GenLSP is an OTP behaviour for building processes that implement the Language Server Protocol.
Credo language server.
defmodule Credo.Lsp do @moduledoc """ LSP implementation for Credo. """ use GenLSP alias GenLSP.Enumerations.TextDocumentSyncKind alias GenLSP.Notifications.{ Exit, Initialized, TextDocumentDidChange, TextDocumentDidClose, TextDocumentDidOpen, TextDocumentDidSave } alias GenLSP.Requests.{Initialize, Shutdown} alias GenLSP.Structures.{ InitializeParams, InitializeResult, SaveOptions, ServerCapabilities, TextDocumentSyncOptions } alias Credo.Lsp.Cache, as: Diagnostics def start_link(args) do GenLSP.start_link(__MODULE__, args, []) end @impl true def init(lsp, args) do cache = Keyword.fetch!(args, :cache) {:ok, assign(lsp, exit_code: 1, cache: cache)} end @impl true def handle_request(%Initialize{params: %InitializeParams{root_uri: root_uri}}, lsp) do {:reply, %InitializeResult{ capabilities: %ServerCapabilities{ text_document_sync: %TextDocumentSyncOptions{ open_close: true, save: %SaveOptions{include_text: true}, change: TextDocumentSyncKind.full() } }, server_info: %{name: "Credo"} }, assign(lsp, root_uri: root_uri)} end def handle_request(%Shutdown{}, lsp) do {:noreply, assign(lsp, exit_code: 0)} end @impl true def handle_notification(%Initialized{}, lsp) do GenLSP.log(lsp, :log, "[Credo] LSP Initialized!") Diagnostics.refresh(lsp.assigns.cache, lsp) Diagnostics.publish(lsp.assigns.cache, lsp) {:noreply, lsp} end def handle_notification(%TextDocumentDidSave{}, lsp) do Task.start_link(fn -> Diagnostics.clear(lsp.assigns.cache) Diagnostics.refresh(lsp.assigns.cache, lsp) Diagnostics.publish(lsp.assigns.cache, lsp) end) {:noreply, lsp} end def handle_notification(%TextDocumentDidChange{}, lsp) do Task.start_link(fn -> Diagnostics.clear(lsp.assigns.cache) Diagnostics.publish(lsp.assigns.cache, lsp) end) {:noreply, lsp} end def handle_notification(%note{}, lsp) when note in [TextDocumentDidOpen, TextDocumentDidClose] do {:noreply, lsp} end def handle_notification(%Exit{}, lsp) do System.halt(lsp.assigns.exit_code) {:noreply, lsp} end def handle_notification(_thing, lsp) do {:noreply, lsp} end end defmodule Credo.Lsp.Cache do @moduledoc """ Cache for Credo diagnostics. """ use Agent alias GenLSP.Structures.{ Diagnostic, Position, PublishDiagnosticsParams, Range } alias GenLSP.Notifications.TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics def start_link(_) do Agent.start_link(fn -> end) end def refresh(cache, lsp) do dir =!(lsp.assigns.root_uri).path issues = Credo.Execution.get_issues(["--strict", "--all", "#{dir}/**/*.ex"])) GenLSP.log(lsp, :info, "[Credo] Found #{Enum.count(issues)} issues") for issue <- issues do diagnostic = %Diagnostic{ range: %Range{ start: %Position{line: issue.line_no - 1, character: issue.column || 0}, end: %Position{line: issue.line_no, character: 0} }, severity: category_to_severity(issue.category), message: """ #{issue.message} ## Explanation #{issue.check.explanations()[:check]} """ } put(cache, Path.absname(issue.filename), diagnostic) end end def get(cache) do Agent.get(cache, & &1) end def put(cache, filename, diagnostic) do Agent.update(cache, fn cache -> Map.update(cache, Path.absname(filename), [diagnostic], fn v -> [diagnostic | v] end) end) end def clear(cache) do Agent.update(cache, fn cache -> for {k, _} <- cache, into: do {k, []} end end) end def publish(cache, lsp) do for {file, diagnostics} <- get(cache) do GenLSP.notify(lsp, %TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics{ params: %PublishDiagnosticsParams{ uri: "file://#{file}", diagnostics: diagnostics } }) end end def category_to_severity(:refactor), do: 1 def category_to_severity(:warning), do: 2 def category_to_severity(:design), do: 3 def category_to_severity(:consistency), do: 4 def category_to_severity(:readability), do: 4 end
- Thank you to the ElixirLS project for inspiration and answers to questions I had about the Language Server Protocol.
This package can be installed by adding gen_lsp
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:gen_lsp, "~> 0.6"}
Documentation can be found at