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Completed studies:
- ISU Graphics Group (04-08-2021 at 4:00pm) Exponential Prediction, Eye Fitting Straight Lines
- experiment_details
- experiment: provides the graphical experiment name,
. - question: what question are the participants being asked?
Use your mouse to fill in the trend in the yellow box region
. - ydipp: you draw it's per plot,
12 (8 log scale; 4 eyefitting)
. - trials_req: number of trieals required for participant to move on to the experiment,
- experiment: provides the graphical experiment name,
- exp_parameter_details
- parm_id: unique parameter combination ID for exponential data,
exp_1, exp_2, exp_3, exp_4
. - beta: beta parameter used to simulate exponential point data,
0.1, 0.23
. - sd: standard deviation used to generate exponential point data errors,
0.09, 0.25
. - points_end_scale: parameter indicating how far along the x-domain to simulate points,
0.5, 0.75
. - points_choice: parameter indicating how far to show points in the you draw it plot,
. - N: number of points to generate along the exponential trend,
N = 30
. - aspect_ratio: aspect ratio of the you draw it plot,
. - free_draw: allow free draw on the you draw it plot,
. - x_min: minimum x value to simulate data from,
. - x_max: maximum x value to simulate data to,
. - x_by: step of x values to simulate data from, also determines the increment of user data outputted,
. - ymin_scale: lower end buffer on y-axis,
0.5 (implies min(y)*0.5)
- ymax_scale: upper end buffer on y-axis,
2 (implies max(y)*2)
. - draw_start_scale: where along the x-axis should the user begin drawing
0.5 (implies 20*0.5 = 10)
- parm_id: unique parameter combination ID for exponential data,
- eyefitting_parameter_details
see README.md Treatment Design
- parm_id: unique parameter combination ID for eye fitting straight lines data
S, F, V, N
- y_xbar: parameter indicating the y-value at the mean of the x values.
- slope: parameter indicating the slope of the line.
- sigma: parameter indicating the standard deviation of the point data errors.
- x_min: minimum x value to simulate data from,
. - x_max: maximum x value to simulate data to,
- parm_id: unique parameter combination ID for eye fitting straight lines data
- simulated_data
- dataset: indicates whether the given x/y values correspond to the point data or line data
- parm_id: provides the unique parameter combination ID
exp_1, exp_2, exp_3, exp_4, S, F, V, N
. - x: x values for the entire simulated data set.
- y: corresponding y values for the entire simulated data set (points or lines)
- ip_address: (hashed for privacy): unique identifier for the computer being used to complete the experiment.
- nick_name: (hashed for privacy): unique identifier combining the user's ip_address, screen resolution, etc.
- study_starttime: indicates the time participant begin the study, used for unique identification of run.
- feedback
- parm_id: provides the unique parameter combination ID
exp_1, exp_2, exp_3, exp_4, S, F, V, N
. - x: x values of the points drawn by the user.
- y: y values of the actual fitted line (by lm or nls) corresponding to the y values.
- ydrawn: y values as drawn by the user line (participant) corresponding to the x values.
- linear: indicates whether the data was drawn on the linear or log scale
. - ip_address: (hashed for privacy): unique identifier for the computer being used to complete the experiment.
- nick_name: (hashed for privacy): unique identifier combining the user's ip_address, screen resolution, etc.
- study_starttime: indicates the time participant begin the study, used for unique identification of run.
- start_time: time in which the participant began predicting that particular you draw it plot
- end_time: time in which the participant completed predicting that particular you draw it plot.
- parm_id: provides the unique parameter combination ID
- users
- nick_name: (hashed for privacy): unique identifier combining the user's ip_address, screen resolution, etc.
- study_starttime: indicates the time participant begin the study, used for unique identification of run.
- age: indicates the participants age range.
- gender: indicates the gender the participant identifies by.
- academic_study: indicates the level of education the participant has completed.
- recruitment: indicates how the participant was recruited for the study.
- ip_address: (hashed for privacy): unique identifier for the computer being used to complete the experiment.
- experiment_details