id | slug | title | description | date | tags | ||||
kibDevDocsDeprecationsByApi |
/kibana-dev-docs/api-meta/deprecated-api-list-by-api |
Deprecated API usage by API |
A list of deprecated APIs, which plugins are still referencing them, and when they need to be removed by. |
2023-07-25 |
Deprecated API | Referencing plugin(s) | Remove By |
stackAlerts, ml | - | |
ruleRegistry, observability, ml, infra, monitoring, securitySolution, stackAlerts, synthetics, transform, uptime | - | |
stackAlerts, alerting, securitySolution, inputControlVis | - | |
stackAlerts, infra, graph, inputControlVis, securitySolution, savedObjects | - | |
dashboard, stackAlerts, dataVisualizer, expressionPartitionVis | - | |
@kbn/es-query, @kbn/visualization-ui-components, observability, securitySolution, timelines, lists, threatIntelligence, savedSearch, dataViews, savedObjectsManagement, unifiedSearch, controls, @kbn/unified-field-list, @kbn/event-annotation-components, lens, aiops, ml, logsShared, visTypeTimeseries, apm, triggersActionsUi, exploratoryView, stackAlerts, fleet, dataVisualizer, infra, canvas, enterpriseSearch, graph, transform, upgradeAssistant, uptime, ux, maps, dataViewManagement, inputControlVis, visDefaultEditor, presentationUtil, visTypeTimelion, visTypeVega, data | - | |
stackAlerts, alerting, securitySolution, inputControlVis | - | |
@kbn/es-query, @kbn/visualization-ui-components, observability, securitySolution, timelines, lists, threatIntelligence, savedSearch, dataViews, savedObjectsManagement, unifiedSearch, controls, @kbn/unified-field-list, @kbn/event-annotation-components, lens, aiops, ml, logsShared, visTypeTimeseries, apm, triggersActionsUi, exploratoryView, stackAlerts, fleet, dataVisualizer, infra, canvas, enterpriseSearch, graph, transform, upgradeAssistant, uptime, ux, maps, dataViewManagement, inputControlVis, visDefaultEditor, presentationUtil, visTypeTimelion, visTypeVega, data | - | |
@kbn/es-query, @kbn/visualization-ui-components, observability, securitySolution, timelines, lists, threatIntelligence, savedSearch, data, savedObjectsManagement, unifiedSearch, controls, @kbn/unified-field-list, @kbn/event-annotation-components, lens, aiops, ml, logsShared, visTypeTimeseries, apm, triggersActionsUi, exploratoryView, stackAlerts, fleet, dataVisualizer, infra, canvas, enterpriseSearch, graph, transform, upgradeAssistant, uptime, ux, maps, dataViewManagement, inputControlVis, visDefaultEditor, presentationUtil, visTypeTimelion, visTypeVega | - | |
home, data, esUiShared, savedObjectsManagement, exploratoryView, fleet, observability, ml, apm, indexLifecycleManagement, observabilityOnboarding, synthetics, upgradeAssistant, uptime, ux, kibanaOverview | - | |
encryptedSavedObjects, actions, data, ml, logstash, securitySolution, cloudChat | - | |
actions, ml, savedObjectsTagging, enterpriseSearch | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core, savedObjects, presentationUtil, visualizations, aiops, ml, dataVisualizer, dashboardEnhanced, graph, uptime, lens, securitySolution, eventAnnotation, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks | - | |
@kbn/core, savedObjects, embeddable, visualizations, canvas, graph, ml, @kbn/core-saved-objects-common, @kbn/core-saved-objects-server, actions, alerting, savedSearch, enterpriseSearch, securitySolution, taskManager, @kbn/core-saved-objects-server-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server | - | |
observability, @kbn/securitysolution-data-table, securitySolution | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-browser, @kbn/core, savedObjects, savedObjectsManagement, visualizations, savedObjectsTagging, eventAnnotation, lens, graph, dashboard, savedObjectsTaggingOss, kibanaUtils, expressions, data, embeddable, controls, uiActionsEnhanced, cases, maps, canvas, dashboardEnhanced, globalSearchProviders, infra | - | |
monitoring | - | |
alerting, discover, securitySolution | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-browser, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-import-export-server-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-server-internal, home, fleet, graph, lists, osquery, securitySolution, alerting | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-browser, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-import-export-server-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-server-internal, home, fleet, graph, lists, osquery, securitySolution, alerting | - | |
alerting, discover, securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
@kbn/securitysolution-data-table, securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
@kbn/securitysolution-data-table, securitySolution | - | |
@kbn/securitysolution-data-table, securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-browser, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server, @kbn/core, home, savedObjectsTagging, canvas, savedObjects, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-import-export-server-internal, savedObjectsTaggingOss, lists, securitySolution, upgradeAssistant, savedObjectsManagement, synthetics, @kbn/core-ui-settings-server-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-migration-server-internal, actions, dataViews, data, alerting, lens, cases, savedObjectsTagging, visualizations, savedSearch, canvas, graph, lists, maps, securitySolution, dashboard, @kbn/core-test-helpers-so-type-serializer | - | |
