Game rules: compatible with OSRIC.
The game is set in a hypothetical near future, on Earth.
The world used to be a pleasant place populated by Humans and completely devoid of magic. Humans and their advanced technology ruled the world. Nature was favourable to humans. One day, an asteroid from space fell on the world and profoundly changed it.
Technology stopped working entirely, which caused chaos and greatly reduced the Human population.
New races appeared mysteriously, no-one knows where from: Orcs, Goblins and Faeries.
The domestic cats that used to be pet for Humans all died except the sphynx breed. These naked Cats evolved into intelligent and independent creatures with a few members able to work magical spells.
The weather became much colder with very little sunlight and a toxic green mist.
There are 2 main interactions when playing the game:
- Fighting as a playing character within the game
- Controlling a portion of the game's world and changing it
As a playing character, the player is subject to being attacked by any mob, including in her own domain she controls.
As a world builder, in the land the player controls, she can decide what parts of it is made of.
This indirectly controls the race of mob that is likely to pop in the land:
- Forests: Faeries
- Mountains: Cats
- Desert (cold): Orcs
- Swamp: Goblins
- Plains: Humans
- Control a greater piece of the world by exploring unclaimed land
- Conquer the land of other players by attacking the mobs that inhabit it
- Develop the player's playing character by gaining equipment and sometimes spells from mobs
- Manage the faction of the player's character towards mob races by selectively fighting one race rather than others and doing quests to further the interests of a race of mobs
Players don't fight each other directly, however they do try to steal each other's land by attacking the mobs that exist in that land.
Once all the mobs of a land have died, it's possible for a player to claim ownership of that land.
The world is sized according to the total number of players who ever joined the game.
When a new player starts, she is placed in a quiet piece of land that is surrounded by some land not controlled by any player. Initially, the player should fortify this land by deciding what type of terrain it is made of. Each terrain will favour a race of mobs. If the land is under populated or not populated at all, a few mobs will gradually appear until the population reaches a threshold. At that point, the mobs will stop popping because there are enough mobs who can reproduce and give birth to new mobs.
Each hexagon represents a distance of 10 feet (3 meters), i.e. the total diameter from one edge to its opposite edge is 10 feet.
A mob or player in the center of an hexagon is within melee range of another mob or player on any of the 6 adjacent hexagons around it.
The playable world is surrounded by radioactive land.
Only a new player joining the game can convert a portion of that radioactive land into a playable portion of the world.
Any mob or player who enters that radioactive land dies instantly.
When a player initially turns radioactive land into a liveable one, the radius is of 100 feet (30 meters) around a central hexagon where the player is.
This area is hexagonally shaped, so that's the hexagon zone the player is in and the 10 adjacent hexagons around him in all directions.
The game plays continuously, whether players are present or not. The playing characters age like any other mobs. All mobs interact with each other and can attack a playing character if she hasn't taken shelter somewhere out of reach from the mobs, including if its her own land she controls.
As time passes, both mobs and playing characters grow older and eventually die of old age.
When a player's character dies from old age or due to a fight with a mob there is no coming back from this. Players aren't reset, they have to start the game with a new character.
Orcs are rough, violent, lusting for battles and glory. Some female Orcs can rarely develop an affinity to the spirit world and become shamans with healing powers, which greatly reinforces the majority of their brethren Orc warriors.
Goblins are sneaky, mean and cowardly. They attack in a band if they are sure to win by overwhelming their victim. Some rare Goblins become nasty wizards who can wreak much damage despite being physically fragile (glass cannons).
Goblins are cannibals: they enjoy eating any creatures: Humans, Orcs, and even other Goblins.
Goblins love riding bicycles in bands (think of Hells Angels).
Humans are brave and well meaning but they often misunderstand each other and the other races. They live average length of time (70 to 80 years). Playing character Humans can learn magic but only from the other races.
Cats are agile, smart and fast. They are secretive, esoteric and mysterious. Unfortunately they don't live long and die of old age very quickly. They look like Sphynx cats, they are not anthropomorphised “cat-people”.
Faeries are carefree and live incredibly long lives, at least several centuries. They fly around so quickly that no-one can catch them. They are tiny flower-size Faeries with colourful butterfly wings. They stay young for hundred of years and mature very late in life. Faeries are not interested in anyone but themselves and would feel vaguely sorry for the short lived creatures around them if they could pause a minute to think about them, which they never do. Faeries don't use magical spells like other races do, their very being is made of magic. It is rumoured Faery elders are powerful Enchanters but no-one knows if there is any reality to this legend. Faery stay young for hundreds of years and only become old much later in life. An enchantment is a spell that can change the world or its inhabitants for a length of time, for as long as the Faery that cast it wishes for it to stay in place or until the death of the Faery.
