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File metadata and controls

224 lines (172 loc) · 13.5 KB


The idea of this implementation to do a major refactoring and and use Pydantic to for schema validation to improve maintainability and add the ability to switch easily between file format like the original TSV-format or the planed JSON-format.

This undertaking is discussed in issue 159 with the original authors. For now


The new source code is currently located in the subdirectory pydantic_based/. While the implementation is ongoing much of the original source code is hopefully integrated, into the new one. When the root directory is "free" the new code can be moved there.


  1. Please read the issue 159 on the main repository to understand the intention.
  2. This implementation will be maintained in a repository of the ELIXIR Proteomics Community for now, so nothing is mixed up. Please discuss things of the new implementation there unless it has something to do with the SDRF specification itself.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Checkout the branch feature-pydantic-based-validation
  3. Go into the subfolder pydantic_based/
  4. conda env create -f environment.yml will install all necessary binaries, like Python, PIP, Setuptools, and will also install this implementation if sdrf-pipelines as sdrf-pipelines-pydantic in editable mode.
  5. Activate the environment: conda activate sdrf-pipelines-pydantic-based
  6. Start hacking

Separate Python-dependencies and binaries

Please, don't mix up Conda and Python dependencies.

  1. Binaries like the Python-interpreter, PIP, Setuptools, etc. go into environment.yml
  2. Python dependencies, e.g. Pandas, pyyaml, ... go into pyproject.toml

Code style and cleaning

Use mypy and the formatter black to clean your code before pushing anything! Both are really well integrated into Visual Studio Code but also available via CLI and for other IDEs.


Running tests

Tests living in the tests-module under tests. Just run python -m unittest

TODOs & Ideas (collect them as issues and discussions?)

  • severity level attributes (e.g. faulty organism is more sever than a miss typed disease)

<<< ORIGINAL >>>


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The SDRF pipelines provide a set of tools to validate and convert SDRF files to different workflow configuration files such as MSstats,OpenMS and MaxQuant.


pip install sdrf-pipelines

Validate the SDRF

How to use it:

Then, you can use the tool by executing the following command:

parse_sdrf validate-sdrf --sdrf_file {here_the_path_to_sdrf_file}

Convert to OpenMS: Usage

parse_sdrf convert-openms -s sdrf.tsv


  • experiment settings (search engine settings etc.)
  • experimental design

The experimental settings file contains one row for every raw file. Columns contain relevevant parameters like precursor mass tolerance, modifications etc. These settings can usually be derived from the sdrf file.

URI Filename FixedModifications VariableModifications Label PrecursorMassTolerance PrecursorMassToleranceUnit FragmentMassTolerance FragmentMassToleranceUnit DissociationMethod Enzyme A0218_1A_R_FR01.raw Acetyl (Protein N-term) Gln->pyro-glu (Q),Oxidation (M) label free sample 10 ppm 10 ppm HCD Trypsin A0218_1A_R_FR02.raw Acetyl (Protein N-term) Gln->pyro-glu (Q),Oxidation (M) label free sample 10 ppm 10 ppm HCD Trypsin

The experimental design file contains information how to unambiguously map a single quantitative value. Most entries can be derived from the sdrf file. However, definition of conditions might need manual changes.

  • Fraction_Group identifier that indicates which fractions belong together. In the case of label-free data, the fraction group identifier has the same cardinality as the sample identifier.
  • The Fraction identifier indicates which fraction was measured in this file. In the case of unfractionated data the fraction identifier is 1 for all samples.
  • The Label identifier. 1 for label-free, 1 and 2 for SILAC light/heavy, e.g. 1-10 for TMT10Plex
  • The Spectra_Filepath (e.g., path = "/data/SILAC_file.mzML")
  • MSstats_Condition the condition identifier as used by MSstats
  • MSstats_BioReplicate an identifier to indicate replication. (MSstats requires that there are no duplicate entries. E.g., if MSstats_Condition, Fraction_Group group and Fraction number are the same - as in the case of biological or technical replication, one uses the MSstats_BioReplicate to make entries non-unique)
Fraction_Group Fraction Spectra_Filepath Label MSstats_Condition MSstats_BioReplicate
1 1 A0218_1A_R_FR01.raw 1 1 1
1 2 A0218_1A_R_FR02.raw 1 1 1
. . ... . . .
1 15 A0218_2A_FR15.raw 1 1 1
2 1 A0218_2A_FR01.raw 1 2 2
. . ... . . .
. . ... . . .
10 15 A0218_10A_FR15.raw 1 10 10

For details, please see the MSstats documentation

Convert to MaxQuant: Usage

parse_sdrf convert-maxquant -s sdrf.tsv -f {here_the_path_to_protein_database_file} -m {True or False} -pef {default 0.01} -prf {default 0.01} -t {temporary folder} -r {raw_data_folder} -n {number of threads:default 1} -o1 {parameters(.xml) output file path} -o2 {maxquant experimental design(.txt) output file path}


parse_sdrf convert-maxquant -s /root/ChengXin/Desktop/sdrf.tsv -f /root/ChengXin/MyProgram/search_spectra/AT/TAIR10_pep_20101214.fasta -r /root/ChengXin/MyProgram/virtuabox/share/raw_data/ -o1 /root/ChengXin/test.xml -o2 /root/ChengXin/test_exp.xml -t /root/ChengXin/MyProgram/virtuabox/share/raw_data/ -pef 0.01 -prf 0.01 -n 4
  • -s : SDRF file
  • -f : fasta file
  • -r : spectra raw file folder
  • -mcf : MaxQuant default configure path (if given, Can add new modifications)
  • -m : via matching between runs to boosts number of identifications
  • -pef : posterior error probability calculation based on target-decoy search
  • -prf : protein score = product of peptide PEPs (one for each sequence)
  • -t : place on SSD (if possible) for faster search,It is recommended not to be the same as the raw file directory
  • -n : each thread needs at least 2 GB of RAM,number of threads should be ≤ number of logical cores available(otherwise, MaxQuant can crash)


