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1. The library

This provides some simple synchronisation primitives, together with an API for task monitoring and cancellation. Task cancellation requires usayncio V 1.7.1 or higher. At the time of writing (7th Jan 2018) it requires a daily build of MicroPython firmware or one built from source.

The library is too large to run on the ESP8266 except as frozen bytecode. An obvious workround is to produce a version with unused primitives removed.


  1. The library

1.1 Synchronisation Primitives

1.2 Task control and monitoring

  1. Modules

3 Synchronisation Primitives

3.1 Function launch

3.2 Class Lock

3.2.1 Definition

3.3 Class Event

3.3.1 Definition

3.4 Class Barrier

3.5 Class Semaphore

3.5.1 Class BoundedSemaphore

3.6 Class Condition

3.6.1 Definition

3.7 Class Gather

3.7.1 Definition

  1. Task Cancellation

4.1 Coro sleep

4.2 Class Cancellable

4.2.1 Groups

4.2.2 Custom cleanup

4.3 Class NamedTask

4.3.1 Latency and Barrier objects

4.3.2 Custom cleanup

4.3.3 Changes

1.1 Synchronisation Primitives

There is often a need to provide synchronisation between coros. A common example is to avoid what are known as "race conditions" where multiple coros compete to access a single resource. An example is provided in the program and discussed in the docs. Another hazard is the "deadly embrace" where two coros wait on the other's completion.

In simple applications these are often addressed with global flags. A more elegant approach is to use synchronisation primitives. The module offers "micro" implementations of Lock, Event, Barrier, Semaphore and Condition primitives, and a lightweight implementation of asyncio.gather.

Another synchronisation issue arises with producer and consumer coros. The producer generates data which the consumer uses. Asyncio provides the Queue object. The producer puts data onto the queue while the consumer waits for its arrival (with other coros getting scheduled for the duration). The Queue guarantees that items are removed in the order in which they were received. As this is a part of the uasyncio library its use is described in the tutorial.

1.2 Task control and monitoring

uasyncio does not implement the Task and Future classes of asyncio. Instead it uses a 'micro' lightweight means of task cancellation. The module provides an API to simplify its use and to check on the running status of coroutines which are subject to cancellation.

2. Modules

The following modules are provided:

  • The main library.
  • Test/demo programs for the primitives.
  • Minimal "get started" task cancellation demos.
  • Task cancellation tests. Examples of intercepting StopTask. Intended to verify the library against future uasyncio changes.

Import or for a list of available tests.

3. Synchronisation Primitives

The primitives are intended for use only with uasyncio. They are micro in design. They are not thread safe and hence are incompatible with the _thread module and with interrupt handlers.

3.1 Function launch

This function accepts a function or coro as an argument, along with a tuple of args. If the function is a callback it is executed with the supplied argumets. If it is a coro, it is scheduled for execution.


  • func Mandatory. a function or coro. These are provided 'as-is' i.e. not using function call syntax.
  • tup_args Optional. A tuple of arguments, default (). The args are upacked when provided to the function.

3.2 Class Lock

This has now been superseded by the more efficient official version.

At time of writing (18th Dec 2017) the official Lock class is not complete. If a coro is subject to a timeout and the timeout is triggered while it is waiting on a lock, the timeout will be ineffective. It will not receive the TimeoutError until it has acquired the lock.

The implementation in avoids this limitation but at the cost of lower efficiency. The remainder of this section describes this version.

A lock guarantees unique access to a shared resource. The preferred way to use it is via an asynchronous context manager. In the following code sample a Lock instance lock has been created and is passed to all coros wishing to access the shared resource. Each coro issues the following:

async def bar(lock):
    async with lock:
        # Access resource

While the coro bar is accessing the resource, other coros will pause at the async with lock statement until the context manager in bar() is complete.

Note that MicroPython has a bug in its implementation of asynchronous context managers: a return statement should not be issued in the async with block. See note at end of this section.

