Hey @eddieowens !
When the app is in foreground or background the boundary callbacks work perfectly!
But I am struggling with the Headless part when the app is killed.
In logcat I can see that the event is fired. I see the log message from boundary's index.js
ReactNativeJS: 'onExit', [ 'rated0' ]
which comes from this part of code here:
const HeadlessBoundaryEventTask = async ({event, ids}) => {
console.log(event, ids);
boundaryEventEmitter.emit(event, ids)
But my callback is never executed. I think the issue might be timing.
When the app starts because of a Headless event I can see that boundary receives the event as said above. I added log messages for the Callback Registration and it seems to happen after the Headless event:
15:03:19.837 ReactNativeJS: 'onExit', [ 'rated0' ] // from boundary's index.js
15:03:19.863 ReactNativeJS: Registering Boundary Callbacks // my code
I moved the callback registration to the very first line of my index.js
but the order still seems to be incorrect. Any idea how to solve this? Where should I call the Boundary.on
callback registration in my code?
- "react-native": "0.59.5"
- "react-native-activity-recognition": "woffu/react-native-boundary" // fix for newer android versions
Help is very much appreciated :)