  • maxquant parameters file (mqpar.xml)
  • maxquant experimental design file (.txt)

The maxquant parameters file mqpar.xml contains the parameters required for maxquant operation.some settings can usually be derived from the sdrf file such as enzyme, fixed modification, variable modification, instrument, fraction and label etc.Set other parameters as default.The current version of maxquant supported by the script is

Some parameters are listed:

  • <fastaFilePath>TAIR10_pep_20101214.fasta</fastaFilePath>
  • <matchBetweenRuns>True</matchBetweenRuns>
  • <maxQuantVersion></maxQuantVersion>
  • <tempFolder>C:/Users/test</tempFolder>
  • <numThreads>2</numThreads>
  • <filePaths>
    • <string>C:\Users\search_spectra\AT\130402_08.raw</string>
    • <string>C:\Users\search_spectra\AT\130412_08.raw</string>
  • </filePaths>
  • <experiments>
    • <string>sample 1_Tr_1</string>
    • <string>sample 2_Tr_1</string>
  • </experiments>
  • <fractions>
    • <short>32767</short>
    • <short>32767</short>
  • </fractions>
  • <paramGroupIndices>
    • <int>0</int>
    • <int>1</int>
  • </paramGroupIndices>
  • <msInstrument>0</msInstrument>
  • <fixedModifications>
    • <string>Carbamidomethyl (C)</string>
  • </fixedModifications>
  • <enzymes>
    • <string>Trypsin</string>
  • </enzymes>
  • <variableModifications>
    • <string>Oxidation (M)</string>
    • <string>Phospho (Y)</string>
    • <string>Acetyl (Protein N-term)</string>
    • <string>Phospho (T)</string>
    • <string>Phospho (S)</string>
  • </variableModifications>

For details, please see the MaxQuant documentation

The maxquant experimental design file contains name,Fraction,Experiement and PTM column.Most entries can be derived from the sdrf file.

  • Name raw data file name.
  • Fraction In the Fraction column you must assign if the corresponding files shown in the left column belong to a fraction of a gel fraction. If your data is not obtained through gel-based pre-fractionation you must assign the same number(default 1) for all files in the column Fraction.
  • Experiment In the column named as Experiment if you want to combine all experimental replicates as a single dataset to be analyzed by MaxQuant, you must enter the same identifier for the files which should be concatenated . However, if you want each individual file to be treated as a different experiment which you want to compare further you should assign different identifiers to each of the files as shown below.
Name Fraction Experiment PTM
130402_08.raw 1 sample 1_Tr_1
130412_08.raw 1 sample 2_Tr_1

Convert to MSstats annotation file: Usage

parse_sdrf convert-msstats -s ./testdata/PXD000288.sdrf.tsv -o ./test1.csv
  • -s : SDRF file
  • -c : Create conditions from provided (e.g., factor) columns as used by MSstats
  • -o : annotation out file path
  • -swath : from openswathtomsstats output to msstats default false
  • -mq : from maxquant output to msstats default false

Convert to NormalyzerDE design file: Usage

parse_sdrf convert-normalyzerde -s ./testdata/PXD000288.sdrf.tsv -o ./testPXD000288_design.tsv
  • -s : SDRF file
  • -c : Create groups from provided (e.g., factor) columns as used by NormalyzerDE, for example -c ["characteristics[spiked compound]"] (optional)
  • -o : NormalyzerDE design out file path
  • -oc : Out file path for comparisons towards first group (optional)
  • -mq : Path to MaxQuant experimental design file for mapping MQ sample names. (optional)


  • Dai C, Füllgrabe A, Pfeuffer J, Solovyeva EM, Deng J, Moreno P, Kamatchinathan S, Kundu DJ, George N, Fexova S, Grüning B, Föll MC, Griss J, Vaudel M, Audain E, Locard-Paulet M, Turewicz M, Eisenacher M, Uszkoreit J, Van Den Bossche T, Schwämmle V, Webel H, Schulze S, Bouyssié D, Jayaram S, Duggineni VK, Samaras P, Wilhelm M, Choi M, Wang M, Kohlbacher O, Brazma A, Papatheodorou I, Bandeira N, Deutsch EW, Vizcaíno JA, Bai M, Sachsenberg T, Levitsky LI, Perez-Riverol Y. A proteomics sample metadata representation for multiomics integration and big data analysis. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 6;12(1):5854. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26111-3. PMID: 34615866; PMCID: PMC8494749. Manuscript

  • Perez-Riverol, Yasset, and European Bioinformatics Community for Mass Spectrometry. "Toward a Sample Metadata Standard in Public Proteomics Repositories." Journal of Proteome Research 19.10 (2020): 3906-3909. Manuscript