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180 lines (151 loc) · 13.6 KB

API and Configuration

Available imports

  • Router
  • Scene
  • Modal
  • TabBar
  • getInitialState
  • Reducer
  • DefaultRenderer
  • Switch
  • Actions
  • ActionConst
  • NavBar


Property Type Default Description
reducer function optional user-defined reducer for scenes, you may want to use it to intercept all actions and put your custom logic
createReducer function function that returns a reducer function for {initialState, scenes} param, you may wrap Reducer(param) with your custom reducer, check Flux usage section below
other props all properties that will be passed to all your scenes
children required (if no scenes property passed) Scene root element
scenes object optional scenes for Router created with Actions.create. This will allow to create all actions BEFORE React processing. If you don't need it you may pass Scene root element as children
getSceneStyle function optional Optionally override the styles for NavigationCard's Animated.View rendering the scene.
backAndroidHandler function optional Optionally override the handler for BackAndroid, return true to stay in the app or return false to exit the app. Default handler will pop a scene and exit the app at last when the back key is pressed on Android.
onBackAndroid function optional Get called after back key is pressed and a scene is poped, won't affect the default behavior.
onExitApp function optional Optionally override the default action after back key is pressed on root scene. Return true to stay, or return false to exit the app.


Property Type Default Description
key string required Will be used to call screen transition, for example, Must be unique.
component React.Component semi-required The Component to be displayed. Not required when defining a nested Scene, see example. If it is defined for 'container' scene, it will be used as custom container renderer
initial bool false Set to true if this is the initial scene
type string ActionConst.PUSH or ActionConst.JUMP Defines how the new screen is added to the navigator stack. One of ActionConst.PUSH, ActionConst.JUMP, ActionConst.REPLACE, ActionConst.RESET. If parent container is tabbar (tabs=true), ActionConst.JUMP will be automatically set.
clone bool Scenes marked with clone will be treated as templates and cloned into the current scene's parent when pushed. See example.
passProps bool false Pass all own props (except style, key, name, component, tabs) to children. Note that passProps is also passed to children.


We accept shorthand string literal when defining scene type or action params, like:

Actions.ROUTE_NAME({type: 'reset'});
<Scene key="myscene" type="replace" >

but it will be converted to const value when pass to reducer. RECOMMENDATION is to always use const instead of string literal for consistency:

Actions.ROUTE_NAME({type: ActionConst.RESET});
<Scene key="myscene" type={ActionConst.REPLACE} >
Property Type Value Shorthand
ActionConst.JUMP string 'REACT_NATIVE_ROUTER_FLUX_JUMP' 'jump'
ActionConst.PUSH string 'REACT_NATIVE_ROUTER_FLUX_PUSH' 'push'
ActionConst.BACK string 'REACT_NATIVE_ROUTER_FLUX_BACK' 'back'

ActionConst and Scene.type explaination


are just a bunch of constants represent real values of various actions/scene.type to avoid future changes. you can treat it like redux action.

These can be used directly, for example, Actions.pop() will dispatch correspond action written in the source code, or, you can set those constants in scene type, when you do Actions.main(), it will dispatch action according to your scene type or the default one.

Not every ActionConst can be used the same way ( use as an action or whether it can be set in scene type or not) that's why it's just a bunch of constants to mask the actual values.


Defines how the new screen is added to the navigator stack. One of push, modal, actionSheet, replace, switch, reset transitionToTop. Default is 'push'. And every Scene.type string literal has a mapped contant in ActionConst, it is recommended to always use constant.

replace: tells navigator to replace current route with new route.
actionSheet: shows Action Sheet popup, you must pass callback as callback function.
modal: type inserts its 'component' into route stack after navigator component. It could be used for popup alerts as well for various needed processes before any navigator transitions (like login auth process). it could be dismissed by using Actions.dismiss().
switch: is used for tab screens.
reset: is similar to replace except it unmounts the componets in the navigator stack.
transitionToTop: will reset router stack [''] and with animation, if route has sceneConfig. eg <Route name="login" schema="modal" component={Login} type="transitionToTop" />