Basic mobs and new players don't have any spells.
Mobs can procreate and with each passing generation, there is a greater chance a new mob will evolve into a more powerful mob and have access to some spells.
These traits are hereditary and combine between mobs of the same race.
Each race can evolve in a specific type of spells.
Orc females can evolve into Orc Shamans with healing spells. These spells instantly heal wounds providing the target is still alive. Male Orcs never have access to spells. Healing is powered by primitive animal spirits.
The caster attacks someone alive with this spell. It's possible to resist this spell. Casting the spell always costs life, whether the spell is successful or not.
When the spellcaster receives Hit Points from a successful attack against an opponent, the spellcaster has extra hit points, including beyond his maximum Hit Points, however, over time, his Hit Points will slowly settle back to the natural maximum Hit Points, so it's best to bestow Hit Points on a friendly target.
The spellcaster doesn't have to bestow these Hit Points on someone else, he could just keep them for himself, which would then be a self heal.
Healing is therefore two spells:
one spell attack that may transfer Hit Points from an opponent to the spellcaster (automatic resist from target),
and one spell that just transfers Hit Points from the spellcaster to any target (no resist).
Power Healing: does 6 or 7 HP dmg if not resisted, always costs 2 HP to cast.
Bestow Healing: costs 5 HP to heal 4 HP.
todo: work out more of the numbers.
Goblins can evolve into Goblin Wizards with destructive spells. These spells inflict direct damage instantly. They are powered by Ice and Cold elements.
Does 10 to 12 HP dmg, costs 2 HP to cast. The Ice Spear can be dodged physically, i.e. Attack of the spellcaster vs Defence of the target. This isn't a magical fight.
Cats can evolved into Cat Mystics with invisibility and vision alteration spells. These create illusions and affect vision, either by seeing better, further, in the dark or becoming invisible. These spells are powered by the Cats mysterious minds.
todo: list sample Cat "spells".
Faeries can evolve into Faery Enchanters with world and mob altering spells that can last for as long as the Faery spellcaster is alive. These spells can change an area of the world and affect anyone entering it. The Faery Enchanter spells are powered by the raw magic of the world.
todo: list sample Faery spells.
Humans who are playing characters can wrestle a spell by killing a mob from a race that has been befriended. Killing a mob that has evolved spell casting abilities means that evolution line is stopped and faction is lost, so it's a tough decision to make for a playing character. Human players can therefore learn from any type of spell but start without any. Non playing character Humans can't ever evolve spell casting abilities since they would have to learn from mobs and only players will do that.
There is not magical item in the game. Spells are tightly bound to living creatures that can either inherit it (mobs) or learn it (playing character Humans). Although Orcs forge runes into their weapons and armours, that doesn't make them magical.
Each race has a dominant colour. They can use other colours of course but the dominant colour should mark them apart from the other races.
- Green means evil, like Orcs and Goblins.
- Purple is the colour of enchantments and Faeries.
- Blue is the colour of the Cats, mystery and illusions.
- A mixture of brown and modern colours are favoured by Humans.
- Water: (cold, dampness, snow) Goblins and Orcs
- Air: Faeries and Cats
- Earth: Humans
- Fire: no-one yet, but will be a very positive force, maybe Elves (no Elves in the game for now though).
Orc | Goblin | Human | Cat | Faery | |
Orc | Very Positive | ||||
Goblin | Negative | Very Positive | |||
Human | Negative | Very Negative | Very Positive | ||
Cat | Negative | Negative | Neutral | Very Positive | |
Faery | Negative | Negative | Neutral | Neutral | Very Positive |
- Very Positive: mobs will give quests (mob/player) and magical knowledge (mob/player, has to be taken forcibly in a fight) and help one another if either is attacked (mob/mob, not mob/player).
- Positive: mobs will also give quests but magical knowledge cannot be obtained (mob/player). Between mobs, they do not assist each other if one is attacked.
- Neutral: mobs neither help nor attack. They refuse to give quests or magical knowledge.
- Negative: mobs do attack if the faction is against a player but stay neutral if it's against a mob.
- Very Negative: mobs always attack automatically, whether it's a mob or a player.
