The @theia/variable-resolved
extension provides variable substitution mechanism inside of strings using ${variableName}
Extension provides a hook that allows any extensions to contribute its own variables. Here's the example of contributing two variables:
- returns the name of the file opened in the current editor${lineNumber}
- returns the current line number in the current file
export class EditorVariableContribution implements VariableContribution {
@inject(EditorManager) protected readonly editorManager: EditorManager
) { }
registerVariables(variables: VariableRegistry): void {
name: 'file',
description: 'The name of the file opened in the current editor',
resolve: () => {
const currentEditor = this.getCurrentEditor();
if (currentEditor) {
return currentEditor.uri.displayName;
return undefined;
name: 'lineNumber',
description: 'The current line number in the current file',
resolve: () => {
const currentEditor = this.getCurrentEditor();
if (currentEditor) {
return `${currentEditor.cursor.line + 1}`;
return undefined;
protected getCurrentEditor(): TextEditor | undefined {
const currentEditor = this.editorManager.currentEditor;
if (currentEditor) {
return currentEditor.editor;
return undefined;
Note that a Variable is resolved to MaybePromise<string | undefined>
which means that it can be resolved synchronously or within a Promise.
There's the example of how one can use Variable Resolver Service in its own plugin:
export class MyService {
@inject(VariableResolverService) protected readonly variableResolver: VariableResolverService
) { }
async resolve(): Promise<void> {
const text = 'cursor is in file ${file} on line ${lineNumber}';
const resolved = await this.variableResolver.resolve(text);
If package.json
file is currently opened and cursor is on line 5 then the following output will be logged to the console:
cursor is in file package.json on line 5
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The extension