- What is AutoGadgetFS βοΈ{:target="_blank"}
- Learn about USB βοΈ{:target="_blank"}
- How to install Autogadgetfs βοΈ{:target="_blank"}
- AutoGadgetFS settings file βοΈ
- Importing agfs and selecting your device (Configuration, Interface, Alternate Settings, Endpoints) βοΈ
- Create a new project βοΈ
- Emulating the selected device βοΈ
- Starting the router on the Pi Zero βοΈ
- Starting and stopping Man in the middle βοΈ
- Removing a running gadget on the Pi Zero βοΈ
- Starting and stopping the device sniffer β
- Fuzzing device and host
- Device control transfer enumerator βοΈ
- Monitor device interfaces for changes βοΈ
- Clearing rabbitMQ QueuesβοΈ
- Releasing the device back to the system βοΈ
- Parse, search , show and replay usblyzer capture β
- Reset the device βοΈ
- Show device information
- Help βοΈ
- Supported by βοΈ
- Slack channel βοΈ
- Buy me a coffee βοΈ βοΈ
- Contact me βοΈ
- Want to contribute ? βοΈ
- Basic settings needed for agfs to work found in the file
set them accordingly to your setup:
In [1]: import libagfs
In [2]: agfs = libagfs.agfs()
AutoGadgetFS: USB testing made easy
Enter IP address of the rabbitmq server:
In [3]: agfs.newProject()
Give your project a name?!: Nuc220DevKit
0 : Realtek:33107:3034
1 : Generic:1041:3034
2 : Linux 5.6.0-kali1-amd64 xhci-hcd:3:7531
3 : Linux 5.6.0-kali1-amd64 xhci-hcd:2:7531
4 : VIA Labs, Inc.:2071:8457
5 : Linux 5.6.0-kali1-amd64 xhci-hcd:3:7531
6 : None:257:6720
7 : Generic:21521:3034
8 : None:57506:1161
9 : CN09357GLOG008CLA8P2A01:26403:3141
10 : SINO WEALTH:4102:9610
11 : Nuvoton:20764:1046
12 : VIA Technologies Inc. :258:8457
13 : Logitech:50475:1133
14 : VIA Labs, Inc.:10263:8457
15 : Linux 5.6.0-kali1-amd64 xhci-hcd:2:7531
---> Select a device: 11
DEVICE ID 0416:511c on Bus 001 Address 047 =================
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x1 Device
bcdUSB : 0x110 USB 1.1
bDeviceClass : 0x0 Specified at interface
bDeviceSubClass : 0x0
bDeviceProtocol : 0x0
bMaxPacketSize0 : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor : 0x0416
idProduct : 0x511c
bcdDevice : 0x100 Device 1.0
iManufacturer : 0x1 Nuvoton
iProduct : 0x2 Nu-Link
iSerialNumber : 0x0
bNumConfigurations : 0x1
CONFIGURATION 1: 100 mA ==================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x2 Configuration
wTotalLength : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x2
bConfigurationValue : 0x1
iConfiguration : 0x0
bmAttributes : 0x80 Bus Powered
bMaxPower : 0x32 (100 mA)
INTERFACE 0: Human Interface Device ====================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x0
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x2
bInterfaceClass : 0x3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x0
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x81: Interrupt IN ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 IN
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x1
ENDPOINT 0x2: Interrupt OUT ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x2 OUT
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x1
INTERFACE 1: CDC Data ==================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x1
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x2
bInterfaceClass : 0xa CDC Data
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x01
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x83: Bulk IN ===============================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x83 IN
bmAttributes : 0x2 Bulk
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x4: Bulk OUT ===============================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x4 OUT
bmAttributes : 0x2 Bulk
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x0
do you want to detach the device from it's current system driver: [y/n] y
Disabling Interfaces on configuration: 1
Disabling interfaces :
Disabled interface: 0
[-] Kernel driver detached
Configuration Value: 1
Interface number: 0,Alternate Setting: 0
Endpoint Address: 0x81
Endpoint Address: 0x2
Interface number: 1,Alternate Setting: 0
Endpoint Address: 0x83
Endpoint Address: 0x4
Do you want to reset the device? [y/n]: n
which Configuration would you like to use: 1
Checking if device supports DFU mode based on USB DFU R1.1
This Device isnt in DFU mode
Do you want to claim all device interfaces: [y/n] y
[+] Claiming interface 0
[-]Successfully claimed interface 0
[+] Claiming interface 1
[-]Successfully claimed interface 1
[+] Claiming interface 2
[-]Successfully claimed interface 2
Checking HID report retrieval
Hid report [0]: 05010906a101050719e029e71500250175019508810295017508810195057501050819012905910295017503910195067508150025650507190029658100090375089508b102c0
decoded: .........Γ .Γ§....u.......u.....u...........u.....u....e.....e....u.....Γ
Hid report [1]: 06d0f10901a1010920150026ff007508954081020921150026ff00750895409102c0
decoded: .ΓΓ±.........ΓΏ.u..........ΓΏ.u.....Γ
Checking HID report retrieval
Do you want to save this device's information?[y/n]y
setting up: Nuvoton
Creating backup of device
- Done: Device settings copied to file.
