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Model Deployment

4. Model Deployment

4.1 Three ways of deploying a model

  • Batch Offline: You run your model regularly (hourly, daily, monthly). Pull the data from the DB and then apply the model.
  • Batch Online: It's running all the time. It's always available. You can run your models using Web Services (relationship 1 x 1 between client-server) and Streaming ( 1 x n relationship)

4.2 Web-services: Deploying models with Flask and Docker

Install python, scikit learn and flask on a virtual environment with pipenv:

pipenv install scikit-learn==1.0.2 flask --python=3.9

Go to the env with the command:

pipenv shell

You can use anaconda to create the venv:

conda create -n web-service python=3.9

Go to the env with the command:

conda activate web-service

Install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Work on

See code here

After you have finished and, run on your virtual-enviroment and on whatever you want to test your app.

(venv) python
(base) python
  • To avoid Flask warning, we can install gunicorn:
pip install gunicorn

Run it using gunicorn:

gunicorn --bind= predict:app

Install requests on your virtual environment:

pip install requests

Packaging the app to Docker:

  • Create Dockerfile
  • Make the image (make sure about your Python version, you can use python -V to check)
  • Search for the python image in the Docker Hub, I'll select slim version (slim version is used for reducing the size of the image)
  • Build the image with:
    docker build -t ride-duration-prediction-service:v1 . (Add winpty at the beggining to the command if you are using Windows)
    • ride-duration-prediction-service:v1 is the name of the image
    • t: v1 is the tag of the image
    • . is the path to the directory where the Dockerfile is
  • Test it with:
    docker run -it --rm -p 9696:9696  ride-duration-prediction-service:v1 and run the
    where :
    • -it: Interactive mode
    • --rm: Remove the container after it is done
    • -p: Port mapping


4.3 Web-services: Getting the models from the model registry (MLflow)

See content here

For this part, you'll need a S3 bucket.

I've just created a bucket called mlflow-models-esteban.

Starting the MLflow server with S3:

mlflow server --backend-store-uri=sqlite:///mlflow.db --default-artifact-root=s3://mlflow-models-esteban/

Run random-forest.ipynb

Random Forest model

Run and then to see if it works

All working

You can parameterize your RUN_ID an extract it from os.environ:

export MODEL_RUN_ID="6dd459b11b4e48dc862f4e1019d166f6"

And add it to the file:

import os
RUN_ID = os.getenv('RUN_ID')

For download artifact, you can use the following code:

mlflow artifacts download \
    --run-id ${MODEL_RUN_ID} \
    --artifact-path model \
    --dst-path .

4.4 (Optional) Streaming: Deploying models with Kinesis and Lambda

Follow the tutorial that I've provided in Tutorial: Using Amazon Lambda with Amazon Kinesis

  • Create your IAM role and policy. Name it lambda-kinesis-role
  • Then go to Lambda and create a new function.
    • Name it ride-duration-prediction-test
    • Set Runtime to Python 3.9
    • Use a existing role: lambda-kinesis-role

Create a new function as a :

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')

To test it:

  • Click in deploy
  • Click in test
    • Set the name of the test to test
    • Save it and then click in test
  • You should see the test result in the console

Now we can test another function:

import json

def prepare_features(ride):
    features = {}
    features['PU_DO'] = '%s_%s' % (ride['PULocationID'], ride['DOLocationID'])
    features['trip_distance'] = ride['trip_distance']
    return features
def predict(features):
    return 10.0

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    ride = event['ride']
    ride_id = event['ride_id']
    features = prepare_features(ride)
    prediction = predict(features)
    return {
        'ride_duration': prediction,
        'ride_id': id

With the new function, we can test it with:

    "ride": {
        "PULocationID": 130,
        "DOLocationID": 205,
        "trip_distance": 3.66
    "ride_id": 123

Now we are going to connect our function with Kinesis.

Create a new Kinesis stream:

  • Name it ride_events
  • In capacity mode select Provisioned
  • Only one shard

Now go to lambda and add a trigger:

  • Select Kinesis
  • Select ride_events

You should see the trigger in the list of triggers:


Execute this code in the console:

aws kinesis put-record \
    --stream-name ${KINESIS_STREAM_INPUT} \
    --partition-key 1 \
    --data "Hello, this is a test."

See code here

4.5 Batch: Preparing a scoring script

Copy random-forest.ipynb from web-service-mlflow folder into batch folder.

cp ../web-service-mlflow/random-forest.ipynb score.ipynb

Access to mlflow to see the model id:

mlflow server --backend-store-uri=sqlite:///mlflow.db --default-artifact-root=s3://mlflow-models-esteban/

After finished the notebook, you can convert it to a script:

jupyter nbconvert --to script score.ipynb

Parametrize the script and run it:

python green 2021 3 133f7f2c17384132b4d4f76682ab6139

4.6 Batch: Scheduling batch scoring jobs with Prefect

  • Make sure that you have already installed pandas, scikit-learn, mlflow, etc.

Add this flow to the code:

def ride_duration_prediction(
    taxi_type: str,
    run_date: datetime=None):

    if run_date is None:
        ctx = get_run_context()
        date = ctx.flow_run_expected_start_time

    prev_month = run_date - relativedelta(months=1)
    year = prev_month.year
    month = prev_month.month

    input_file = f'{taxi_type}_tripdata_{year:04d}-{month:02d}.parquet'
    output_file = f'output/{taxi_type}/{year:04d}-{month:02d}.parquet'


You'll see something like this


Run the following code to start prefect:

prefect orion start

Install s3fs to access S3:

pip install s3fs

Change the output folder to your S3 bucket:


Make changes to the code to fit your needs:

See code here

Deploy de model:

  • Create file
  • Add the following code:
from prefect.deployments import DeploymentSpec
from prefect.orion.schemas.schedules import CronSchedule
from prefect.flow_runners import SubprocessFlowRunner

        "taxi_type": "green",
        "run_id": "e1efc53e9bd149078b0c12aeaa6365df",
    schedule=CronSchedule(cron="0 3 2 * *"),

We've already a storage for the model, so we don't need to create it again, but we have to locate the storage, do it with:

prefect storage ls 

You should see the storage, copy the id and paste it in Score Deploy Code

Deploy the model with the following command:

prefect deployment create

You should see the deployment in the list of deployments:

prefect deployment inspect 'ride-duration-prediction/ride_duration_prediction'

Now we can test our deployment, we have to create a new work queue, we can do it on the UI

Then, we can test it with the agent:

prefect agent start 096c894e-a77a-4cb3-917b-ffb5b72ebb11
  • Remember, if you want the model run, you need to start the agent and the agent will start the deployment.

We can backfill our model, now we'll create a new script called Score Backfill

Run it:


4.7 Homework



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