Player kills an Orc (total -4):
- Loss of 8 faction points with Orcs.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Goblins.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Humans.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Cats.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Faeries.
Player kills a Goblin (total -1):
- Gain of 1 faction points with Orcs.
- Loss of 8 faction points with Goblins.
- Gain of 4 faction points with Humans.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Cats.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Faeries.
Player kills a Human (total 0):
- Gain of 4 faction points with Orcs.
- Gain of 4 faction points with Goblins.
- Loss of 8 faction points with Humans.
- No change to faction with Cats.
- No change to faction with Faeries.
Player kills a Cat (total -6):
- Gain of 1 faction points with Orcs.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Goblins.
- No change to faction with Humans.
- Loss of 8 faction points with Cats.
- No change to faction with Faeries.
Player kills a Faery (total -6):
- Gain of 1 faction points with Orcs.
- Gain of 1 faction points with Goblins.
- No change to faction with Humans.
- No change to faction with Cats.
- Loss of 8 faction points with Faeries.
Mobs do not change their native faction scores. A Goblin will always feel very negative towards a Human npc and attack.
However, each player character gets a different reaction from mobs based on previous actions that modified her starting faction. This information is bound to each player but all mobs will react accordingly.
Therefore, if a player kills many Humans, Cats and Faeries, that player will gain status among Orcs and Goblins. If a player only kills Goblins, he won't lose any faction with Orcs, he will win faction with Cats and Faeries and even more faction with Humans.
Advanced technology that relies on anything that isn't purely mechanical has stopped working. A computer, a car, a radio simply can't work since the apocalyptic collision, the appearance of the Orcs, Goblins and Faeries, the profound change in Sphynx Cats and the ability of Humans to learn magic from the other races.
Guns don't work either: powder doesn't explode, so no bomb or dynamite either. Bio weapons aren't an option either because they need precision tools that have stopped working.
Simple machines like a bicycle or an old fashioned mill can still work because they are 100% mechanical.
Goblins are able keen on using bycicle and form rapid strike parties where they overwhelm opponents numerically disadvantaged.
Each mob has the primary stats of its race and its age, but these can be modified through spells (very rare).
A player's stats are more flexible and can be, to some extent, spread by the player via bonus points added to the Human base stats.
The table below outlines the minimum for each race in each of the primary stats.
Build points | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | |
Player | 24 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Orc Pawn | 6 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Orc Warrior | 12 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Orc Shaman | 12 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 4 |
Goblin Young | 6 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Goblin Warrior | 12 | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Goblin Wizard | 12 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 4 |
Child | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Human | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Kitten | 6 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
Cat | 12 | 4 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 6 |
Cat Mystics | 12 | 4 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 6 |
Faery Youth | 6 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Faery Elder | 12 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 8 | 4 | 8 |
Faery Enchanter | 12 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 8 | 4 | 8 |
The build points are to be spread across one or several primary stats.
These stats are primary because everything else is calculated based on these stats.
The absolute minimum of a stat is 1 and the absolute maximum is 20, although no one is allowed to get 20.
Each race already has its own minima per stat as outline in the table above.
Variations for player are either chosen or random. For npc it's always random, unless it's a special mob like a spellcaster.
Each race / spellcaster combination will favour certain stats (bold).
The build points should be spent on these stats and they are when the choice is random, but players can do whatever they like.
Some stats are not displayed to the player, they are internal to the game system and do not change.
These system stats cannot be modified, unless a spell is used (rare).
Longevity | Run Speed | Walk Speed | Maturity | |
Player | 70 to 90 | 6 | 3 | 12 |
Orc | 15 to 45 | 6 | 3 | 9 |
Goblin | 15 to 45 | 6 | 3 | 6 |
Human | 70 to 90 | 6 | 3 | 12 |
Cat | 4 to 17 | 8 | 4 | 2 |
Faery | 630 to 810 | 12 | 6 | 540 |
While playing, however, it may be possible to rejuvenate a character (longevity stays the same, current age changes) but this is very rare and must be very hard to obtain.
Hit Points are the total damages a mob or player can sustain before dying in a fight, whether it's a brawl or a magical fight. Hit Points aren't related to Longevity.
Hit Points are the only source of energy to cast spells.
The typical spellcasters consume their own Hit Points but it's possible for some spells to attack someone else to take some of their life to power a spell.
The Hit Points are more than just being alive, it's the manifestation of intelligence made flesh, the very soul and magic of each being.
When healing, the Hit Points are restored but never exceed the maximum Hit Points score given at creation or when the mob matures into an adult.
