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Pierre Segonne edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 23 revisions

Carbon-intensity factors used in the map are detailed in co2eq_parameters.json. These numbers come mostly from the following scientific peer reviewed literature: IPCC (2014) Fifth Assessment Report is used as reference in most instances (see a summary in the wikipedia entry). The IPCC report where the values can be found is here.

Here is an overview of the default emission factors used:

Mode Emission factor (gCO2eq/kWh) Category Source
battery discharge 301 Renewable (default) World average intensity by electricityMap
biomass 230 Renewable IPCC 2014
coal 820 Fossil IPCC 2014
gas 490 Fossil IPCC 2014
geothermal 38 Renewable IPCC 2014
hydro 24 Renewable IPCC 2014
hydro discharge 301 Renewable (default) World average intensity by electricityMap
nuclear 12 Low-carbon IPCC 2014
oil 650 Fossil IPCC 2014
solar 45 Renewable IPCC 2014
unknown 700 Fossil Assumes thermal (coal, gas, oil or biomass)
wind 11 Renewable IPCC 2014
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