3.2.1 Definition

Constructor: Optional argument delay_ms default 0. Sets a delay between attempts to acquire the lock. In applications with coros needing frequent scheduling a nonzero value will facilitate this at the expense of latency.

  • locked No args. Returns True if locked.
  • release No args. Releases the lock.
  • acquire No args. Coro which pauses until the lock has been acquired. Use by executing await lock.acquire().

3.3 Class Event

This provides a way for one or more coros to pause until another one flags them to continue. An Event object is instantiated and passed to all coros using it. Coros waiting on the event issue await event. Execution pauses until a coro issues event.set(). event.clear() must then be issued. An optional data argument may be passed to event.set() and retrieved by event.value().

In the usual case where a single coro is awaiting the event this can be done immediately after it is received:

async def eventwait(event):
    await event

The coro raising the event may need to check that it has been serviced:

async def foo(event):
    while True:
        # Acquire data from somewhere
        while event.is_set():
            await asyncio.sleep(1) # Wait for coro to respond

If multiple coros are to wait on a single event, consider using a Barrier object described below. This is because the coro which raised the event has no way to determine whether all others have received it; determining when to clear it down requires further synchronisation. One way to achieve this is with an acknowledge event:

async def eventwait(event, ack_event):
    await event

Example of this are in event_test and ack_test in

3.3.1 Definition

Constructor: takes one optional boolean argument, defaulting False.

  • lp If True and the experimental low priority is installed, low priority scheduling will be used while awaiting the event. If the standard version of uasyncio is installed the arg will have no effect.

Synchronous Methods:

  • set Initiates the event. Optional arg data: may be of any type, sets the event's value. Default None. May be called in an interrupt context.
  • clear No args. Clears the event, sets the value to None.
  • is_set No args. Returns True if the event is set.
  • value No args. Returns the value passed to set.

The optional data value may be used to compensate for the latency in awaiting the event by passing loop.time().

3.4 Class Barrier

This enables multiple coros to rendezvous at a particular point. For example producer and consumer coros can synchronise at a point where the producer has data available and the consumer is ready to use it. At that point in time the Barrier can optionally run a callback before releasing the barrier and allowing all waiting coros to continue.

Mandatory arg:
participants The number of coros which will use the barrier.
Optional args:
func Callback to run. Default None.
args Tuple of args for the callback. Default ().

Public synchronous methods:

  • busy No args. Returns True if at least one coro is waiting on the barrier, or if at least one non-waiting coro has not triggered it.
  • trigger No args. The barrier records that the coro has passed the critical point. Returns "immediately".

The callback can be a function or a coro. In most applications a function will be used as this can be guaranteed to run to completion beore the barrier is released.

Participant coros issue await my_barrier whereupon execution pauses until all other participants are also waiting on it. At this point any callback will run and then each participant will re-commence execution. See barrier_test and semaphore_test in for example usage.

A special case of Barrier usage is where some coros are allowed to pass the barrier, registering the fact that they have done so. At least one coro must wait on the barrier. That coro will pause until all non-waiting coros have passed the barrier, and all waiting coros have reached it. At that point all waiting coros will resume. A non-waiting coro issues barrier.trigger() to indicate that is has passed the critical point.

This mechanism is used in the Cancellable and NamedTask classes to register the fact that a coro has responded to cancellation. Using a non-waiting barrier in a looping construct carries a fairly obvious hazard and is normally to be avoided.

3.5 Class Semaphore

A semaphore limits the number of coros which can access a resource. It can be used to limit the number of instances of a particular coro which can run concurrently. It performs this using an access counter which is initialised by the constructor and decremented each time a coro acquires the semaphore.

Constructor: Optional arg value default 1. Number of permitted concurrent accesses.

Synchronous method:

  • release No args. Increments the access counter.

Asynchronous method:

  • acquire No args. If the access counter is greater than 0, decrements it and terminates. Otherwise waits for it to become greater than 0 before decrementing it and terminating.

