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Learning Resources |
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This page is separate from the learning guide. The following is a collection of various resources that may be useful to the learning programmer.
- Free Code Camp and their Youtube channel
- Rithm School
- Udemy
- Warning about Udemy course pricing! Please read this important purchasing note: Any Udemy course you buy should cost approximately $10 - $15 as an out-the-door/final price, depending on the "sale" they are currently offering, and you should absolutely not pay more than $15 for any one course. If the course is not “on sale”, do one of the following:
- Search online for a coupon for the course.
- Open an incognito tab on your browser and check if the Udemy course is listed at an appropriate price in that tab.
- Look to see if the specific course is offered on another platform for an appropriate price.
- Wait until the course is "on sale".
- About Udemy's shady marketing tactics: The list price of any Udemy course is typically shown as ~$50 - $200, but Udemy runs "sales" (in other words, selling the course at the actual, reasonable price) for most courses that are available the vast majority of the time. This is an attempt to pressure potential customers into purchasing courses through the use of such tricks as displaying a text block that describes the course price as "XX% off" (see this article about deceptive "original prices" and this article about deceptive pricing) along with text that says "N hours left at this price!" (see this article about the illusion of scarcity). For more information on Udemy's unscrupulous marketing tactics, please see:
- Udemy employees, if you're reading this, please stop using these crooked marketing and pricing tactics and just set the list price to be the reasonable price. Your marketing and pricing tactics are dodgy at best and unethical at worst, and it's a shame that your own tactics make your business look bad.
- Warning about Udemy course pricing! Please read this important purchasing note: Any Udemy course you buy should cost approximately $10 - $15 as an out-the-door/final price, depending on the "sale" they are currently offering, and you should absolutely not pay more than $15 for any one course. If the course is not “on sale”, do one of the following:
- Udacity
- Coursera
- EdX
- Khan Academy
- Lynda
- Pluralsight
- Laracasts
- Awesome Resources
- Your Local Library: Don't underestimate this one! Aside from books, many libraries have subscriptions to Lynda and other high-value educational sites.
- a collection of programming courses and tutorials
- SoloLearn
- HyperSkill / JetBrains Academy
- InterviewBit: A Place to practice coding and prepare for interviews online.
- Traversy Media
- Also check out this Udemy Course List based on a Traversy Media video
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Also check out this Udemy Course List based on a Traversy Media video
- LearnCode.Academy
- NetNinja
- Sentdex
- Become a Full Stack Web Developer
- Wes Bos
- Wakata: Learn JavaScript, CSS, React and SQL
- Jonas Schmedtmann's web dev resources list
- Progate
- WebDevsCom
- Udemy - The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele
- The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele
- The Complete Web Development Bootcamp by Dr. Angela Yu
- The Complete Web Developer: Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie
- U. Washington's INFO 340: A book teaching client-side web development
- Frontend Masters
- Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Netlify
- Github Pages
- Gitlab Pages
- Heroku
- Firebase
- Cloudfront
- PythonAnywhere
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: Peter Norvig's advice on teaching yourself programming the slow and steady way
- Programmer Competency Matrix
- p1xt guides
- codeSTACKr's Web Dev Roadmap 2020
- Game Developer Roadmap
- Data Scientist Roadmap
- iOS Developer Roadmap
- Every Programmer Should Know
- Grow Your Technical Skills With Google
- Association for Coding Machinery's Coding Bootcamp
- andreasbm's guide to web skills
- Pathify
- Design of Computer Programs: Peter Norvig's Udacity course on programming principles
- Learn X in Y Minutes: quick overview of various languages
- Programming Notes for Professionals
- Free Code Camp
- MDN JavaScript Docs
- MDN JavaScript Guide
- Eloquent Javascript
- The Modern Javascript Tutorial
- You Don't Know JS and You Don't Know JS Exercises
- JS tl;dr
- JS Vault: a collection of tricky JS interview questions
- Awesome JS Conferences
- JavaScript - The Complete Guide
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Modern Javascript From the Beginning
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- A Javascript Mindmap
- React Developer Roadmap
- The Modern React Bootcamp by Colt Steele
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Complete React Developer (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL)
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Angular - The Complete Guide
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Vue JS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Learn Python
- Full Stack Python
- Automate the Boring Stuff: online book (free/gratis) and Udemy course (paid, although offered free/gratis from time to time)
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Awesome Python
- Python Cheat Sheets
- Socratica Youtube Channel
- Test-Driven Development with Python
- Python Tips
- 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp by Dr. Angela Yu
Django is a batteries-included web framework written in Python.
