My graduation certicifate is here
Project 1: Popular Movies Stage 1 & 2
- It allows users to view and play trailers.
- It allows users to read reviews of a selected movie.
- It also allows users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by tapping a button(star).
Project 2: Baking App
- App displays recipes from provided network resource
- App displays recipe ingredients and steps
- Exoplayer to display videos
- Widget displays ingredient list for desired recipe
- Master/Detail flow
- UI Testing with Espresso
Project 3: Build It Bigger
- Add free and paid flavors to an app, and set up your build to share code between them
- Factor reusable functionality into a Java library
- Factor reusable Android functionality into an Android library
- Configure a multi-project build to compile your libraries and app
- Use the Gradle App Engine plugin to deploy a backend
- Configure an integration test suite that runs against the local App Engine development server
Project 4: Make Your App Material
- Understand the fundamentals of Android design.
- Apply Material Design guidelines to an mobile application.
- Separate an interface into surfaces.
- Effectively use transitions and motion.