This document describes how exerslide is structured. If you want to write a plugin for exerslide, this document is for you.
Exerslide has three subsystems:
The last two can also be extended via plugins.
The CLI consists of two parts: The global executable exerslide
(provided via
) and subcommands local to each presentation (provided by the
local exerslide
The global executable only has a single command built-in: init
. Its only task
is to create an empty package and install exerslide
into the current working
All other commands used to interact with exerslide (such as exerslide build
exerslide serve
) are actually provided by the local exerslide
(defined in cli/
That makes exerslide-cli
independent from the current exerslide
version and
allows to use the global exerslide
command with any number of presentations,
even if they have different exerslide
versions. For example, this allows us
to add a new command to exerslide
, without having to update exerslide-cli
The builder is responsible for converting all JavaScript, CSS and other asset files into a webpage. It is based on webpack and uses a custom loader to convert slide files to JavaScript.
The builder is configured through two files: exerslide.config.js
. Both of these files are copied into the project folder
so that they can be customized. exerslide.config.js
is specific to exerslide,
is a standard webpack configuration file.
The majority of the work, determining which files to bundle and include in the webpage, is done by webpack. Exerslide's loader (slide loader) takes care of making the slide files available to webpack.
The slide loader is a transformation pipeline that converts a text file into a JavaScript file. Without any additional transformation steps, it would simply take a text (slide) file, parse the YAML front matter into a JavaScript object, adds the "body" of the slide as another property and create a JavaScript file that exports that object.
For example, the following file
title: Example
Hello World!
will be converted to
module.exports = {
options: {
title: "Example",
content: "Hello World!"
Before we go into more detail how the transform pipeline works, lets first
clarify how the loader gets all the slide files. The builder generates a
temporary file that has all slide files as dependencies. What is and isn't a
slide file is determined by two configuration options in exerslide.config.js
and processSlides
Their default values are
* ...
slidePaths: [
* ...
processSlides(paths) {
return paths.filter(isTextPath).sort();
This will result in all textfiles in slides/
or its subfolders to be
considered a slide file.
With this, the builder generates a temporary file that looks something like
module.exports = [
The !!slide-loader!
part before the path tells webpack to convert this file
via the slide loader.
Note: The slidePaths
patterns are also used to automatically pick up new
slides when using exerslide watch
or exerslide serve
The transformation pipeline is executed in two phases: The first phase allows registered functions to inspect and transform the raw source of the file. The second phase lets transformers access and modify the parsed object.
Transformers have access to helper methods that helps them to inject JavaScript source code into the slide file. For example, a transformer might want to import a module at runtime and assign it to a property of the slide object.
The transformer cannot do
slide.converter = require('converter');
because that would require the module now at build time, and probably couldn't be converted to JavaScript source code anyway. However,
slide.converter = "require('converter')";
is not correct either since that would literally result in a JavaScript string literal in the source.
Instead, the transform can use a helper method:
const action = utils.getAssignAction(
that returns an action that can be returned by the transformer.
The general structure of a transformer is a function that returns an object
with a before
and / or an after
function transformer(utils) {
return {
before(source, next, options) {
// analyze and process raw source
next(error, source, actions);
after(slide, next, options) {
// modify slide object
next(error, slide, actions);
passes control to the next transformer and accepts an error object (or
), the modified source
or slide
object, and a list of actions
perform to generate the final JavaScript file.
An example of a transformer is the language highlight
It looks for all code fences with a language name and injects code into the
final JavaScript file to load only the highlighter for the used languages.
Exerslide creates a React web application. The code is split between files
in the project directory and exerslide's internals
). Upon initialization of a new
project, exerslide copies a couple of React components and CSS files into the
project folder so that the author can customize them more easily.
inside a project folder is the main entry file and calls
exerslide's present
function. This function accepts a list of slide objects
and a master layout, and sets up a pubsub system to communicate events
throughout the app and plugins.
TODO: expand
There are two types of plugins that can be written for exerslide: build-time (server) plugins and run-time (browser) plugins.
Build-time plugins are plugins that provide information or functionality at build time (note: these plugins can also provide runtime functionality). They can
- add transformers to the transformation pipeline
- extend the webpack configuration
- provide layouts
- provide content converters
Built-time plugins are registered in the exerslide.config.js
plugins: [
These plugins have to be node packages themselves and follow specific rules:
If a plugin has a
file and it exports a function, the function is called when the build process starts and gets passed theexerslide.config.js
configuration objects. This allows plugins to influence the build process (e.g. add a transformer). -
If a plugin has a
folder, components in that folder are made available to slides as layouts at runtime. -
If a plugin has a
folder, the files in that folder are made available as content type converters at runtime.
Run-time plugins extend how exerslide works in the browser. They can
- extend the UI
- configure or extend convent type converters
- react to user events and exerslide events
Run-time plugins are added in the js/exerslide.js
file of the project.
exerslide's browser API (exerslide/browser
) provides the function use
register plugins:
import somePlugin from 'somePlugin';
use(somePlugin, optionalArguments);
A run-time plugin is just a function that gets passes the exerslide browser API object, so you could just as well do
somePlugin(exerslide, optionalArguments);
The exerslide browser API has methods that allow plugins to listen to internal exerslide events, such as when a slide is shown or the initial page load is complete. Many core features, such as keyboard navigation or content scaling, are implemented as plugins.
The following example logs the title of the current slide to the console.
function logTitlePlugin(exerslide) {
exerslide.subscribe('SLIDE.DID_MOUNT', function(data) {
Exerslide allows the author to "mark" certain places in the UI (e.g. in the
master layout) as "extension points". This is done by using the
component. For example:
<ExtensionPoint tags={['main']}>
<div id="main">
Extension points are already present in the default master and slide layouts and in other components such as the toolbar.
A plugin can call exerslide.registerComponent
to dynamically "inject" a
component into the component tree. registerComponent
accepts a component, a
"mode" (how to inject the component) and a list of tags that indicate at which
extension point to inject the component.
Via mode
the plugin can specify if the component should be prepended or
appended to extension point, if it should wrap the extension point or even
replace its content.
In the below example the extension point preprends a text field that shows the layout name of the current slide.
function showChapterName(exerslide) {
({slide}) => <div>Layout: {slide.options.layout || '(no layout)'}</div>,
Have a look at browser/plugins/