id | slug | title | description | date | tags | ||||||
kibDevDocsOpsJestSerializers |
/kibana-dev-docs/ops/jest-serializers |
@kbn/jest-serializers |
A set of shared serializers to help on writing jest tests |
2022-05-17 |
This package holds a set of shared serializers that may be useful when you're writing jest tests. To use them import the package and call one of the functions, passing the result to expect.addSnapshotSerializer()
Replaces a given path starting a string with the provided replacer. Additionally also replaces any \\
with /
it founds.
Strips ansi from a string.
It helps on printing recursive nodes.
It serializes any kind of instance inside <>
. If it is a function calls the function inside the node otherwise prints as
Search for a substring using given Regex or string and replaces with a provided replacer.
import { createAbsolutePathSerializer } from '@kbn/jest-serializers'