lists, securitySolution, @kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-list-types | - | |
lists, securitySolution, @kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-list-types | - | |
lists, securitySolution, @kbn/securitysolution-io-ts-list-types | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution, lists | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
securitySolution | - | |
exploratoryView, fleet, dataVisualizer, cloudSecurityPosture, discoverEnhanced, osquery, synthetics | - | |
@kbn/core-plugins-browser-internal, @kbn/core-root-browser-internal, home, savedObjects, unifiedSearch, presentationUtil, visualizations, dashboard, fileUpload, dashboardEnhanced, transform, discover, dataVisualizer | - | |
@kbn/core-lifecycle-browser, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core, visualizations, dashboard, exploratoryView, transform, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks | - | |
actions, alerting | - | |
discover | - | |
data, discover, imageEmbeddable, embeddable | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, discover, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
advancedSettings, discover | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core, home, savedObjects, visualizations, lens, visTypeTimeseries, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, savedObjects, dashboard | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, home, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, savedObjects, visualizations | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, savedObjects, presentationUtil, dashboard, dashboardEnhanced, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, savedObjects, dashboard, dashboardEnhanced, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, savedObjects, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, savedObjects | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core, savedObjects, visualizations, graph | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server-internal, canvas | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core, spaces, savedSearch, visualizations, lens, cases, maps, canvas, graph | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal, @kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-root-browser-internal, @kbn/core-saved-objects-browser-mocks | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server-internal | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-server-internal, fleet | - | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-server-internal, @kbn/core-plugins-server-internal, savedObjectsTagging, @kbn/core-saved-objects-server-mocks | - | |
home, canvas, osquery | - | |
visTypeTimeseries, graph, dataViewManagement, dataViews | - | |
visTypeTimeseries, graph, dataViewManagement, dataViews | - | |
visTypeTimeseries, graph, dataViewManagement | - | |
@kbn/core, lens, savedObjects | - | |
dataViews, maps | - | |
dataViewManagement, dataViews | - | |
dataViews, dataViewManagement | - | |
dataViews, maps | - | |
dataViewManagement, dataViews | - | |
dataViews, dataViewManagement | - | |
spaces, savedObjectsManagement | - | |
unifiedSearch | - | |
unifiedSearch | - | |
@kbn/core, advancedSettings, visualizations, triggersActionsUi | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
canvas | - | |
enterpriseSearch | - | |
maps | - | |
dataViewManagement | - | |
dataViewManagement | - | |
visTypeGauge | - | |
visTypePie | - | |
visTypePie | - | |
encryptedSavedObjects | - | |
@kbn/content-management-table-list-view, filesManagement | - | |
@kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-lifecycle-browser-mocks, @kbn/core, @kbn/core-plugins-browser-internal | - | |
@kbn/core | - | |
@kbn/core-elasticsearch-server-internal, @kbn/core-plugins-server-internal, console | - | |
@kbn/core-plugins-server-internal | - | |
security, licenseManagement, ml, profiling, apm, crossClusterReplication, logstash, painlessLab, searchprofiler, watcher | 8.8.0 | |
spaces, security, actions, alerting, ml, remoteClusters, graph, indexLifecycleManagement, mapsEms, osquery, painlessLab, rollup, searchprofiler, securitySolution, snapshotRestore, transform, upgradeAssistant | 8.8.0 | |
apm, fleet, security, securitySolution | 8.8.0 | |
apm, fleet, security, securitySolution | 8.8.0 | |
spaces, security, alerting | 8.8.0 | |
embeddable, presentationUtil, dashboard, lens, discover, graph | 8.8.0 | |
@kbn/core-application-browser-internal, @kbn/core-application-browser-mocks, management, fleet, security, kibanaOverview, @kbn/core | 8.8.0 | |
savedObjectsTaggingOss, dashboard | 8.8.0 | |
apm | 8.8.0 | |
security | 8.8.0 | |
mapsEms | 8.8.0 | |
@kbn/core-plugins-server-internal, @kbn/core | 8.8.0 | |
security | 8.8.0 |
This is relied on by the reporting feature, and should be removed once reporting migrates to using the Kibana Privilege model: #19914 | | | security | 8.8.0
This is relied on by the reporting feature, and should be removed once reporting migrates to using the Kibana Privilege model: #19914 |
Safe to remove.
Deprecated API | Plugin Id |
alerting | |
data | |
data | |
data | |
data | |
data | |
data | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
expressions | |
kibanaReact | |
kibanaReact | |
licensing | |
licensing | |
licensing | |
reporting | |
reporting | |
reporting | |
reporting | |
savedObjects | |
taskManager | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-browser | |
@kbn/core-saved-objects-api-browser | |
@kbn/storybook |