The easiest way to use it is with a context manager:

async def foo(sema):
    async with sema:
        # Limited access here

There is a difference between a Semaphore and a Lock. A Lock instance is owned by the coro which locked it: only that coro can release it. A Semaphore can be released by any coro which acquired it.

3.5.1 Class BoundedSemaphore

This works identically to the Semaphore class except that if the release method causes the access counter to exceed its initial value, a ValueError is raised.

3.6 Class Condition

A Condition instance enables controlled access to a shared resource. In typical applications a number of tasks wait for the resource to be available. Once this occurs access can be controlled both by the number of tasks and by means of a Lock.

A task waiting on a Condition instance will pause until another task issues condition.notify(n) or condition.notify_all(). If the number of tasks waiting on the condition exceeds n, only n tasks will resume. A Condition instance has a Lock as a member. A task will only resume when it has acquired the lock. User code may release the lock as required by the application logic.

Typical use of the class is in a synchronous context manager:

    with await cond:
        cond.notify(2)  # Notify 2 tasks
    with await cond:
        await cond.wait()
        # Has been notified and has access to the locked resource
    # Resource has been unocked by context manager

3.6.1 Definition

Constructor: Optional arg lock=None. A Lock instance may be specified, otherwise the Condition instantiates its own.

Synchronous methods:

  • locked No args. Returns the state of the Lock instance.
  • release No args. Release the Lock. A RuntimeError will occur if the Lock is not locked.
  • notify Arg n=1. Notify n tasks. The Lock must be acquired before issuing notify otherwise a RuntimeError will occur.
  • notify_all No args. Notify all tasks. The Lock must be acquired before issuing notify_all otherwise a RuntimeError will occur.

Asynchronous methods:

  • acquire No args. Pause until the Lock is acquired.
  • wait No args. Await notification and the Lock. The Lock must be acquired before issuing wait otherwise a RuntimeError will occur. The sequence is as follows:
    The Lock is released.
    The task pauses until another task issues notify.
    It continues to pause until the Lock has been re-acquired when execution resumes.
  • wait_for Arg: predicate a callback returning a bool. The task pauses until a notification is received and an immediate test of predicate() returns True.

3.7 Class Gather

This aims to replicate some of the functionality of asyncio.gather in a 'micro' form. The user creates a list of Gatherable tasks and then awaits a Gather object. When the last task to complete terminates, this will return a list of results returned by the tasks. Timeouts may be assigned to individual tasks.

async def bar(x, y, rats):  # Example coro: note arg passing
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return x * y * rats

gatherables = [asyn.Gatherable(foo, n) for n in range(4)]
gatherables.append(asyn.Gatherable(bar, 7, 8, rats=77))
gatherables.append(asyn.Gatherable(rats, 0, timeout=5))
res = await asyn.Gather(gatherables)

The result res is a 6 element list containing the result of each of the 6 coros. These are ordered by the position of the coro in the gatherables list. This is as per asyncio.gather().

See function gather_test().

3.7.1 Definition

The Gatherable class has no user methods. The constructor takes a coro by name followed by any positional or keyword arguments for the coro. If an arg timeout is provided it should have an integer or float value: this is taken to be the timeout for the coro in seconds. Note that timeout is subject to the latency discussed in Coroutines with timeouts. A way to reduce this is to use asyn.sleep() in such coros.

The Gather class has no user methods. The constructor takes one mandatory arg: a list of Gatherable instances.

Gather instances are awaitable. An await on an instance will terminate when the last member task completes or times out. It returns a list whose length matches the length of the list of Gatherable instances. Each element contains the return value of the corresponding Gatherable instance. Each return value may be of any type.

