A simple wrapper for controlling sushi over gRPC via c++.
Clone the repository and generate the build directory by using:
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
Build the library by using:
$ make
Finally install with:
$ make install
The default path where the proto file is installed is used when not specified /usr/share/sushi/sushi_rpc.proto
A custom proto file can be set with the provided cmake flag PROTO_FILE_PATH
Printing errors to std::cout can be enabled by setting the PRINT_ERRORS_TO_CONSOLE
Add the elkcpp folder to you project folder and in your CMakeLists.txt add:
target_link_libraries($YOUR_TARGET elkcpp)
Include the library to your source file using:
#include "sushi_client.h"
To create a controller instance use:
std::shared_ptr<sushi_controller::ControlInterface> controller = sushi_controller::CreateSushiController();
A more in depth example can be found here.