Maps and autocomplete are added via the Google Maps Javascript API.
Color palette can be found at
Code Fellows logo from:
- Titling: Monda
- Subheadings: Source Code Pro
- Text: Georgia
- Put an 'M' in front of MVP issues; add 'MVP' label.
- Stretch goals get the 'enhancement' label
- Branch names should include the issue number (e.g event-listeners#22), so we can tell who is working on what.
- After 5 pull requests, all work stops. Merge Party!
- Merge Party at the start (after standup meeting) and end of every day (5pm).
- Git push in alpha order: David, Erica, Logan, Val.
- Clear comments on all code so others can tell what it does.
- If you see a variable name, etc., that is not self-explanatory, ask about it!
- Instructor Sam, for staying late and keeping us on track.
- Instructor Brian, for the demo of and help with the flyout menu, as well as with other CSS woes.
- Instructor Nick, for being patient with us as we trying to describe what we wanted to do.
- Nadia, for being an awesome TA.
- Instructor Brian, Kris, Alison, Craig, and Doug, for giving us restaurants and reviews that helped us build out our dataset. Especially Kris, who gave us a ton of stuff to work with.