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The control plane is the central component of the cosmo platform. It consists of an admin API and an node API. The admin API is used by the cosmo CLI tool and the Studio to manage the platform. The node API is used by the Router nodes to register themselves and to receive config updates. It also manage the ingestion of metrics and tracing data.

Getting started

Run the command below and replace all values in .env with the correct values.

mv .env.example .env


Run the controlplane in watch mode:

pnpm dev


We use Node.js in ESM mode. This means that we can use import instead of require at runtime. However, it also means that we have to use .js as file extension to import files. For more information, see ESM Node.js.


Run the migrations with:

pnpm migrate


We use Connect to build the APIs of the Controlplane. Connect is framework build on top of gRPC and simplify code-generation and reuse between Studio -> Controlplane <- Router.


curl \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{"sentence": "I feel happy."}' \

{"sentence":"You said: I feel happy."}

Seed first organization

At make infra-up we will import the cosmo realm. Unfortunately, we can't import users. Therefore, we have to run the following command to create a user:

# Run the controlplane and trigger migrations
pnpm dev
# Seed the first organization
pnpm seed

This will create a user with the following credentials:

  • Email:
  • Password: bar

Keycloak configuration

  • SSO Session Idle / SSO Session Max Set to 1 day.
  • Access Token Lifespan Set to 8 hours.

Session management

A user session "cookie" is valid for 1 day. The refresh token has the same lifespan of 1 day. The access token is valid for 8 hours. That implies that the user can interact with the app for 1 day until the refresh token is expired. The user can renew the session by calling the session endpoint /v1/auth/session. The session endpoint will refresh the access and refresh token and update the session cookie. The user can interact with the app for another day.

Summary: If the frontend ensure that the session endpoint /v1/auth/session is called on focus and load. The user might never be logged out again.