- Hit Points (or HP): for young mobs 5 + constitution, for adult mobs 10 + constitution, and for players 20 + constitution.
- Weight allowance: Strength x 7 is how much can be carried without penalty (in kilograms). Any equipment like armour is included in the weight that is carried (or here, worn).
- Attack: Strength x 5 for Players, Strength x 4 for mobs.
- Defence: Dexterity x 3 for Players, Dexterity x 2 for mobs.
- Fire, Ice spells, and Enchantment attack: Intelligence x 5.
- Healing spells attack: Wisdom x 5.
- Resistance vs all spells: Wisdom x 2.
Hit Points | Attack | Defence | |
Player | 20 + Con | Str x 5 | Dex x 3 |
Orc Pawn | 5 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Orc Warrior | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Orc Shaman | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Goblin Young | 5 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Goblin Warrior | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Goblin Wizard | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Child | 5 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Human | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Kitten | 5 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Cat | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Cat Mystics | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Faery Youth | 5 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Faery Elder | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
Faery Enchanter | 10 + Con | Str x 4 | Dex x 2 |
To fight with melee weapons, the two opponents need to be withing melee range (10 feets), i.e. adjacent hexagons.
Unlike the rules in OSRIC, there is no initiative and the only unit of time in or out of combat is the Tick, i.e. worth 6 seconds in-game (this isn't 6 seconds of real world time, IRL, outside the game).
To hit an opponent, the attacking player or mob needs to roll a random number (0 to 100) under her Attack - Defence of the opponent. The damage is determined by the weapon wielded by the player or mob but gets mitigated by any armor or spell protection of the opponent.
Fergus is a player character, armed with a sword (4 damage points). He's not wearing any armour.
Fergus stats:
- 18 Str, 8 Dex, 18 Con, 8 Int, 12 Wis, 8 Cha
- 38 Hit Points, 90 Attack, 24 Defence
Fergus is fighting a Goblin Warrior.
The Goblin is armed with a butchering knife (3 damage points) and is wearing patches of boiled leather armour (absorbs 1 damage).
Goblin Warrior stats:
- 18 Str, 10 Dex, 4 Con, 4 Int, 4 Wis, 4 Cha
- 14 Hit Points, 72 Attack, 20 Defence
Fergus chance to hit the Goblin: 70%
Goblin chance to hit Fergus: 48%
All central governments have collapsed.
Humans are scrambling to survive in this new world and form small settlements around a shelter or roaming looting bands.
There is no money, players can help themselves to whatever they can scavenge.
There is no language in common between the 5 races, so they don't speak a universal language that makes it easy for everyone to communicate.
Cats don't speak at all, although they have been observed to coordinate themselves without a word or a single meow pronounced. No one knows how the Cats communicate or whether they have a writing system, however they seem to fully understand what every other race says or writes.
Faeries tinkle something akin to an otherworldly, faint music. It's beautiful and doesn't resemble any Human language. No-one has ever seen a book or anything written written by Faeries.
Orcs Warriors belch primitive grunts that often sound like brief marshal orders to each other. Orc Shamans commune with the Animal Totem Spirits in low mumbles that sound like drums of war, punctuated here and there by loud expletives. Orcs often forge rough runes into their weapons and armours but they don't write on anything else; the Shamans are keepers of their oral traditions and secrets. Weapons and armour bearing Orcish runes are not magical (there is no magical item in the game).
Goblins shriek an intelligible tongue that only themselves understand and irritates any non Goblin within earshot. Goblin wizards do use parchment and write unusual symbols which are hard to compare to any Human script. Goblin wizards may understand Orcish but the way they speak it is barely understable by Orcs. Goblin script is only found on their Wizard's parchments, so it's probably linked to their spells and knowledge of magic. Humans, in the golden age of the recent past, used to rule with their now broken technology, used to have English in common. With the breakdown of modern technology, Humans are now more fragmented in both their various local cultures and languages, however it's not unusual for them to speak more than one language if they have access to books and manage to gather into a stable community. Humans can of course write books but each book is difficult to make since modern tools and technologies no longer work. Magic and spells can't be taught or learnt from books though. Human playing characters can slowly learn the languages of other races if they raise their faction and start doing quests for them. The Cats have psychic spells that can be learned by Human playing characters who raise the Cats faction. That way a Human player can start understanding the languages of all races, but this is a secret and no-one knows about it, bar the players who do discover it while playing the game.
