- Clickable buttons for masterable items
- Toggle setting to hide/show items marked Mastered
- Toggle setting to hide/show Founder exclusives
- Save/Load to local browser storage
- Import/Export from text string
- Count nonstandard max rank items as having different Mastery Point value
- Visual response to local save
- Support the language sets
- Make Hide Founders also hide their contributions to summaries
Add China exclusives with same features as Founders toggleAside from Excalibur Umbra Prime, no longer exclusives.
- Show latest patch this tracker updated items to
- Show total Mastery Points gained
- Total items completion counter
- Show total Mastery Rank gained
- Weapons to next Mastery Rank teaser
- Hide category entirely if "Hide Mastered" is on and the entire category is complete
- "Select All" button per category
- "Invert Selection" button per category
- Make those category buttons not effect founder items when "Hide Founder" is checked
- Base Slider functionality
- Star Chart - Missions - 227 @ 14501 mastery total
- Star Chart - Junctions - 13 @ 1000 mastery per each
- Intrinsics - 40 ranks across 4 trees @ 1500 mastery per rank