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How to convert a standard nRF5 SDK example into a CLion-compatible CMake project

  1. Create a project folder and cd there
  2. Download content of this repository to the project folder
    • git clone --depth=1 .
    • Delete .git folder
  3. Copy files from the example to the project folder
    • main.c -> src/main.c
    • Makefile->Makefile.txt
    • config/ ->config/
    • <some_name>.ld -> <some_name>.ld
  4. Open the project with CLion
  5. Go through all Todo comments in those two files and fill up the information. Use TODO tool window for that
  6. CLion settings
    • Open File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toolchains and setup a toolchain out of MinGW and arm-none-eabi-gcc
    • Reset CMake caches, wait until indexing is done
    • Create a run configuration of type "Embedded GDB Server" with parameters:
      • Name: flash_debug

      • Target: flash

      • Executable <project_name>.elf

      • Download Executable: Never

      • 'target remote' args: tcp::2331

      • GDB Server: path to JLinkGDBServerCL executable

      • GDB ServerArgs: -device <device name> -strict -timeout 0 -nogui -if swd -s -silent

        Note: For nRF52840 MCU device name is nRF52840_xxAA

  7. Flash and debug
    • Select erase run configuration and press Build
    • Select flash_softdevice run configuration and press Build
    • Select flash_debug run configuration and press Debug