Learn how to develop Event Driven Microservices using Spring Boot, Axon framework, CQRS, Saga, Event Sourcing patterns
- Section 1 - Database-per-service pattern
- Section 2- Understanding CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns- Theory
- Section 3 - Implementing CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns
- Section 4 - Materialized View Pattern
- Section 5 - Choreography Saga pattern
- Section 6 - Orchestration Saga pattern
- Section 7 - Snapshots in Event sourcing pattern
- Section 8 - Thank You & Congratulations
- Good understanding on Java and Spring concepts
- Good knowledge on Spring Boot, Microservices
- AxonIQ website - https://www.axoniq.io/
- AxonIQ Docs - https://docs.axoniq.io/home/
- RabbitMQ website - https://www.rabbitmq.com