- The Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp by Colt Steele
- A Tour of Go
- Effective Go
- Learn How To Code: Google's Go (golang) Programming Language
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- Derek Banas' Go Programming Youtube series
- Gophercises - Coding exercises with Go
- The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- The Complete SQL Bootcamp
- Warning: Please read the note linked here about Udemy's misleading course prices and don't buy a course if it's more than $15.
- SQLBolt
(Thanks, Tyler!)
- R for Data Science: A modern take on R used widely in Data Science via the Tidyverse set of packages
- Shiny: Shiny is an R package for creating interactive web apps
- Mastering Shiny: Online resource for learning and developing R Shiny applications. R Shiny is a web application framework
- R Programming - Johns Hopkins University - Coursera: Learn to program in R for data analysis.
- Swirl: "swirl teaches you R programming and data science interactively, at your own pace, and right in the R console!"
- Generates practice design challenges
- UX Tools Survey (2019)
- Antony Conboy's free design course
- Design Resources for Developers
- Teach Yourself CS by Bradfield CS
- Online Learning Bachelor's Level
- A Self-Learning, Modern Computer Science Curriculum
- Open Source Society University
- The Open Source Computer Science Degree
- Open Source Computer Science Degree
- GeeksforGeeks
- Khan Academy CS
- CS Video Courses
- What CS Majors Should Know
- Awesome CS Courses
- Four Semesters of Computer Science in Six Hours
- Crash Course Computer Science
- OpenLib.cs: "A Collection of Free & Open Resources for University Coursework in Computer Science"
- SICP in Python: The classic textbook "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" rewritten in Python
- SCIP in Javascript
- No Debt Computer Science
- CMU CS Academy for High Schoolers
- CS Textbooks Free Online: A collection of CS textbooks that are freely available online
- Big O Cheat Sheet
- Base CS: Website and Podcast
- mycodeschool Youtube channel
- Algorithm Examples
- Coding Problems
- List of Practice Problems
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
- DataQuest
- DataCamp
- Data School: Youtube channel
- Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass: by Jose Portilla
- Complete Data Science & Machine Learning Bootcamp by Philip Muellauer and Dr. Angela Yu
- The Analytics Edge - MIT - EdX: A course on data analyis and statics, taught using the R programming language
- Cybersecurity Base by University of Helsinki
- Awesome Pentest
- OverTheWire Wargames
- CryptoPals
- Hack This Site
- Stanford's CS 253 - Web Security
- The Open Web Application Security Project
- Learn Security Engineering
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Programming Interviews Exposed
- Elements of Programming Interviews
- Grokking the System Design Interview
- Pramp
- Interactive Coding Challenges: in Python
- System Design Primer
- 1-on-1 Questions
- Firecode
- LeetCode
- HackerRank
- Exercism
- Interactive Coding Challenges in Python
- TechieDelight List of Problems
- Codforces
- App Ideas
- Project-Based Learning
- Projects
- r/dailyprogrammer subreddit
- r/beginnerprojects subreddit
- Awesome Project Ideas
- Nifty Assignments
Contributing to open source projects is a good way to gain experience and also give back to the community.
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
- See also this Reddit post
Text Editors & IDEs
- Visual Studio Code: popular open-source Integrated Development Environment
- Sublime Text
- This Real Python post
- This blog post
- Package Control: Package Control shows all the packages you can install, go for the most popular ones you are interested in. Don’t go overboard!
- Atom
- Brackets
- Vim
- Emacs
- RStudio: Definitive IDE for R + Shiny + Markdown Development
- a collaborative code editor
- iTerm
Git: Industry-standard version control. Learn it. You need to know it.
File Transfer
- Cyberduck (sftp)
- Forklift (sftp)
- Truck (rsync)
- Transmission (Bittorrent)
Visual Design
- The Book of Secret Knowledge: "A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools, and more"