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Finds the base address of a firmware by comparing string addresses with target pointer addresses
TUI for sending CLI commands to your firmware and devices.
A multi-platform GUI for bit-based analysis, processing, and visualization
A thread-safe memory allocator based on Buddy Memory Allocation Alogirithm
Constant-complexity deterministic memory allocator (heap) for hard real-time high-integrity embedded systems. There is very little activity because the project is finished and does not require furt…
An introduction to ARM64 assembly on Apple Silicon Macs
Two-Level Segregated Fit memory allocator implementation.
A RISC-V emulator for the 8051 (MCS-51) microcontroller.
Full-band BLE sniffer based on SDRs and GPUs for real-time packet processing
Low power experiments with RF only init for st17h66, no SDK or BLE stack
An open source WCH-Link library/command line tool written in Rust.
A template for writing CMSIS-Pack flash algorithms in Rust
Documentation for the Lime Microsystems second generation transceiver IC
Qt-DAB, a general software DAB (DAB+) decoder with a (slight) focus on showing the signal
Maia SDR is an open-source FPGA-based SDR project focusing on the ADALM Pluto
oreboot is a fork of coreboot, with C removed, written in Rust.
USB PD/PPS direct battery charge controller script for the YK-Lab Shizuku USB tester (a.k.a. YK-Lab YK001, AVHzY CT-3, Power-Z KT002, ATORCH UT18).
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) packet sniffer and transmitter for both standard and non standard (raw bit) based on Software Defined Radio (SDR).
A C library for converting between two different encodings in a simple, easy, and powerful way.