An example project showing how you can use realm and Combine to create a reactive MVVM application.
In this example Models are stored in Realm. One of Realms great features is that you can subscribe to change to individual objects or entire queries. In addition to having it's own
native observation system is provides Combine
that we use. Queries have queries that return the entire result set as it changes or a changeset that can be used to
animate updates. We use the latter, changeSetPublisher
. Additionally, we have added an extension to Object
that allows you to observe a single property, .propertyValuePublisher()
This is very handy when propagating changes from your Model to your ViewModel.
Ideally your ViewModel is primarily a mapping layer, transforming data and changes from your Models into a clean representation of what your Views will display.
In addition to the propertyValuePublisher
discussed above, the ObservableArray
makes this job much easier.
The ObservableArray
performs a couple roles. First, it gives you an easy way to map your Models into observable ViewModel Items. It then publishes the changes for you
so they can be easily bound to TableViewSectionBinding.items
. Additinally, the current array of mapped items is always available and there is a Publisher
that publishes
the current value of the array (instead of the changes.) If your ViewModel Item conforms to ViewModelItem
, then ViewModelItemArray
can create your ViewModel Items from
the Models without any explicit mapping code. Realm's Result
has an extension that will return an ObservableArray
, .asItemArray()
. In the end it allows to create code
like the following:
class PeopleViewModel {
let items: AnyObservableArray<Item>
init() {
let realm = try! Realm()
self.items = realm.objects(Person.self)
.sorted(by: ["firstName", "lastName"])
class Item: ViewModelItem {
let id: String
let name: String
required init(_ person: Person) {
id =
name = "\(person.firstName) \(person.lastName)"
can be easily bound to a TableViewSectionBinding
which will track changes and perform them interactively. Here we are creating an ObservableArray
bound to
While most Data Binding involves pushing data from your View Model into your view, there are times when the ViewModel needs state from the UI. On the ViewModel side, you will usually want to use a CurrentValueSubject
. This gives you access to the current value as well as allowing you to subscribe to changes. In your view you can simply update the values using the .value
on the CurrentValueSubject
or use data binding support for updating values.
When state is coming into your view model you may need to have some kind of validation code. This may be to let View know when it is safe to commit changes or other state and validation information. This can be accomplished by using CombineLatest
and .map
to produce output values, as in the following:
let firstName = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
let lastName = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
lazy var canAddPerson = Publishers.CombineLatest(self.firstName, self.lastName).map({ !$0.0.isEmpty && !$0.1.isEmpty }).eraseToAnyPublisher()
Note that while validation libraries exist, they tend to push validation out to the View layer which violates the basic principle of MVVM (business logic shouldn't be embedded in the View.) Generally speaking, validation logic should be handled in the ViewModel (using Combine in our case) and presented in the View.
In order to make data binding from the ViewModel to the View cleaner and simpler a data binding operator has been introduced: *=
(pronounced "binds to"). The left hand side
of the bind operator is receiving data from the right hand side. Generally speaking, it allows binding Publishers to UIKit values, although there is additional support for UITableView
(See Table View Binding) as well as binding values back to the ViewModel.
The easiest way to understand what is happening is to start with how data binding with Combine might be done using existing API's. You might use the following to bind first and last name Publishers in your ViewModel to UILabel's text property:
@IBOutlet weak var firstName: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var lastName: UILabel!
var bindings = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func bind() {
viewModel.firstName.sink(receiveValue: { self.firstName.text = $0 }).store(in: &bindings)
viewModel.lastName.sink(receiveValue: { self.lastName.text = $0 }).store(in: &bindings)
(Note: yes we could use assign
instead of sink
, but it's not much more readable and doesn't handle null coercion well.) Using our binding syntax, we would have the following:
var bindings: BindingGroup?
func bind() {
bindings = BindingGroup {
firstName.textBinding *= viewModel.firstName
lastName.textBinding *= viewModel.lastName
This is accomplished with a few small components. The first is the BindingGroup
. It is essentially a wrapper around Set<AnyCancellable>
with the concept of a current
"scope". The BindingGroup
constructor sets the current binding group while the block passed to it is running and restores it after the call completes. (This is essentially a global
vartiable.) This allows us to capture sinks without having any explicily coded.
The second component is the Binding
. This is a very simple helper class that holds an object and writable key path. In our example textBinding
is a Binding
instance in an
extension to UILabel
. These need to be defined for View properties you want to bind to.
The third is the binding operator, *=
. There are couple flavors of this operator but they do essentially the same thing:
create a sink updating the property via the key path whenever the value changes
add the sink to the current
That's about all there is to it! Well, there are some special versions of the bind operator to support UITableViews and we also have some support for binding values back to the ViewModel.
