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Access Bedrock via API Gateway with Cognito User Management

This pattern creates an AWS CDK Python application to access Bedrock via API Gateway with Cognito user management, domain restriction, API request throttling, and quota limits.

Learn more about this pattern at Serverless Land Patterns: << Add the live URL here >>

Important: this application uses various AWS services and there are costs associated with these services after the Free Tier usage - please see the AWS Pricing page for details. You are responsible for any AWS costs incurred. No warranty is implied in this example.


Deployment Instructions

  1. Create a new directory, navigate to that directory in a terminal and clone the GitHub repository:
    git clone
  2. Change directory to the pattern directory:
    cd apigw-bedrock-cognito-cdk
  3. Create a virtual environment for Python:
    python3 -m venv .venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment:
    source .venv/bin/activate
    For a Windows platform, activate the virtualenv like this:
  5. Install the required Python dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Bootstrap the AWS environment, if you haven't already done so:
    cdk bootstrap
  7. Review the CloudFormation template AWS CDK generates for the stack:
    cdk synth
  8. Deploy the AWS resources:
    cdk deploy
    Optionally you can add the optional variables using the --context, see API Gateway Configuration and Cognito Integration and Configuration.
    cdk deploy --context API_THROTTLE_RATE_LIMIT=1 --context API_THROTTLE_BURST_LIMIT=2 --context API_QUOTA_LIMIT=25 --context API_QUOTA_PERIOD=DAY --context
  9. Note the outputs from the CDK deployment process. These contain the resource names and/or ARNs which are used for testing.

How it works


This pattern deploys an Amazon API Gateway REST API with the following routes: POST /register, POST /login, GET and POST /bedrock. It includes a Amazon Cognito User Pool and Lambdas to handle requests from the API Gateway. The API Gateway allows CORS for all origins and methods, incorporates an Usage Plan, and has throttle and quota limits for the /bedrock endpoint. The /bedrock endpoint allows access to Amazon Bedrock Foundation models.

Components and Configuration

API Gateway Routes

  • /register endpoint: Accepts email, password, and fullname in the body, interacts with a proxy lambda integration to register users to the Cognito User Pool. Returns an API Key which will be associated with the API Gateway's usage plan and stored within the Cognito user's custom api_key field . If an organization domain is specified in the ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN context variable, a pre signup lambda is provisioned to reject users not belonging to the specified domain.

  • /login endpoint: Accepts email and password in the body, interacts with a proxy lambda integration to authenticate the user. Returns an bearer token, containing IdToken, AccessToken, RefreshToken and other metadata. If the user loses their API key, they can decrypt the IdToken using or other libraries to retrieve the API key from the custom:api_key field.

  • /bedrock endpoint: Protected with a Cognito authorizer to ensure only requests with valid Authorization and x-api-key tokens in headers can access the endpoint, interacts with a proxy lambda integration. A GET request lists all foundation models, and a POST request takes modelId and inferenceParameters in the body, to invoke and return response from the foundation model.

API Gateway Configuration

  • CORS: Enabled for all origins and methods.
  • Usage Plan: Configured to manage API access.
  • Throttle Limits: Rate limit of 1 request per second with a burst limit of 2 requests.
  • Quota Limits: Set to 25 requests per day for the /bedrock endpoint.
  • These limits can be modified during deployment using context variables (API_THROTTLE_RATE_LIMIT, API_THROTTLE_BURST_LIMIT, API_QUOTA_LIMIT, API_QUOTA_PERIOD)
  • Logging: Enabled for all Error and Info request logs.

Cognito Integration and Configuration

  • User Pool: Manages user registration and login.
  • Organization Domain Restriction: The organization domain restriction can be adjusted during deployment using the context variable ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN. A Pre SignUp Lambda trigger will be added to enforce specific domain restrictions.

Lambda Integration

    • Uses the boto3 library to make API calls to Amazon Bedrock APIs.
    • Utilizes the jsonpath_ng library to dynamically map and retrieve responses from foundation models provided by Anthropic, AI21 Labs, Amazon, and Meta.
    • Uses the boto3 library to make API calls to Amazon Cognito and Amazon API Gateway.
    • Manages user creation, login, and the creation and association of API keys.
  • (if valid):
    • Validates user email domain during registration.
  • All Lambda Configuration:
    • Timeout: Set to 29 second due to maximum integration timeout limit - Amazon API Gateway Limits.
    • Logging: All events are logged to Amazon CloudWatch, with a custom redaction function to remove passwords from the Lambda prior to logging.

Request and Response Examples

  • Register User

    • Request Body:
        "email": "",
        "password": "securePassword123",
        "fullname": "John Doe"
    • Response Body:
        "status": 200,
        "message": "User created successfully.",
        "data": {"API Key": "generatedApiKey"},
        "success": true,
  • Login User

    • Request Body:
        "email": "",
        "password": "securePassword123"
    • Response Body:
      "status": 200,
        "IdToken": "generatedIdToken",
        "AccessToken": "generatedAccessToken",
        "RefreshToken": "generatedRefreshToken",
        "ExpiresIn": 3600,
        "TokenType": "Bearer",
        "sucess": true
  • Make Bedrock Request

    • Request Headers:
      • Authorization: Bearer [IdToken]
      • x-api-key: [APIKey]
    • GET /bedrock Response Body:
        "status": 200,
        "foundationModels": [...],
        "message": "Successfully retrieved foundation models list."
    • POST /bedrock Request Body:
        "modelId": "exampleModelId",
        "inferenceParameters": {...}
    • POST /bedrock Response Body:
        "status": 200,
        "message": "Successfully retrieved response from foundation model.",
        "data": "..."


Prior to running the tests, ensure that your account has the necessary access to the following Bedrock models: ai21.j2-mid-v1, anthropic.claude-instant-v1, amazon.titan-text-express-v1, and meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1. Follow the guide provided in the Requirements - Bedrock model access granted to grant access to these models. Without access, the tests will fail due to insufficient permissions to interact with the foundation models.

  1. Activate the virtual environment, if you haven't already done so from the deployment instructions:
    source .venv/bin/activate
    For a Windows platform, activate the virtualenv like this:
  2. Install the Python required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  3. From the CDK output during the deployment process, obtain the values for Cognito User Pool ID and Rest API Endpoint:
    ApigwBedrockCognitoCdkStack.CognitoUserPoolID = us-east-1_XXXXXXXXX
    ApigwBedrockCognitoCdkStack.RestAPIEndpoint =
  4. Update the API_ENDPOINT and USER_POOL_ID variables in tests/e2e/ with the obtained values:
    USER_POOL_ID = "us-east-1_XXXXXXXXX"
    If organization domain restriction is enabled, modify the TEST_EMAIL to be an email with your domain, and NON_ORG_TEST_EMAIL to an email without your domain:
    TEST_EMAIL = ""
  5. Execute Pytest:
    pytest -v


  1. Delete the stack:
    cdk destroy
  2. Delete all API Keys: Before executing the following command, be aware that it will delete all API keys in the account. Ensure you have the necessary backups or are certain of the consequences.
    sh utils/

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