Allows you to create a modal dialog that notifies every state of the modal by providing the callback as you need it.
Simple usage:
var app = angular.module("app",["ngModalServiceModule"]) app.controller("HomeController",function($scope, ngModalService){ ngModalService({ title:"Welcome!", template:"Hello! My name is {{}}. You can write me at {{contact.twitter}}
", controller:ContactController, getView:function(view){ $(view.find("button").get(1)).text("Thanks but not :'(") $(view.find("button").get(2)).text("Write me!"); } }); }) function ContactController($scope){ $ = {name:"Einer Santana", twitter: "@einersantanar"}; $scope.modal.acceptPressed = function(){ alert("Alright! Lets continue!"); $scope.modal.destroy(); }; $scope.modal.cancelPressed = function(){ alert("So sad you're leaving :(... See you soon!"); $scope.modal.destroy(); }; }
made with love by @einersantanar