This is a dockerized spark-iceberg custom playground environment. it allows quickly get up and running with a Spark environment and a local REST catalog, MinIO as a storage backend, and MySQL as a source for data replication.
note: If you don't have docker installed, you can head over to the Get Docker page for installation instructions.
Start up the notebook server by running the following:
into your local repo directory and run:
docker-compose up
(**keep in mind it might take a while to build)
The notebook server will then be available at http://localhost:8888 and theres an example notebook to play with.
While the notebook server is running, you can use any of the following commands if you prefer to use spark-shell, spark-sql, or pyspark.
docker exec -it spark-iceberg spark-shell
docker exec -it spark-iceberg spark-sql
docker exec -it spark-iceberg pyspark
To stop everything, just run docker-compose down
The prebuilt spark image is uploaded to Dockerhub. Out of convenience, the image tag defaults to latest
If you have an older version of the image, you might need to remove it to upgrade.
docker image rm eldarelne/spark-iceberg && docker-compose pull
If you want to make changes to the local files, and test them out, you can build the image locally and use that instead:
docker image rm eldarelne/spark-iceberg && docker-compose build
To directly use the Dockerfile in this repo (as opposed to pulling the pre-build eldarelne/spark-iceberg
image), you can use docker-compose build
To deploy changes to the hosted docker image eldarelne/spark-iceberg
, run the following. (Requires access to the eldarelne docker hub account)
cd spark
docker buildx build -t eldarelne/spark-iceberg --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 . --push
For more information on getting started with using Iceberg, checkout the Quickstart guide in the official docs.
The repository for the docker image is located on dockerhub.