In [4]:
In [20]: agfs.newProject()
[-] Releasing the Interface
Releasing interfaces :
[-] Attaching the kernel driver
Releasing interface: 0
Releasing interface: 1
[-] Device released!
Give your project a name?!:
In [4]: agfs.setupGadgetFS()
setting up: Nuvoton
Aquiring info about the device for Gadetfs
are you going to configure this gadget to work with windows [y/n] ?y
0 ] b'05010900a101150026ff0019002900750895408102190029009102c0'
Which report would you like to use? 0
Do you want to push the gadget to the Pi zero ?[y/n] y
Enter the ip address of the Pi zero:
Enter the port of the Pi zero: 22
Enter the username: pi
Do you want to run the gadget? [y/n]y
Gadget should now be running
In [5]:
- Once you have called agfs.setupGadgetFS() and the gadget is running . Now you can start the router on the raspberry pi side.
root@pi:/home/pi# python3 router.py -h
usage: router.py [-h] -ip IPADDRESS -l PKTLEN [-s HSTONLY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ip IPADDRESS ip address of RabbitMQ
-l PKTLEN packet length. Check bMaxPacketsize0 on your device
-s HSTONLY Just to receive packets to the host
root@pi:/home/pi# python3 router.py -l64 -ip
- Starting MITM Device side: ( You can select any EndpointIN on the active configuration)
In [12]: agfs.startMITM(epin=0x81,epout=0x2,devsave=1,hostsave=1)
# devsave and hostsave will write all the MITM communication of the device and host to files inside the binariesdb/ folder
- Starting MITM host side:
pi@agfs:~ $ sudo bash
root@agfs:/home/pi# python3 router.py -l64 -ip
Stopping MITM Device side:
In [18]: agfs.stopMITM() ********************************** Thread Terminated Successfully ********************************** ************************************** Sniffing has stopped successfully! ************************************** Stream connection lost: IndexError('pop from an empty deque') *************************************** MITM Proxy has now been terminated! *************************************** In [19]:
Stopping MITM Raspberry pi side:
Keep pressing Ctrl-C anytime to clean up and exit!
In [6]: agfs.removeGadget()
- Random fuzzer:
In [22:] agfs.devrandfuzz(epin=0x81,epout=0x2)
- Describe fuzzer
In [19:] agfs.describeFuzz(epin=0x81,epout=0x2,packet="f3e01ec..SNIP..259d293d",howmany=10)
###Fuzzing the host
In [11] agfs.help("startGadgetFuzzer")
[+]Help for startGadgetFuzzer Method:
[-]Signature: startGadgetFuzzer(self, vid=None, pid=None, dclass=None, serial='AutoGadgetFS', manufacturer=None, product=None, samples=100, min=0, max=10)
[+]startGadgetFuzzer Help:
This method creates random gadgets to run on the Pi
:param vid: vendor ID
:param pid: product ID
:param dclass: device class
:param serial: serial number
:param manufacturer: manufacturer name
:param product: product name
:param samples: number of gadgets to create and run
:param min: minimum bytes to add to the HID report
:param max: maximum bytes to add to the HID report
:return: None
In [12]: agfs.startGadgetFuzzer(vid=50475,pid=1133,serial="AutoGadgetFS",samples=20)
In [3]: agfs.help("devEnumCtrltrnsf")
[+]Help for devEnumCtrltrnsf Method:
[-]Signature: devEnumCtrltrnsf(self, fuzz='fast')
[+]devEnumCtrltrnsf Help:
This method enumerates all possible combinations of a control transfer request
:param fuzz: "fast" fuzzer (bmRequest is fuzzed against 0x81 and 0xc0 and the other parameters are limited to one byte
"full" fuzzing (bmRequest is range(0xff) , wValue is range(0xffff) , wIndex is range(0xffff) . USE WITH CARE !!
