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@EddieHubCommunity @GDSC-CIC

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Hi 👋, It's A.Mostafa

Tech enthusiast hacking the future with embedded systems and AI magic

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning SW Testing, Embedded Linux.

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on SW Testing Projects.

  • 🤝 I’m looking for Mentorship with Graduation Project.

  • 💬 Ask me about Embedded Development and Testing, Wireless Communications, 5G, LTE, VOLTE, Cryptography.

  • 📫 How to reach me

Connect with me:

eng-ahmedmostafa eng-ahmedmostafa

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Languages and Tools:

arduino azure c cplusplus gcp linux matlab opencv pandas python pytorch selenium

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  1. Door-Locker-Security-System-based-on-ATmega32 Door-Locker-Security-System-based-on-ATmega32 Public

    Develop a door locker system using two ATmega32 microcontrollers. The HMI_ECU includes a 2x16 LCD and 4x4 keypad for user interaction, while the Control_ECU handles password processing, door contro…


  2. Ultrasonic-Distance-Measurement-System-based-on-ATmega32 Ultrasonic-Distance-Measurement-System-based-on-ATmega32 Public

    Developed a distance measurement system with ATmega32 (8MHz) and HC-SR04 sensor. Utilized GPIO and ICU drivers with a 4x16 LCD for distance display. Configured ICU for rising edge detection, trigge…


  3. StopWatch-based-on-ATmega32 StopWatch-based-on-ATmega32 Public

    Developed a Stop Watch system based on ATmega32 microcontroller at 1MHz, Timer1 in CTC mode, and six multiplexed common anode 7-segment displays with a 7447 decoder. Controlled segments using PORTA…


  4. Fan-Controller-system-based-on-ATmega32 Fan-Controller-system-based-on-ATmega32 Public

    Designed a temperature-controlled fan using ATmega32 at 1MHz and an LM35 sensor. The ADC converts analog signals to digital, with the microcontroller adjusting fan speed via PWM: off below 30°C, 25…


  5. Vehicle-Control-System Vehicle-Control-System Public

    Developed a Vehicle Control System in C, featuring interactive engine control, sensor-based speed, room, and engine temperature adjustments. Utilized menus for traffic light, AC, and temperature se…


  6. Covid-19-Cases-Prediction-Using-LSTM Covid-19-Cases-Prediction-Using-LSTM Public

    Final submission for Afretec Summer School in Smart Systems. We developed a deep learning module using PyTorch to predict COVID-19 cases. Utilizing an LSTM neural network, the model analyzes time-s…

    Jupyter Notebook