This file contains the CSE projects and codes of Marmara University. Course names and the year of the course that i took was added each filename. Also all projects have PDF files that explains the project and details.
2019 Operating Systems
This file contains operating systems projects. These projects was done by a group of two students. @mustafahakkoz is my group member.
Java&JavaFX Term Project
This project is a puzzle game. The project file contains the codes of the game using Java and JavaFX framework. In addition, this project also was done by two students. @mferoglu is my group member.
2019 Digital Logic Design
This project contains a CPU design. All details about the project is in that file. The project was done by a group of three students. My group members are Veysi Öz and M.Adem Evren Demirkuş.
2020 Microprocessors For this project, we design a CPU in logisim and in verilog. Then, we test the projects with FPGA kit. The details of the projects are included in related file. Also, this project was done by a group of two students. @caglasen is my group member.
Others are individual projects.
The Projects file will be updated when a new project is arrived.