getlog [level]
The getlog the RPC command to show logs, with optional log level.
- level: A string that represents the log level (broken, unusual, info, debug, or io). The default is info.
"id": 82,
"method": "getlog",
"params": {
"level": "debug"
On success, an object is returned, containing:
created_at (string): UNIX timestamp with 9 decimal places, when logging was initialized
bytes_used (u32): The number of bytes used by logging records
bytes_max (u32): The bytes_used values at which records will be trimmed
log (array of objects):
- type (string) (one of "SKIPPED", "BROKEN", "UNUSUAL", "INFO", "DEBUG", "IO_IN", "IO_OUT")
If type is "SKIPPED":
- num_skipped (u32): number of unprinted log entries (deleted or below level parameter)
If type is "BROKEN", "UNUSUAL", "INFO" or "DEBUG":
- time (string): UNIX timestamp with 9 decimal places after created_at
- source (string): The particular logbook this was found in
- log (string): The actual log message
- node_id (pubkey, optional): The peer this is associated with
If type is "IO_IN" or "IO_OUT":
- time (string): Seconds after created_at, with 9 decimal places
- source (string): The particular logbook this was found in
- log (string): The associated log message
- data (hex): The IO which occurred
- node_id (pubkey, optional): The peer this is associated with
On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned:
- -32602: Error in given parameters.
"created_at": "1598192543.820753463",
"bytes_used": 89285843,
"bytes_max": 104857600,
"log": [
"type": "SKIPPED",
"num_skipped": 45
"type": "INFO",
"time": "0.453627568",
"source": "",
"log": "RPC method 'autopilot-run-once' does not have a docstring."
Vincenzo Palazzo <> wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command.
Main web site: comment: # ( SHA256STAMP:963fc75819ffb63271f25e31f30a6fe54457803d8bf296556589f76874fb39c0)