An Elixir based built-in error tracking solution. ErrorTracker captures errors in your application and stores them in the database. It also provides a web dashboard from where you can find, inspect and resolve captured errors.

Take a look at the Getting Started guide.
If this is the first time that you set up this project you will to generate the configuration files and adapt their content to your local environment:
cp config/dev.example.exs config/dev.exs
cp config/test.example.exs config/test.exs
Then, you will need to download the dependencies:
mix deps.get
In order to participate in the development of this project, you may need to know how to compile the assets needed to use the Web UI.
To do so, you need to first make a clean build:
mix do assets.install,
That task will build the JS and CSS of the project.
The JS is not expected to change too much because we rely in LiveView, but if you make any change just execute that command again and you are good to go.
In the case of CSS, as it is automatically generated by Tailwind, you need to start the watcher when your intention is to modify the classes used.
To do so you can execute this task in a separate terminal:
We have a dev.exs
script based on Phoenix Playground that starts a development server.
iex dev.exs