Describe the bug
Current token.test.ts and videoGeneration.test.ts are throwing errors:
FAIL src/tests/videoGeneration.test.ts [ src/tests/videoGeneration.test.ts ]
Error: [vitest] No "default" export is defined on the "fs" mock. Did you forget to return it from "vi.mock"?
If you need to partially mock a module, you can use "importOriginal" helper inside:
FAIL src/tests/token.test.ts [ src/tests/token.test.ts ]
Error: Failed to load url @ai16z/adapter-sqlite (resolved id: @ai16z/adapter-sqlite) in eliza/packages/core/src/test_resources/createRuntime.ts. Does the file exist?
❯ loadAndTransform ../../node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-CB_7IfJ-.js:51920:17
To Reproduce
Navigate to packages/core and run pnpm test.
Expected behavior
Tests should run without errors and provide valid output.
Additional context