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Category: Appearance
Category: Appearance
The appearance of the viewer
Category: Build
Category: Build
Build and deployment
Category: Documentation
Category: Documentation
Project documentation
Category: Functionality
Category: Functionality
The viewer functionality
Change: Breaking
Change: Breaking
A change that will break a public API or user-facing behaviour
Change: Non-Breaking
Change: Non-Breaking
A change that will not break a public API or user-facing behaviour
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Difficulty: Beginner
Difficulty: Beginner
Little prior knowledge required
Difficulty: Core Contributor
Difficulty: Core Contributor
Should only be attempted by a core contributor
Difficulty: Hard
Difficulty: Hard
Significant prior knowledge required
Difficulty: Intermediate
Difficulty: Intermediate
Some prior knowledge required
Difficulty: Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Unable to estimate difficulty
echoes/effort: L
echoes/effort: L
High effort changes (M * 2)
echoes/effort: M
echoes/effort: M
Medium effort changes by the team's standards (default)
echoes/effort: S
echoes/effort: S
Low effort changes (M * 0.5)
echoes/effort: XL
echoes/effort: XL
Very high effort changes (M * 5)
echoes/effort: XS
echoes/effort: XS
Very low effort changes (M * 0.2)
echoes/intent: risks/design
echoes/intent: risks/design
Design work to clarify scope and technology choices for a feature.
echoes/intent: risks/refactoring
echoes/intent: risks/refactoring
Reducing technical debt.
echoes/intent: risks
echoes/intent: risks
Changes intended at mitigating risks
echoes/intent: technology/gui
echoes/intent: technology/gui
Work on the GUI.
echoes/intent: technology/ide-controllers
echoes/intent: technology/ide-controllers
Work on the IDE's controllers.
echoes/intent: technology/runtime
echoes/intent: technology/runtime
Work on the Enso runtime.
echoes/intent: technology/tooling
echoes/intent: technology/tooling
Work on the services for Enso's tooling.
echoes/intent: technology
echoes/intent: technology
Technology areas in which work is happening.
echoes/intent: users/bugs
echoes/intent: users/bugs
Work on fixing bugs that impact users.
echoes/intent: users/documentation
echoes/intent: users/documentation
Work on user-facing documentation.
echoes/intent: users/feature
echoes/intent: users/feature
Work on new features.
echoes/intent: users/libraries
echoes/intent: users/libraries
Enhancements to Enso's libraries.
echoes/intent: users
echoes/intent: users
End-user visible changes intended to create customer value