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Terminal Mode

Eliran Wong edited this page Oct 29, 2022 · 19 revisions

Terminal Mode


Terminal mode is a command line mode where all input and output is text based. It does not require users to install Qt graphical library, like PySide6, PySide2, or PyQt5. It runs locally without setting up a server. Users do not need a client to access UBA.

It is the simplest way of running UBA on a device. You can even run terminal mode on Android via Termux or iOS via iSH App.

Read for running UBA in different modes.


Install python library and git command first

Set up

  1. Download UBA, launch a terminal and run:

git clone

  1. Run UBA:

For users using platforms other than Android Termux:

cd UniqueBible

python3 terminal

For Android Termux users:

cd UniqueBible

touch use_system_site_packages

python3 terminal

Read more about setting up Termux for UBA at:

Run with an Initial Command

You can run UBA without an initial command with:

python3 terminal

You can also run UBA with an initial command, e.g. John 3

python3 terminal John 3

Quick Start

To quick start, run:


User-interactive Menu

User-interactive menu guides users to use Unique Bible App terminal mode.

To open user-interactive menu, run:


Help Information

To get help, run:


To read how-to guides, run:


Command Keyword Auto-completion

Terminal mode supports command keyword auto-completion as users type.

Screenshot 2022-09-24 at 16 40 39

What is

Entering '.help' command displays a full list of command description.

To display description about a single command keyword, use _whatis::: command keyword, for example:


Screenshot 2022-09-24 at 17 11 49

Dot Commands

Dot commands are created for running in terminal modes, in addition to standard UBA commands, to check available dot commands, run:


Quit or Restart

Enter ".quit" to quit UBA

Enter ".restart" to restart UBA


Close UBA first, by entering ".quit".

Run in terminal:

git pull

Bible Audio

To support bible audio playback, make sure you have vlc installed.

For examples, to install vlc on macOS, run:

brew install vlc

to install vlc on Termux (Android), run:

pkg install vlc

To play available audio in loaded content, run:


To read a particular passage, use read::: command, e.g.:

READ:::KJV:::John 3:16-20

To stop audio playback, run:


To change vlc playback rate, e.g. to 2.0, run:


Restart to save the settings, run:


Download Resources

To check available downloads, run:



Available downloads are displayed as commands and highlighted, e.g. to download KJV bible, select the command "DOWNLOAD:::marvelbible:::KJV" and copy it like below:


To download, either paste the command and run

OR simply run the ".run" or ".r" command

Android Features

We support running UBA terminal mode on Android via Termux


Trouble-shooting Startup Freezing

There is a possibility that the files, which keeps users entry records, are broken. This can cause UBA unable to start as usual.

One of the possible fixes is to delete all files inside directory "terminal_history" and restart UBA.

Developer Tools

Terminal mode offers some tools for testing or debugging.

To open developer menu, run:



Suggestion to Windows users

You can run terminal mode on Windows PowerShell or terminal apps.

However, you may enjoy more features if you use a Windows Subsystem for Linux terminal

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