4. Task Cancellation

This has been under active development. Existing users please see Changes for recent API changes.

uasyncio now provides a cancel(coro) function. This works by throwing an exception to the coro in a special way: cancellation is deferred until the coro is next scheduled. This mechanism works with nested coros. However there is a limitation. If a coro issues await uasyncio.sleep(secs) or await uasyncio.sleep_ms(ms) scheduling will not occur until the time has elapsed. This introduces latency into cancellation which matters in some use-cases. Other potential sources of latency take the form of slow code. uasyncio has no mechanism for verifying when cancellation has actually occurred. The library provides solutions in the form of two classes.

These are Cancellable and NamedTask. The Cancellable class allows the creation of named groups of tasks which may be cancelled as a group; this awaits completion of cancellation of all tasks in the group.

The NamedTask class enables a task to be associated with a user supplied name, enabling it to be cancelled and its status checked. Cancellation optionally awaits confirmation of completion.

For cases where cancellation latency is of concern offers a sleep function which provides a delay with reduced latency.

4.1 Coro sleep

Pause for a period as per uasyncio.sleep but with reduced exception handling latency.

The asynchronous sleep function takes two args:

  • t Mandatory. Time in seconds. May be integer or float.
  • granularity Optional integer >= 0, units ms. Default 100ms. Defines the maximum latency. Small values reduce latency at cost of increased scheduler workload.

This repeatedly issues uasyncio.sleep_ms(t) where t <= granularity.

4.2 Class Cancellable

This class provides for cancellation of one or more tasks where it is necesary to await confirmation that cancellation is complete. Cancellable instances are anonymous coros which are members of a named group. They are capable of being cancelled as a group. A typical use-case might take this form:

async def comms():  # Perform some communications task
    while True:
        await initialise_link()
            await do_communications()  # Launches Cancellable tasks
        except CommsError:
            await Cancellable.cancel_all()
        # All sub-tasks are now known to be stopped. They can be re-started
        # with known initial state on next pass.

A Cancellable task is declared with the @cancellable decorator:

async def print_nums(num):
    while True:
        num += 1
        await sleep(1)  # asyn.sleep() allows fast response to exception

Positional or keyword arguments for the task are passed to the Cancellable constructor as below. Note that the coro is passed not using function call syntax. Cancellable tasks may be awaited or placed on the event loop:

await Cancellable(print_nums, 5)  # single arg to print_nums.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.create_task(Cancellable(print_nums, 42)())  # Note () syntax.

The following will cancel any tasks still running, pausing until cancellation is complete:

await Cancellable.cancel_all()

Constructor mandatory args:

  • task A coro passed by name i.e. not using function call syntax.

Constructor optional positional args:

  • Any further positional args are passed to the coro.

Constructor optional keyword args:

  • group Any Python object, typically integer or string. Default 0. See Groups below.
  • Further keyword args are passed to the coro.

Public class method:

  • cancel_all Asynchronous.
    Optional args group default 0, nowait default False. The nowait arg is for use by the NamedTask derived class. The default value is assumed below.
    The method cancels all instances in the specified group and awaits completion. See Groups below.
    The cancel_all method will complete when all Cancellable instances have been cancelled or terminated naturally before cancel_all was launched.
    Each coro will receive a StopTask exception when it is next scheduled. If the coro is written using the @cancellable decorator this is handled automatically.
    It is possible to trap the StopTask exception: see 'Custom cleanup' below.

Public bound method:

  • __call__ This returns the coro and is used to schedule the task using the event loop create_task() method using function call syntax.

The StopTask exception is an alias for usayncio.CancelledError. In my view the name is more descriptive of its function.

4.2.1 Groups

Cancellable tasks may be assigned to groups, identified by a user supplied Python object, typically an integer or string. By default tasks are assigned to group 0. The cancel_all class method cancels all tasks in the specified group. The 0 default ensures that this facility can be ignored if not required, with cancel_all cancelling all Cancellable tasks.

