Bug description
EMS-ESP32 regularly sending the same few points with no matching data.
2021-11-13 23:00:05 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'tempautotemp' when rendering '{{value_json.hc1.tempautotemp}}'
At one level, this is trivial! But...
- It's generating megabytes of log file every day - in 20 hours, my HA instance has logged this error 17,000 times!
- It's hammering the SSD on HA
- It's usually the same few points, so maybe there's a bug somewhere causing this.
I can delete the point with MQTT Explorer, but it will be back - presumably when I restart EMS-ESP32? If the point has no associated data, can it be stopped from sending the template? 'tempautotemp' is far and away the biggest culprit! Is there something special about the definition of this point?
Steps to reproduce
Run EMS-ESP32 and HA : HA log file fills up with this error.
Expected behavior
No HA errors!
Device information```
EMS-ESP version 3.3.0b2
Boiler: Worcester Logamax Plus/GB192/Condens GC9000 (DeviceID:0x08 ProductID:208, Version:01.01)
heating active: off
warm water active: off
selected flow temperature: 28 °C
burner selected max power: 100 %
heating pump modulation: 96 %
outside temperature: 11.3 °C
current flow temperature: 26.5 °C
gas: off
flame current: 0.0 uA
heating pump: on
fan: off
ignition: off
heating activated: on
heating temperature: 75 °C
burner pump max power: 100 %
burner pump min power: 60 %
pump delay: 3
burner min period: 5
burner min power: 0 %
burner max power: 100 %
hysteresis on temperature: -10 °C
hysteresis off temperature: 6 °C
burner current power: 0 %
burner starts: 19281 times
total burner operating time: 173 days 6 hours 51 minutes
total heat operating time: 132 days 16 hours 41 minutes
total UBA operating time: 1200 days 18 hours 11 minutes
last error code: EA(227) 09.10.2021 10:27
service code number: 204
maintenance message:
maintenance scheduled: off
maintenance set time: 6000 hours
maintenance set date: 01.01.2014
ww selected temperature: 60
ww set temperature: 60
ww type: buffer
ww comfort: hot
ww flow temperature offset: 40
ww max power: 100
ww circulation pump available: off
ww charging type: 3-way valve
ww hysteresis on temperature: -5
ww hysteresis off temperature: 0
ww disinfection temperature: 70
ww circulation pump frequency: off
ww circulation active: off
ww current intern temperature: 55.2
ww current extern temperature: 55.2
ww current tap water flow: 0.0
ww storage extern temperature: 55.2
ww activated: on
ww one time charging: off
ww disinfection: off
ww charging: off
ww recharging: off
ww temperature ok: on
ww active: off
ww heating: off
ww starts: 5233
ww active time: 40 days 14 hours 10 minutes
Thermostat: RC300/RC310/Moduline 3000/1010H/CW400/Sense II (DeviceID:0x10, ProductID:158, Version:33.03)
error code: (0)
date/time: 18:52:15 14/11/2021
floor drying: off
damped outdoor temperature: 11.8 °C
floor drying temperature: 0 °C
building: medium
minimal external temperature: -5 °C
ww set temperature: 60
ww mode: own_prog
ww set low temperature: 45
ww circulation pump frequency: own_prog
ww charge duration: 60
ww charge: off
ww circuit 1 extra: 0
ww disinfection: off
ww disinfection day: tu
ww disinfection time: 120
hc1 selected room temperature: 18.5
hc1 current room temperature: 18.7
hc1 mode: auto
hc1 mode type: comfort
hc1 eco temperature: 15.0
hc1 manual temperature: 18.0
hc1 comfort temperature: 21.0
hc1 summer temperature: 17
hc1 design temperature: 45
hc1 offset temperature: 0
hc1 min flow temperature: 25
hc1 max flow temperature: 82
hc1 room influence: 9
hc1 current room influence: -1.7
hc1 nofrost temperature: 5
hc1 target flow temperature: 28
hc1 heating type: radiator
hc1 set summer mode: auto
hc1 summer mode: off
hc1 control mode: optimized
hc1 program: prog_1
hc1 fast heatup: 0
Controller: ErP (DeviceID:0x09, ProductID:209, Version:01.03)
Dallas temperature sensors:
Sensor 1, ID: 28-BE2A-7791-0402, Temperature: 26.2 °C (offset 0.0)