Property Type Default Description
duration number optional. acts as a shortcut to writing an applyAnimation function with Animated.timing for a given duration (in ms).
direction string 'horizontal' direction of animation horizontal/vertical/leftToRight ('horizontal' will be right to left)
animation string animation options when transitioning: 'fade' currently only option
animationStyle function optional interpolation function for scene transitions: animationStyle={interpolationFunction}
applyAnimation function optional if provided overrides the default spring animation


Property Type Default Description
panHandlers object optional, provide null to disable swipe back gesture
getPanHandlers function optional Optionally override the gesture handlers for scene

Scene styles

Property Type Default Description
sceneStyle View style { flex: 1 } optional style override for the Scene's component
getSceneStyle function optional Optionally override the styles for NavigationCard's Animated.View rendering the scene. Receives first argument of NavigationSceneRendererProps and second argument of {hideNavBar,hideTabBar,isActive} (see Example app).


Property Type Default Description
tabs bool false Defines 'TabBar' scene container, so child scenes will be displayed as 'tabs'. If no component is defined, built-in TabBar is used as renderer. All child scenes are wrapped into own navbar.
tabBarStyle View style optional style override for the Tabs component
tabBarBackgroundImage Image source optional background image for the Tabs component
tabBarIconContainerStyle View style optional style override for the View that contains each tab icon
hideTabBar bool false hides tab bar for this scene and any following scenes until explicitly reversed (if built-in TabBar component is used as parent renderer)
hideOnChildTabs bool false hides tab bar when another tabs scene is added to the navigation stack.
pressOpacity number 0.2 the opacity when clicking on the tab

Navigation Bar

Property Type Default Description
hideNavBar bool false hides the navigation bar for this scene and any following scenes until explicitly reversed
navigationBarStyle View style optional style override for the navigation bar
navigationBarBackgroundImage Image source optional background image for the navigation bar
navBar React.Component optional custom NavBar for the scene. Check built-in NavBar of the component for reference
drawerImage Image source './menu_burger.png' Simple way to override the drawerImage in the navBar

Navigation Bar: Title

Property Type Default Description
title string null The title to be displayed in the navigation bar
getTitle function optional Optionally closure to return a value of the title based on state
renderTitle function optional Optionally closure to render the title
titleStyle Text style optional style override for the title element
titleOpacity string optional Set opacity for the title in navigation bar
titleProps object null Any other properties to be set on the title component

Navigation Bar: Back button

Property Type Default Description
backTitle string optional string to display with back button
renderBackButton function optional closure to render back text or button if this route happens to be the previous route
backButtonImage Image source './back_chevron.png' Simple way to override the back button in the navBar
backButtonTextStyle Text style optional style override for the back title element
hideBackImage boolean false no default back button image will be displayed
onBack function Actions.pop actions for back button

Navigation Bar: Left button

Property Type Default Description
leftTitle string optional string to display on the left if the previous route does not provide renderBackButton prop. renderBackButton > leftTitle > <previous route's title>
getLeftTitle function optional closure to display on the left if the previous route does not provide renderBackButton prop. renderBackButton > getLeftTitle > <previous route's title>
renderLeftButton function optional closure to render the left title / buttons element
onLeft function function will be called when left navBar button is pressed
leftButtonImage Image source Image for left button
leftButtonIconStyle View style Image style for left button
leftButtonStyle View style optional style override for the container of left title / buttons
leftButtonTextStyle Text style optional style override for the left title element

Navigation Bar: Right button

Property Type Default Description
rightTitle string optional string to display on the right. onRight must be provided for this to appear.
getRightTitle function optional closure to display on the right. onRight must be provided for this to appear.
renderRightButton function optional closure to render the right title / buttons element
onRight function function will be called when right navBar button is pressed
rightButtonImage Image source Image for right button
rightButtonIconStyle View style Image style for right button
rightButtonStyle View style optional style override for the container of right title / buttons
rightButtonTextStyle Text style optional style override for the right title element
...other props all properties that will be passed to your component instance