Today you'll be building your very own platform to write blog posts. You will be able to write blog posts and save them.
This is often referred to as a content management system (CMS).
At the start of each step, you will need to 'checkout' to a new branch on Git.
At the top of your instructions you'll see something like this:
git checkout [name of a particular branch]
git merge [name of previous branch]
Make sure to checkout to the relevant branch before continuing.
You will see code snippets throughout the walkthrough. Try to resist the urge to copy and paste - you will learn much more if you get into the habit of typing things out.
Your mentor is there to help you. Don't let them die of boredom - talk to them and ask questions!
- Step 1 - set up your project
- Step 2 - building the server
- Step 3 - communicate with the server
- Step 4 - requests/responses
- Step 5 - serving your assets
- Step 6 - sending your blog post to your server
- Step 7 - reorganising your project
- Step 8 - get ready for the cms project
- Step 9 - build the CMS
- Step 10 - save your blog posts
- stretch - stretch goals