go run <example/example.go>
Each example accepts the -h or --help option that provides a description of its arguments and their default values.
Add a storage in the Zenoh router it's connected to.
go run z_add_storage/z_add_storage.go [--selector SELECTOR] [--id ID] [--locator LOCATOR]
Note that his example doesn't specify the Backend that Zenoh has to use for storage creation.
Therefore, Zenoh will automatically select the memory backend, meaning the storage will be in memory
(i.e. not persistent).
Put a key/value into Zenoh.
The key/value will be stored by all the storages with a selector that matches the key.
It will also be received by all the matching subscribers (see z_sub below).
Note that if no storage and no subscriber are matching the key, the key/value will be dropped.
Therefore, you probably should run z_add_storage and/or z_sub before z_put.
go run z_put/z_put.go [--path PATH] [--locator LOCATOR] [--msg MSG]
Put a key/value into Zenoh where the value is a float. The key/value will be stored by all the storages with a selector that matches the key. It will also be received by all the matching subscribers (see z_sub below). Note that if no storage and no subscriber are matching the key, the key/value will be dropped. Therefore, you probably should run z_add_storage and/or z_sub before z_put_float.
go run z_put_float/z_put_float.go [--path PATH] [--locator LOCATOR]
Get a list of keys/values from Zenoh.
The values will be retrieved from the Storages containing paths that match the specified selector.
The Eval functions (see z_eval below) registered with a path matching the selector
will also be triggered.
go run z_get/z_get.go [--selector SELECTOR] [--locator LOCATOR]
Remove a key and its associated value from Zenoh.
Any storage that store the key/value will drop it.
The subscribers with a selector matching the key will also receive a notification of this removal.
go run z_remove/z_remove.go [--path PATH] [--locator LOCATOR]
Register a subscriber with a selector.
The subscriber will be notified of each put/remove made on any path matching the selector,
and will print this notification.
go run z_sub/z_sub.go [--selector SELECTOR] [--locator LOCATOR]
Register an evaluation function with a path.
This evaluation function will be triggered by each call to a get operation on Zenoh
with a selector that matches the path. In this example, the function returns a string value.
See the code for more details.
go run z_eval/z_eval.go [--path PATH] [--locator LOCATOR]
Pub/Sub throughput test. This example allows to perform throughput measurements between a pubisher performing put operations and a subscriber receiving notifications of those put. Note that you can run this example with or without any storage.
Subscriber usage:
go run z_sub_thr/z_sub_thr.go [--path PATH] [--locator LOCATOR]
Publisher usage:
go run z_put_thr/z_put_thr.go [--size SIZE] [--locator LOCATOR] [--path PATH]