New issue to improve moduline 200. Ref: #181
- first byte 0 (mode)
Maybe better to store it in modetype as it is the reported state, but since there is no mode-setting it does not matter. hamode can be set independent of the naming. As there is a off-temperature of 7 degrees i suggest to use mode(types) : "nofrost, night, day" for emsesp publish (hamode has fixed names)
- 1,2 is the actual temperature
- 4,5 remaining time in minutes for return to day function -> value decreases with time
For example return to day time set to 8 hours:
day 04 27 00 C9 00 00 00 C9
night 02 1C 00 C9 01 E0 00 C9
000+00:05:01.454 N 9: [emsesp] Thermostat(0x17) -> Me(0x0B), RC10Monitor(0xB1), data: 02 1C 00 C9 01 E0 00 C9
000+00:07:01.526 N 12: [emsesp] Thermostat(0x17) -> Me(0x0B), RC10Monitor(0xB1), data: 02 1C 00 C9 01 DE 00 C9
- call system send "0B 17 B0 00 01" -> calibrate room temperature 0.1 = 01 , -0.1 = FF and -0,2 = FE
(steps 0,1 with range -5 - 5 deg according to manual) - call system send "0B 17 B0 01 00" -> set key backlight FF = on, 00 = off
- call system send "0B 17 B0 02 00" -> set hot water preparation 0 = on, 1 = off, 2 = auto
- call system send "0B 17 B0 03 00" -> set night temperature
- call system send "0B 17 B0 04 00" -> set day temperature
- call system send "0B 17 B0 05 08" -> set night timer start to 8 hours (value between 1 and 99 according to manual)
- call system send "0B 17 B0 06 00" -> set building type valid options = 0,1,2
(valid options +1 map to options 1,2,3 according to manual)
Unfortunately, it does not seem to be possible to set the mode remotely through RC10Set