4.2.2 Custom cleanup

A task created with the cancellable decorator can intercept the StopTask exception to perform custom cleanup operations. This may be done as below:

async def foo():
    while True:
            await sleep(1)  # Main body of task
        except StopTask:
            # perform custom cleanup
            return  # Respond by quitting

The following example returns True if it ends normally or False if cancelled.

async def bar():
        await sleep(1)  # Main body of task
    except StopTask:
        return False
        return True

4.3 Class NamedTask

A NamedTask instance is associated with a user-defined name such that the name may outlive the task: a coro may end but the class enables its state to be checked. It is a subclass of Cancellable and its constructor disallows duplicate names: each instance of a coro must be assigned a unique name.

A NamedTask coro is defined with the @cancellable decorator.

async def foo(arg1, arg2):
    await asyn.sleep(1)
    print('Task foo has ended.', arg1, arg2)

The NamedTask constructor takes the name, the coro, plus any user positional or keyword args. Th eresultant instance can be scheduled in the usual ways:

await NamedTask('my foo', foo, 1, 2)  # Pause until complete or killed
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()  # Or schedule and continue:
loop.create_task(NamedTask('my nums', foo, 10, 11)())  # Note () syntax.

Cancellation is performed with:

await NamedTask.cancel('my foo')

When cancelling a task there is no need to check if the task is still running: if it has already completed, cancellation will have no effect.

NamedTask Constructor.
Mandatory args:

  • name Names may be any immutable type capable of being a dictionary index e.g. integer or string. A ValueError will be raised if the name is already assigned by a running coro. If multiple instances of a coro are to run concurrently, each should be assigned a different name.
  • task A coro passed by name i.e. not using function call syntax.

Optional positional args:

  • Any further positional args are passed to the coro.

Optional keyword only args:

  • barrier A Barrier instance may be passed. See below.
  • Further keyword args are passed to the coro.

Public class methods:

  • cancel Asynchronous.
    Mandatory arg: a coro name.
    Optional boolean arg nowait default True
    By default it will return soon. If nowait is False it will pause until the coro has completed cancellation.
    The named coro will receive a StopTask exception the next time it is scheduled. If the @namedtask decorator is used this is transparent to the user but the exception may be trapped for custom cleanup (see below).
    cancel will return True if the coro was cancelled. It will return False if the coro has already ended or been cancelled.
  • is_running Synchronous. Arg: A coro name. Returns True if coro is queued for scheduling, False if it has ended or been cancelled.

Public bound method:

  • __call__ This returns the coro and is used to schedule the task using the event loop create_task() method using function call syntax.

4.3.1 Latency and Barrier objects

It is possible to get confirmation of cancellation of an arbitrary set of NamedTask instances by instantiating a Barrier and passing it to the constructor of each member. This enables more complex synchronisation cases than the normal method of using a group of Cancellable tasks. The approach is described below.

If a Barrier instance is passed to the NamedTask constructor, a task performing cancellation can pause until a set of cancelled tasks have terminated. The Barrier is constructed with the number of dependent tasks plus one (the task which is to wait on it). It is passed to the constructor of each dependent task and the cancelling task waits on it after cancelling all dependent tasks. Each task being cancelled terminates 'immediately' subject to latency.

See examples in e.g. cancel_test2().

4.3.2 Custom cleanup

A coroutine to be used as a NamedTask can intercept the StopTask exception if necessary. This might be done for cleanup or to return a 'cancelled' status. The coro should have the following form:

async def foo():
        await asyncio.sleep(1)  # User code here
    except StopTask:
        return False  # Cleanup code
        return True  # Normal exit

4.3.3 Changes

The NamedTask class has been rewritten as a subclass of Cancellable. This is to simplify the code and to ensure accuracy of the is_running method. The latest API changes are:

  • Cancellable.stopped() is no longer a public method.
  • NamedTask.cancel() is now asynchronous.
  • NamedTask and Cancellable coros no longer receive a TaskId instance as their 1st arg.
  • @namedtask still works but is now an alias for @cancellable.

The drive to simplify code comes from the fact that uasyncio is itself under development. Tracking changes is an inevitable headache.