Custom Android launcher providing a clear instructional path (based on EGRA/EGMA skills). The applications are fetched from the Appstore's Content Provider.
See demo at
(Also see
Each app/game on the platform is categorized by which literacy/numeracy skill it teaches, and each skill (and its collection of apps) is gradually unlocked:
EGRA subtasks (represented by the green spaceships in the launcher):
EGMA subtasks (represented by the blue spaceships in the launcher):
Note: This app depends on the Appstore to be installed.
To install and run the launcher on an Android device during development, use the following commands:
./gradlew clean build
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/debug/ai.elimu.launcher-<versionCode>-debug.apk
adb shell am start -n ai.elimu.launcher.debug/ai.elimu.launcher.MainActivity
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version x.x.x
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