Global warming has been reversed by a prolonged cooling caused by the stellar impact. There isn't much light going through thick clouds that are almost permanently present. Glaciers have reformed and cover large parts of land. The climate is very cold most of the year, almost everywhere.
Orcs worship animal spirits.
Nobody knows whether Goblins, Faeries and Cats are religious. They don't seem to be.
Humans still follow our present day religions (Christian, Hindu, etc) but these religions are not translated into magical feats or miracles.
The game doesn't portray religions as something evil or destructive. There is no opposition between magic and religions, it's more of an opposition between modern technology and magic.
It's best to avoid any mention of Islam because that's too controversial these days.
Swear words are not allowed. Made up expressions can be created to convey strong feelings but real swear words can't be used.
Gore details should be very limited and preferably avoided. It's best to suggest the result of violence, whether it's physical or magical. Fighting sequences should be believable but not full of gore and graphic details.
The game and the story should present a world view that is both LGBTQ and Christian friendly. No message should ever be blunt or direct, it's more of a gentle and subtle subtext that it's ok to be LGBTQ and that Christianity has a positive influence on the way Humans live together.
Novels and films are great sources of inspiration for this game and the short stories, however it's important we bring a fresh and original take on ideas and situations that have already been published.
The warband of Orcs that tries to save the world is awesome. The view that humans and their monotheist religion, alongside abuse of natural resources, as the source of the destruction of magic isn't one that is supported in this game or its short stories.
The idea of Goblins as a large swarm of wicked creatures that are individually weak is very close to the Goblins of this game.
I like the tormented Elric and his aura of doomed antihero. I also like the blurring of lines between good evil. The world isn't a binary formulaic split between absolute good vs evil, which makes it much more interesting and believable. I would like the short stories and the game to be subtle in that respect.
Orcs and Goblins are “evil”, but are they really? What are Cats really up to? Are Faeries benevolent, indifferent or secretly interfering while appearing detached? Are Humans blameless victims or the artisans of their own downfall? Is each individual unique and how is race really influencing their character? How far can they stretch beyond their native culture and still be true to their nature?
The description of magic as an energy that is intimately linked to the body of the magician and can be inherited is relevant to this game.
I also like and want to use the idea that magical spells are powered by the very life force of each spellcaster, which means that overusing spells can be deadly. It's also linked to the fact that magic is closely bound to each spellcaster body and not something separate.
The two gay characters Lord Dannyl and Tayend of Tremmelin, who have a believable relationship and are not stereotypes, are an inspiring example of diversity and depth of characters in fantasy fiction.
The lead character, Ged, develops over time and finds himself. He starts as naive, impatient and petulant youth gifted with an ability to learn magic, but with years and hardship he grows into a wise and powerful mage. I would like the main character of the short stories to also progress while on a journey to find herself. A nemesis would probably be a good idea too. The nemesis of Ged, the Shadow, is the best nemesis I have ever read but I wouldn't want to simply copy it; the Shadow belongs to Earthsea (and Ursula Le Guin).
I would make a parallel between the reader of the Neverending Story, Bastian Balthazar Bux, who can restore the land of Fantasia, and this game where each player joining converts a portion of the deadly radioactive land into land that becomes liveable for both players and mobs. Each player can also model the land she conquered according to her wishes, which is close to how Bastian wishes land and creatures into existence.
- Everquest: faction system between players and mobs.
- World of Warcraft: Orcs and the Shaman class.
- Fighting Fantasy: the simple fighting system with a small number of character and mob stats.
- Magic the Gathering: absence of character leveling, all advanced abilities are based on combinations of spells. Starting Hit Points points are always the same since there is no leveling.
- Fallout:
- Fire Emblem:
- The Shanara Chronicles: world of Humans is a distant memory, machines are rusty beyond repairs and cities have fallen.
- The Monsters are due on Maple Street, episode 22 in first season of The Twilight Zone: when the monsters arrive, all technology stops working (electricity, telephone and cars).
Please note the backstory in this part is top secret and is not to be mentioned directly in any story.
Its purpose is purely to help writer understand where the new races come from.
Its format is made of questions and answers:
- Yes, fairies are childlike until they become elders.
- Elder fairies are a bit more mature, but not too much more.
- Fairies stay young for hundreds of years.
- No, all the magical creatures came from somewhere but no-one knows where so that needs to remain a mystery.
- Your story doesn't need to and shouldn't explain everything.
- My vision of these short stories is to give an insight into what each race is like.
