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Iceberg Flink Demo

This demo extends the Iceberg demo setup to include Flink. Included is a standalone Flink application that generates random Lord of the Rings records and streams them into an Iceberg table using Flink.

Clone this repository, change into the flink-example directory, and start up the docker environment.

git clone
cd flink-example
docker compose up

Build the Flink application.

./gradlew clean shadowJar

Navigate to http://localhost:8888 and create a new Python3 notebook. Using the %%sql magic, create an lor database.



Navigate to the Flink UI at http://localhost:8081/#/submit and upload the shadow jar located at build/libs/flink-example-0.0.1-all.jar.

Submit the Flink application and provide the database and output table name as parameters. (The table will be created if it does not exist).

--database "lor" --table "character_sightings"

Once the Flink application starts, data will begin streaming into the lor.character_sightings table. You can then run a spark query in the notebook to see the results!


SELECT * FROM lor.character_sightings LIMIT 10


|character       |location                 |event_time         |
|Grìma Wormtongue|Bridge of Khazad-dûm     |1931-08-01 09:02:00|
|Bilbo Baggins   |Ilmen                    |1693-08-01 03:06:28|
|Denethor        |Barad-dûr                |1576-01-04 17:01:59|
|Elrond          |East Road                |1738-09-04 08:07:24|
|Shadowfax       |Helm's Deep              |1977-06-10 00:28:44|
|Denethor        |Houses of Healing        |1998-02-08 12:09:05|
|Quickbeam       |Warning beacons of Gondor|1674-05-25 06:12:54|
|Faramir         |Utumno                   |1801-04-14 00:09:19|
|Legolas         |Warning beacons of Gondor|1923-02-21 10:24:55|
|Sauron          |Eithel Sirion            |1893-05-21 01:29:57|
|Gimli           |Black Gate               |1545-03-06 20:51:13|

Additional optional Flink arguments:

  • --checkpoint - Set a checkpoint interval in milliseconds (default: 10000)
  • --event_interval - Set a time in milliseconds to sleep between each randomly generated record (default: 5000)