:return: None
In [4]: agfs.devEnumCtrltrnsf()
Control Transfer requests enumeration started!
Now at bmRequest[0xa1]
|-Control transfer found--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Request:
| Sent: bmRequest=0xa1, bRequest=0x0,wValue=0x0 , wIndex=0x1,data_length=0xff
| |____Received: b'\x00\x84MFG:Cano'...[SNIP]
| Decoded:
| Response: ..MFG.Canon.CMD.BJRaster3.IVEC.MDL.G2010.series.CLS.PRINTER.DES.Canon.G2010.series.VER.1.040.STA.10.PSE.KMFK02913.CID.CA.BJR520.IJP.
|-Control transfer found--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Request:
| Sent: bmRequest=0xa1, bRequest=0x0,wValue=0x1 , wIndex=0x1,data_length=0xff
| |____Received: b'\x00\x84MFG:Cano'...[SNIP]
| Decoded:
| Response: ..MFG.Canon.CMD.BJRaster3.IVEC.MDL.G2010.series.CLS.PRINTER.DES.Canon.G2010.series.VER.1.040.STA.10.PSE.KMFK02913.CID.CA.BJR520.IJP.
|-Control transfer found--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Request:
| Sent: bmRequest=0xa1, bRequest=0x0,wValue=0x2 , wIndex=0x1,data_length=0xff
| |____Received: b'\x00\x84MFG:Cano'...[SNIP]
| Decoded:
| Response: ..MFG.Canon.CMD.BJRaster3.IVEC.MDL.G2010.series.CLS.PRINTER.DES.Canon.G2010.series.VER.1.040.STA.10.PSE.KMFK02913.CID.CA.BJR520.IJP.
In [6]: agfs.help("startMonInterfaceChng")
[+]Help for startMonInterfaceChng Method:
[-]Signature: startMonInterfaceChng(self)
[+]startMonInterfaceChng Help:
This method Allows you to monitor a device every 10 seconds in case it suddenly changes its interface configuration.
Like when switching and Android phone from MTP to PTP . you'll get a notification so you can check
your interfaces and adapt to that change using changeintf() method
In [7]: agfs.startMonInterfaceChng()
In [7]: agfs.help("clearqueues")
[+]Help for clearqueues Method:
[-]Signature: clearqueues(self)
[+]clearqueues Help:
this method clears all the queues on the rabbitMQ queues that are set up
In [8]: agfs.clearqueues()
In [8]: agfs.help("releasedev")
[+]Help for releasedev Method:
[-]Signature: releasedev(self)
[+]releasedev Help:
releases the device and re-attaches the kernel driver
In [9]: agfs.releasedev()
Releasing interfaces :
[-] Attaching the kernel driver
Releasing interface: 2
[-] Device released!
In [9]: agfs.device.reset()
In [63]: agfs.help("")
Currently supported methods:
Method ||-->Description
MITMproxy ||-->This method creates a connection to the RabbitMQ and listen on received messages on the todev queue
MITMproxyRQueues ||-->This method reads from the queue todev and sends the request to the device its self.