- It's best to give a vivid impression of a short moment of their lives.
- The text is more literature (very short) than RPG explanation of what an Orc is, for example.
- No, the reader will care about the story characters even without having a full understanding of where that character races come from.
- The stories should give good, believable descriptions of what the world looks like.
- The climate and the sky deserve a special mention because it's become very cold and dark.
Where did Orcs, Goblins and Faeries really come from if they weren't already on Earth before the cataclysm?
- Orcs, Goblins and Faeries came from out of space but nobody knows about it.
- It's important to keep this information out of the stories (for now).
- Yes, they did.
- Another secret side of the stories is that Cats are spying on everyone and keeping tabs on what's going on, but that again can't be in the stories.
- The Cats are making everyone believe they evolved from Earth local Sphynx Cats but that's a lie: they just happen to look like Sphynx cats.
- Yes, however everyone bought the lie that Cats evolved from Earth Sphynx cats while all other cat breeds died out.
- In fact all domestic cats died but nobody knows this.
- The Cats they didn't come with Orcs, Goblins and Faeries, they followed them.
- Cats are science fiction super evolved creatures and use a form of technology that looks like magic
- Human technology stopped working because it's based on primitive tools and principles.
- Technology is working, but the magic of Orcs, Goblins and Faeries stopped it.
- Cats have something else much more evolved and advanced, to the point that no-one realises this, not even Orcs, Goblins and Faeries.
- The Cats pretending to be evolved Sphynx are part of a multi-stellar network of planets that is making sure the magical invasion of Earth by Orcs, Goblins and Faeries is following certain rules.
- Cats are not limited by their physical form and life span. The spirit and mind of a Cat lives on through multiple incarnations. They chose the shape of Sphynx cats because that's a weak, understated, discreet shape. No-one would suspect a cat to be a powerful being that manipulates everyone and everything.
- Yes, by Orcs, Goblins and Faeries. The cats are observing the whole process to make sure it follows the protocol for lawful planetary invasions.
To summarize, Earth is being invaded by Faeries, Orcs and Goblins. Overseers that look like sphynx cats are observing the invasion to make sure it follows intergalactic protocols for invasion.
- Yes.
- Yes, but they are not really enemies with each other, Earth is big enough for them.
- Orcs, Goblins and Faeries don't fight each other.
- They are quite happy to use Human players to further their aims, though.
- It's more of a non-violent competition
Are they all taking Earth because their planets have died or are they trying to take Earth to colonize it?
- They're taking control of Earth because it's a good planet that supports life.
- They don't want Humans to dominate because mankind and its technology are able to damage the world beyond repair, something the Orcs, Goblins and Faeries would never do.
Okay, the Faeries, Orcs and Goblins are taking Earth because they don't care about humans, and don't want to share the planet with them, so the humans have to fight Orcs and Goblins?
- The Faeries are staying aloof and Humans don't realise they've been invaded.
- With central government collapse, there is very little coordination or understanding of what is really going on.
- The lack of technology aid hugely impairs mankind since it became so dependent on it.
- Orcs and Goblins are actively and visibly killing Humans. Faeries are more subtle and there is no evidence of a Faery ever killing a Human.
- Yes, they are all invading expect the Cats that "protect" Humans by making sure rules are respected.
- So far the invaders are respecting the rules although they don't fully realise this.
- The Cats manipulate everyone in such subtle ways that no-one realises they are.
- One of the Cat rules is that it wouldn't be allowed to completely exterminate all Humans.
They all use the magic that's already here because they can. The cats aren't invading, just overseeing... sometimes they intercede so that the rules are adhered to, which seems like they're protecting the Humans?
- The magic comes from inside the bodies of the very few and rare magic wielders.
- It's not part of Earth, it's a corporal thing.
- Very few Humans have evolved through the manipulation of the Cats, but it's very rare.
- It's part of the balancing act managed by the Cats to make sure Humans are not completely extinct.
- Yes, the Cats are running the show, however the Cats never initiated the invasion, they're just looking after Humans to make sure they don't go completely extinct.
- The only powers of the Cats that other know about is their ability to become invisible, see in the dark and create small illusions.
- The Cats are very much underestimated by all and no-one knows much about them.
- Even that little knowledge of Cats becoming invisible, seeings without any light and creating small illusions is rare.
- Goblins, Orcs and Faeries don't fully understand they are being influenced by Cats, they're not on an equal footing with Cats.
- Cats are ahead of everyone else and no-one knows it.