I've configured the Vsphere module in metricbeat 6.0.0-alpha2 (on a Windows 2008R2 machine) and let is run for a while. Please note than my VSphere configuration requires authentication (with insecure:true).
Metricbeat gathered data for about 12+ hours then Elasticseach started being filled with metric with the error.message field populated to NotAuthenticated (error.message:NotAuthenticated).
It happened when VSphere went "offline" for a scheduled backup activity; as it got back "online" the vsphere module seems not had performed auth again and as such ES started being populated with events with the NotAuthenticated error. I'm attaching a screenshot from kibana which details the described flow.
Please note also that no error messages can be found in the metricbeat log itself.
Is there a way to have the vsphere module to perform auth again ?