SmartFuzz ||-->This method is generates packets based on what it has learned from a sniff from either the host or the device
chgIntrfs ||-->This method allows you to change and select another interface
clearqueues ||-->this method clears all the queues on the rabbitMQ queues that are set up
clonedev ||-->This method does not need any parameters it only saves a backup of the device incase you need to share it or use it later.
createctrltrsnfDB ||-->creates a SQLite database containing values that were enumerated from control transfer enumeration
createdb ||-->create the sqlite table and columns from usblyzer captures
decodePacketAscii ||-->This method decodes packet bytes back to Ascii
describeFuzz ||-->This method allows you to describe a packet and select which bytes will be fuzzed
devDfuDump ||-->This method allows you to pull firmware from a device in DFU mode
devEnumCtrltrnsf ||-->This method enumerates all possible combinations of a control transfer request
devReset ||-->This method Resets the device
devWrite ||-->To use this with a method you would write make sure to run the startSniffReadThread(self,endpoint=None, pts=None, queue=None,channel=None)
devctrltrnsf ||-->This method allows you to send ctrl transfer requests to the target device
deviceInfo ||-->gets the complete info only for any usb connected to the host
deviceInterfaces ||-->get all interfaces and endpoints on the device
devrandfuzz ||-->this method allows you to create fixed or random size packets created using urandom
devseqfuzz ||-->This method allows you to create sequential incremented packets and send them to the device
findSelect ||-->This method enumerates all USB devices connected and allows you to select it as a target device as well as its endpoints
help ||-->AutogadgetFS Help method
hostwrite ||-->This method writes packets to the host either targeting a software or a driver in control of the device
hstrandfuzz ||-->this method allows you to create fixed or random size packets created using urandom and send them to the host queue
monInterfaceChng ||-->Method in charge of monitoring interfaces for changes this is called from def startMonInterfaceChng(self)
newProject ||-->creates a new project name if you were testing something else
releasedev ||-->releases the device and re-attaches the kernel driver
removeGadget ||-->This method removes the gadget from the raspberryPI
replaymsgs ||-->This method searches the USBLyzer parsed database and give you the option replay a message or all messages from host to device
searchmsgs ||-->This method allows you to search and select all messages for a pattern which were saved from a USBlyzer database creation
setupGadgetFS ||-->setup variables for gadgetFS : Linux Only, on Raspberry Pi Zero best option
showMessage ||-->shows messages if error or warn or info
sniffdevice ||-->read the communication between the device to hosts
startMITMusbWifi ||-->Starts a thread to monitor the USB target Device
startMonInterfaceChng||-->This method Allows you to monitor a device every 10 seconds in case it suddenly changes its interface configuration.
startQueuewrite ||-->initiates a connection to the queue to communicate with the host
startSniffReadThread ||-->This is a thread to continuously read the replies from the device and dependent on what you pass to the method either pts or queue
stopMITMusbWifi ||-->Stops the man in the middle thread between the host and the device
stopMonInterfaceChang||-->Stops the interface monitor thread
stopQueuewrite ||-->stop the thread incharge of communicating with the host machine
stopSniffing ||-->Kills the sniffing thread strted by startSniffReadThread()
usblyzerparse ||-->This method will parse your xml exported from usblyzer and then import them into a database
In [65]: agfs.help("startMITMusbWifi",source=True)
[+]Help for startMITMusbWifi Method:
[-]Signature: startMITMusbWifi(self, endpoint=None, savefile=None, genpkts=0)
[+]startMITMusbWifi Help:
Starts a thread to monitor the USB target Device
:param endpoint: the OUT endpoint of the device most probably self.epout which is from the device to the PC
:param savefile: if you would like the packets from the host to be saved to a binary file
:param: genpkts: save packets from device to file
:return: None
[+]Source code of method startMITMusbWifi:
def startMITMusbWifi(self,endpoint=None,savefile=None,genpkts=0):
""" Starts a thread to monitor the USB target Device
:param endpoint: the OUT endpoint of the device most probably self.epout which is from the device to the PC
:param savefile: if you would like the packets from the host to be saved to a binary file
:param: genpkts: save packets from device to file
:return: None
if savefile:
self.savefile = 1
self.killthread = 0
self.nlpthresh = 0
self.startMITMProxyThread = threading.Thread(target=self.MITMproxy, args=(endpoint,savefile,genpkts,))
Visit AutogadgetFS Slack Channel{:target="_blank"}
π§: rd@agfs.io
π¦ : https://twitter.com/0xRaindrop{:target="_blank"}
We're looking for developers to make this tool great! send me an π§: rd@agfs.io if you feel you'd like to be a part of this.