- Elixir & Erlang versions (elixir --version): 1.10.2 & 22
- Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
- Editor or IDE name (e.g. Emacs/VSCode): VSCode
- LSP Client name: vscode-elixir-ls
- If using VSCode, are you using "ElixirLS Fork: Elixir support and debugger" (note that it has "Fork" in the name)? I found this issue with both the ElixirLS extensions, and frankly I am not sure which one has the latest code and which of those two I should be using
- Restart your editor (which will restart ElixirLS) sometimes fixes issues
- Stop your editor, remove the entire
directory, then restart your editor (couldn't find this directory)
Crash report template
Delete this section if not reporting a crash
If using a client other than VS Code, please try VSCode's "ElixirLS Fork: Elixir support and debugger" extension. Does it reproduce your failure? Yes both the vscode extensions give me the same error and I disable one of them while running the other
Create a new Mix project with
mix new empty
, then open that project with VS Code and open an Elixir file. Is your issue reproducible on the empty project? If not, please publish a repo on Github that does reproduce it.
It gave the same error
Check the output log by opening
View > Output
and selecting "ElixirLS" in the dropdown. Please include any output that looks relevant. (If ElixirLS isn't in the dropdown, the server failed to launch.)
Here is the output -
Check the developer console by opening
Help > Toggle Developer Tools
and include any errors that look relevant.