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 436 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 436: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (2023) Spring
Prof Hridis Kumar Pal
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Crystal structures, reciprocal lattice, X-ray and electron diffraction. Lattice vibrations, Einstein and Debye models, phonons. Drude and Sommerfeld models. Bloch theorem, Empty lattice and nearly free electron model, tight-binding model, Density of states and Fermi surfaces. Semi classical model of electron dynamics. Concept of Effective mass.
+ +Books
+1.011N. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin, Solid state physics 2.011C. Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics, 7th ed., John Wiley 1997. 3.011J. R. Christman, Fundamentals of Solid State Physics. John Wiley 1988 4.011Ibach and Luth, Solid State Physics, Springer Verlag 2009 +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Aside from the content on ASC, Hridid sir + +Planned to cover Topology in CMP, which is a new + +Emerging field in condensed matter research area. + +Although we couldn't cover it, unlike the senior batch, + +The idea seemed cool to me. +
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+3 x 10% quizzes + +50% Endsem + +10% Project (nothing complicated) + +10% Tutorial attendance +
+ +Tips
++New topic and ideas +Problems may not be straightforwardAttend lectures regularly. CMP is an entirely new topic, compared to the previous courses. So it may get a little difficult to keep up with the course content. +Solve assignments/ problem sets/ tutorials regularly. The theory becomes clear after a point, but using it in solving problem is a next challenge. +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Topics on ASC + introduction to topology (we could not cover it) +
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+3 quizzes of 10 marks each + +5 tutorial sessions for total of 10 marks + +1 group presentation for 10 marks + +Endsem for 50 marks +
+ +Tips
++Concepts build up so it's good to attend lectures regularly +Tutorial sessions are worth attending +50% weightage for endsem felt too much (although endsem turned out to be relatively easy) so negotiate it with the professor if needed +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/p/courses/core/review/ b/p/courses/core/review/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db2b2ac --- /dev/null +++ b/p/courses/core/review/ @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +--- +layout: page +title: PH 444 +description: Core +image: +nav-menu: false +show_tile: false +--- + + +PH 444: Electromagnetic Theory (2023) Spring
Prof Anshuman Kumar
+ Prerequisite
+ +Course Content
+Poissons and Laplaces Equations,Greens Theorem, Greens Function and boundary value problems with spherical harmonics and Bessel functions, Multipole Expansion up to quadrupole moment,Maxwells Equations (recap), Continuity Equation, Poynting Theorem, Newtons 3rd lawin ED, Maxwells stress tensor, Conservation of linear and angular momentum, Potential formulation of ED, 4D-Poissons equation, Time dependent Greens functionand Jefimenkos equations, Lienard-Wiechert Potential and EM fields, Electric Dipoleradiation, Larmors formula, Bremsstrahlung, Synchrotron, Cerenkov radiation.
+ +Books
+1.011J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley and Sons 19982.011Lecture notes, book by A. Zangwill (Modern Electrodynamics) 3.011D. J. Griffiths (Introduction to Electrodynamics)References for specific topics:1.011Classical Electrodynamics by Julian Schwinger, L. L. De Raad Jr., K. A. Milton, and W. Tsai (Greens function, Gauge Transformations, Retarded Greens function) +
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Course is mathematically heavy with lots of lengthy derivations which you +are supposed to remember for the exams
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+2 Quiz 15% +Midsem 20% +Quiz 15% +Endsem 30% +Project 20% +
+ +Tips
+Work out the derivation before the exams (as is the case with Photonics) +We mostly used Jackson (and for some parts Griffiths was used)
+ + + +Review by Anonymous
+ +Lectures
+Lectures were quite interactive - he used chalk and board for the most part, and sometimes additional slides for some concepts. Almost all the derivations were covered in class in detail. Attendance was not compulsory.
+ +Assignments, Exams and Grading
+2 quizzes (30%) +Midsem (20%) +Endsem (35%) +Group project (20%) + +Questions in most exams were slight modifications of tutorial problems - there were two or three challenging problems in the entire duration of the course. Each exam was worth 100 points which was scaled down appropriately. Endsem was quite lengthy but the grading was good (17 AAs in a class of ~65). +
+ +Tips
+The course is quite interesting in terms of the content covered and the instructor was also understanding. The project was, however, worth a lot less than the effort it required. Be prepared for some tensor algebra, and quite a lot of algebra in general.
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