Inputs for ViewModels will be presented as some kind of Subject
, which will often be a CurrentValueSubject
. The View may explicitly update the value using .send(value)
To make this more declarative, bindings may be set-up for this reverse relationship as well. This has been done for UITextField
s, using TextFieldBinding
creates a delegate for a UITextField
that can update a Subject
as the user types. If a value is defined in the ViewModel as:
let firstName = CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
The View layer can bind to it using the following:
self.firstNameLabel *= TextFieldBinding.subject(viewModel.firstName).nextField(self.lastNameLabel)
Additionally, we are telling the TextFieldBinding
to use self.lastNameLabel
as the "next field" using TextFieldBinding
's Composable Delegate support, see below.
Composable delegates are a pattern that allows NSObject
-based delegates to be defined as a series of fluent-style declarations. This is achieved by creating a "chain" of delegates that
act together as a composite object. The ComposableDelegate<Delegate>
base class is the framework you can use to get started with this, it has an optional 'nextDelegate' variable that
will receive any messages that the object is not able to process itself. Composable Delegates are used for TableViewBinding
and TextFieldBinding
in this example app.
A TableViewSectionBinding
might be defined using the following:
let delegate = TextFieldSectionBinding
This would create the following chain of delegates (note they are linked in the opposite order you see in code):
TableViewSectionBinding.DidSelectRow (-tableView:didSelectRowAt:)
nextDelegate: TableViewSectionBinding.RowHeight (-tableView:heightForRowAt:)
nextDelegate: TableViewSectionBinding.HeaderTitle (-tableView:titleForHeaderInSection:)
nextDelegate: TableViewSectionBinding.Items (-tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:, -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:)
The TableViewBinding
and TableViewSectionBinding
classes allow you to build a UITableViewDataSource
and UITableViewDelegate
using a fluent syntax.
Additionally, there are bindings to Combine
s that allow changes to be dynamically updated. These bindings are designed specifically to work with Realm's
change notifications system which posts inserts, deletes and changes.
The methods below handle the most common DataSource and Delegate methods but there are many mode that haven't been implemented. Adding new Bindings should be pretty easy
using the existing code as a guide. TableViewBinding.default()
is your ultimate escape hatch -- it receives all delegate calls that aren't handled by the TableViewBinding, typically
could bind this to self
and implement methods the conventional way.
builds a delegate for handling a single section. It may also be used directly as the data source/delegate if you have a single section table. The following
methods allow you to define a section's behaviors:
- items is responsible for presnting the cells in the section. It can accept aPublisher
or an array of items. For aPublisher
it should be publishingRealmCollectionChange<[Element>]
events whereElement
is your ViewModel item. If theElement
conforms toBindableViewModelItem
it will be able to figure out the view (UITableCell
descendent) for you, otherwise you can pass a method in to return the cell. You may also pass an arry of staticUITableViewCell
's and those will be presented in the section. -
- Defines the head or footer title for standard header cells. Pass nil to supress the display of the header or footer. -
- Pass a block to be executed whenever a row is selected -
- Pass a block to determine cell height, a constant value or useautomaticCellHeight
to use autolayout to determine the height.
is responsible for delegating calls to TableViewSectionBinding
s for each section and handling any non-section related delegate methods. It can accept a Publisher
that publishes changes events which allows it to handle section insertion and deletion. (Note there is not much support for creating these Publishers
currently.) You may also pass an array
of TableViewSectionBinding
s which is expected to be the c ommon case.
- Receives either aPublisher
or an array ofTableViewSectionBinding
s -
- Receives anNSObject
that receives any delegate calls not handled by the rest of the system. This can be a convenient way to implement methods not covered by the TableViewBinding system.
TableViews have special versions of the "bind to" operator (*=
) that handle the aditional book keeping required to wire up a table view delegate. These methods do the following:
- sets the
property on theTableViewBinding
- sets the
properrties on theUITableView
(pointing to theTableViewBinding
object) - adds the
to theBindingGroup
. This handles situations where the object is created in scope but would be dealloced becausedataSource
are both weak bindings.
The right side of the bind operator may be the following types:
- Do all the actions listed above, binding to the cells for this view modelViewModelItemArray<Element>
- Bind to an array of items matchingElement
(for a single section) - Bind to either a publisher ofRealmCollectionChange<[BindableViewModelItem]>
(for multipel sections) - Bind to a publisher ofRealmCollectionChange<[TableViewSectionBinding]>
(for multiple sections) - Bind to[TableViewSectionBinding]